Chapter XLIV.—Heresy Lowers Respect for Christ, and Destroys All Fear of His Great Judgment. The Tendency of Heretical Teaching on This Solemn Article of the Faith. The Present Treatise an Introduction to Certain Other Anti-Heretical Works of Our Author.
These evidences, then, of a stricter discipline existing among us, are an additional proof of truth, from which no man can safely turn aside, who bears in mind that future judgment, when “we must all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ,”449 2 Cor. v. 10. to render an account of our faith itself before all things. What, then, will they say who shall have defiled it, even the virgin which Christ committed to them with the adultery of heretics? I suppose they will allege that no injunction was ever addressed to them by Him or by His apostles concerning depraved450 Scævis. and perverse doctrines assailing them,451 Futuris. or about their avoiding and abhorring the same. (He and His apostles, perhaps,) will acknowledge452 It seems to us, that this is the force of the strong irony, indicated by the “credo,” which pervades this otherwise unintelligible passage. Dodgson’s version seems untenable: “Let them (the heretics) acknowledge that the fault is with themselves rather than with those who prepared us so long beforehand.” that the blame rather lies with themselves and their disciples, in not having given us previous warning and instruction! They453 Christ and His apostles, as before, in continuation of the strong irony. will, besides, add a good deal respecting the high authority of each doctor of heresy,—how that these mightily strengthened belief in their own doctrine; how that they raised the dead, restored the sick, foretold the future, that so they might deservedly be regarded as apostles. As if this caution were not also in the written record: that many should come who were to work even the greatest miracles, in defence of the deceit of their corrupt preaching. So, forsooth, they will deserve to be forgiven! If, however, any, being mindful of the writings and the denunciations of the Lord and the apostles, shall have stood firm in the integrity of the faith, I suppose they will run great risk of missing pardon, when the Lord answers: I plainly forewarned you that there should be teachers of false doctrine in my name, as well as that of the prophets and apostles also; and to my own disciples did I give a charge, that they should preach the same things to you. But as for you, it was not, of course, to be supposed454 This must be the force of a sentence which is steeped in irony: “Scilicet cum vos non crederetis.” We are indebted to Oehler for restoring the sentence thus. that you would believe me! I once gave the gospel and the doctrine of the said rule (of life and faith) to my apostles; but afterwards it was my pleasure to make considerable changes in it! I had promised a resurrection, even of the flesh; but, on second thoughts, it struck me455 Recogitavi. that I might not be able to keep my promise! I had shown myself to have been born of a virgin; but this seemed to me afterwards to be a discreditable thing.456 Turpe. I had said that He was my Father, who is the Maker of the sun and the showers; but another and better father has adopted me! I had forbidden you to lend an ear to heretics; but in this I erred! Such (blasphemies), it is possible,457 Capit. do enter the minds of those who go out of the right path,458 Exorbitant. and who do not defend459 Cavent. the true faith from the danger which besets it.
Postremo si forte praescriptionibus his non moveantur, ad futuri judicii metum, et haereticos provocat, et eos qui aures haereticis accommodant.
Proinde haec pressioris apud nos testimonia disciplinae ad probationem veritatis accedunt; a qua divertere nemini expedit, qui meminerit futuri judicii quo omnes nos necesse est apud Christi tribunal astare reddentes rationem in primis ipsius fidei. Quid ergo dicent qui illam stupraverint adulterio haeretico, virginem traditam a Christo? Credo, allegabunt, nihil unquam sibi ab illo vel ab apostolis ejus, de seris et perversis doctrinis futuris praenuntiatum, et 0059B de cavendis abominandisque praeceptum. Agnoscant suam potius culpam quam illorum, qui nos tanto ante praestruxerunt. Adjicient praeterea multa de auctoritate cujusque doctoris haeretici; illos maxime doctrinae suae fidem confirmasse, mortuos suscitasse, debiles reformasse, futura significasse, uti merito apostoli crederentur . Quasi nec hoc scriptum sit, venturos multos qui etiam virtutes maximas ederent , ad fallaciam muniendam corruptae praedicationis. Itaque veniam merebuntur? Qui vero memores dominicarum et apostolicarum denuntiationum in fide integri steterint, credo de venia periclitabuntur, respondente Domino: «Praenuntiaveram 0060A plane futuros fallaciae magistros in meo nomine et Prophetarum et Apostolorum etiam; et discentibus meis eadem ad vos praedicare mandaveram; semel evangelium et ejusdem regulae doctrinam apostolis meis delegaveram; sed cum vos non crederetis, libuit mihi postea aliqua inde mutare : resurrectionem promiseram etiam carnis; sed recogitavi ne implere non possem: natum me ostenderam ex virgine; sed postea turpe mihi visum est: patrem dixeram qui solem et pluvias fecit, sed alius me pater melior adoptavit: prohibueram vos aurem accommodare haereticis, sed erravi . . . ?» Talia capit opinari eos qui exorbitant, et fidei veritatis periculum non cavent.