Chapter XXVI.—Type of Those Born Under Pisces.
Those born in Pisces will be of the following description: of moderate dimensions, pointed forehead like fishes, shaggy hair, frequently they become soon grey. The same by nature are of exalted soul, simple, passionate, penurious, talkative; in the first period of life they will be drowsy; they are desirous of managing business by themselves, of high repute, venturesome, emulous, accusers, changing their locality, lovers, dancers; for friendship, useful.
[26] Ἐν Ἰχθύσι τύπος: μήκει μέσῳ, ὡς ἰχθύες μετώπῳ ὀξεῖ, τριχὶ δασείᾳ, πολλάκις πολιοὶ ταχέως γίνονται. οἱ αὐτοὶ φύσεως: ψυχῇ μεγάλῃ, ἁπλοῖ, ὀργίλοι, φειδωλοί, λάλοι, [τῇ] πρώτῃ ἡλικίᾳ ἔσονται ὑπνωτικοί, δι' ἑαυτῶν πραγματείαν πρᾶξαι θέλουσιν, ἔνδοξοι, τολμηροί, ζηλωτικοί, κατήγοροι, τόπον ἀλλάσσοντες, φιληταί, ὀρχησταί, εἰς φιλίαν ὠφέλιμοι.