And Moses, becoming the leader of the Jews, as we have already stated, was expelled from the land of Egypt by the king, Pharaoh, whose name was Amasis, and who, they say, reigned after the expulsion of the people 25 years and 4 months, as Manetho assumes. And after him [reigned] Chebron, 13 years. And after him Amenophis, 20 years 7 months. And after him his sister Amessa, 21 years 1 month. And after her Mephres, 12 years 9 months. And after him Methramuthosis, 20 years and 10 months. And after him Tythmoses, 9 years 8 months. And after him Damphenophis, 30 years 10 months. And after him Orus, 35 years 5 months. And after him his daughter, 10 years 3 months. After her Mercheres, 12 years 3 months. And after him his son Armais, 30 years 1 month. After him Messes, son of Miammus, 6 years, 2 months. After him Rameses, 1 year 4 months. After him Amenophis, 19 years 6 months. After him his sons Thoessus and Rameses, 10 years, who, it is said, had a large cavalry force and naval equipment. The Hebrews, indeed, after their own separate history, having at that time migrated into the land of Egypt, and been enslaved by the king Tethmosis, as already said, built for him strong cities, Peitho, and Rameses, and On, which is Heliopolis; so that the Hebrews, who also are our ancestors, and from whom we have those sacred books which are older than all authors, as already said, are proved to be more ancient than the cities which were at that time renowned among the Egyptians. And the country was called Egypt from the king Sethos. For the word Sethos, they say, is pronounced “Egypt.”154 Or, reading ὀ γὰρ Σέθως, “Sethos is also called Egyptus.” And Sethos had a brother, by name Armais. He is called Danaus, the same who passed from Egypt to Argos, whom the other authors mention as being of very ancient date.
Ὁ δὲ Μωσῆς ὁδηγήσας τοὺς Ἰουδαίους, ὡς ἔφθημεν εἰρηκέναι, ἐκβεβλημένους ἀπὸ γῆς Aἰγύπτου ὑπὸ βασιλέως Φαραώ, οὗ τοὔνομα Τέθμωσις, ὅς, φασίν, μετὰ τὴν ἐκβολὴν τοῦ λαοῦ ἐβασίλευσεν ἔτη εἴκοσι πέντε καὶ μῆνας δ, ὡς ὑφῄρηται Μαναιθώς. καὶ μετὰ τοῦτον Χεβρῶν ἔτη ιγ. μετὰ δὲ τοῦτον Ἀμένωφις ἔτη κ, μῆνας ἑπτά. μετὰ δὲ τοῦτον ἡ ἀδελφὴ αὐτοῦ Ἀμέσση ἔτη κα, μῆνας ἐννέα. μετὰ δὲ ταύτην Μήφρης ἔτη ιβ, μῆνας θ. μετὰ δὲ τοῦτον Μηφραμμούθωσις ἔτη κε, μῆνας ι. καὶ μετὰ τοῦτον Τυθμώσης ἔτη θ, μῆνας η. καὶ μετὰ τοῦτον Ἀμένωφις ἔτη λ, μῆνας ι. μετὰ δὲ τοῦτον Ὠρος ἔτη λ , μῆνας πέντε. τούτου δὲ θυγάτηρ Ἀκεγχερὴς ἔτη ιβ, μῆνα α. μετὰ δὲ ταύτην Ῥαθῶτις ἔτη θ. μετὰ δὲ τοῦτον Ἀκεγχήρης ἔτη ιβ, μῆνας ε. μετὰ δὲ τοῦτον Ἀκεγχήρης ἔτη ιβ, μῆνας γ. τοῦ δὲ Ἄρμαϊς ἔτη δ, μῆνα α. καὶ μετὰ τοῦτον Ῥαμέσσης ἐνιαυτόν, μῆνας δ. μετὰ δὲ τοῦτον Ἀρμέσσης Μιαμμοῦ ἔτη ξ καὶ μῆνας β. καὶ μετὰ τοῦτον Ἀμένωφις ἔτη ιθ, μῆνας . τοῦ δὲ Σέθως καὶ Ῥαμέσσης ἔτη ξ, οὕς φασιν ἐσχηκέναι πολλὴν δύναμιν ἱππικῆς καὶ παράταξιν ναυτικῆς κατὰ τοὺς ἰδίους χρόνους. Oἱ μὲν Ἑβραῖοι, κατ' ἐκεῖνο καιροῦ παροικήσαντες ἐν γῇ Aἰγύπτῳ καὶ καταδουλωθέντες ὑπὸ βασιλέως ὃς προείρηται Τέθμωσις, ᾠκοδόμησαν αὐτῷ πόλεις ὀχυράς, τήν τε Πειθὼ καὶ Ῥαμεσσῆ καὶ Ὤν, ἥτις ἐστὶν Ἡλίου πόλις· ὥστε καὶ τῶν πόλεων τῶν τότε ὀνομαστῶν κατ' Aἰγυπτίους δείκνυνται προγενέστεροι οἱ Ἑβραῖοι ὄντες, οἳ καὶ προπάτορες ἡμῶν, ἀφ' ὧν καὶ τὰς ἱερὰς βίβλους ἔχομεν ἀρχαιοτέρας οὔσας ἁπάντων συγγραφέων, καθὼς προειρήκαμεν. Aἴγυπτος δὲ ἡ χώρα ἐκλήθη ἀπὸ τοῦ βασιλέως Σέθως· ὁ γὰρ Σέθως, φασίν, Aἴγυπτος καλεῖται. τῷ δὲ Σέθως ἦν ἀδελφὸς ᾧ ὄνομα Ἄρμαϊς· οὗτος ∆αναὸς κέκληται ὁ εἰς Ἄργος ἀπὸ Aἰγύπτου παραγενόμενος, οὗ μέμνηται οἱ λοιποὶ συγγραφεῖς ὡς πάνυ ἀρχαίου τυγχάνοντος.