[Chapter XLV.] On the present occasion, indeed, our treatise has rather taken up a general position against heresies, (showing that they must) all be refuted on definite, equitable, and necessary rules, without460 This sense comes from the “repellendas” and the “a collatione Scripturarum.” any comparison with the Scriptures. For the rest, if God in His grace permit, we shall prepare answers to certain of these heresies in separate treatises.461 Specialiter. He did this, indeed, in his treatises against Marcion, Hermogenes, the Valentinians, Praxeas, and others. [These are to follow in this Series. Kaye (p. 47) justly considered this sentence as proving the De Præscript, a preface to all his treatises against particular heresies.] To those who may devote their leisure in reading through these (pages), in the belief of the truth, be peace, and the grace of our God Jesus Christ for ever.462 Elucidation V.
0060B Porro hoc institutum simul aggressus etiam specialiter, initio facto a judaismo, haereticos omnes ad sua usque tempora recenset, et imprimis Dositheum, Sadducaeos, Pharisaeos.
Sed nunc quidem generaliter actum est a nobis adversus haereses omnes, certis et justis, et necessariis praescriptionibus repellendas a conlatione Scripturarum. De reliquo, si Dei gratia annuerit, etiam specialiter quibusdam respondebimus . Haec in fide veritatis ci . . . . legentibus pax et gratia Domini nostri Jesu Christi in aeternum.