Lives of the Eminent Philosophers
Book I .
Of songs still sung these verses belong to him:
Here too are certain current apophthegms assigned to him:
I may also cite one of my own, from my first book, Epigrams in Various Metres
Solon inserted one of his own:
That he foresaw the tyranny of Pisistratus is proved by a passage from a poem of his:
Of the songs sung this is attributed to Solon:
The inscription on his statue runs thus:
His apophthegm is: Give a pledge, and suffer for it. A short letter is also ascribed to him.
To him belongs the apophthegm, Know thine opportunity.
and Hipponax thus: More powerful in pleading causes than Bias of Priene.
For this earns most gratitude the headstrong spirit often flashes forth with harmful bane.
His apophthegm was: Moderation is best. And he wrote to Solon the following letter:
There is also an epigram of my own in the Pherecratean metre:
Book II .
I also have written an epigram upon him:
And again he calls Euripides an engine riveted by Socrates. And Callias in The Captives :
This disdainful, lofty spirit of his is also noticed by Aristophanes when he says:
There is another on the circumstances of his death:
Aristippus, however, put on the dress and, as he was about to dance, was ready with the repartee:
The pun upon καινοῦ (new) and καὶ νοῦ (mind as well) recurs vi. 3.
Book III
Moreover, there are verses of Timon which refer to Plato:
Then there is Timon who puns on his name thus:
And Alexis in the Olympiodorus :
Anaxilas, again, in the Botrylion Circe Rich Women
This, they say, was actually inscribed upon his tomb at Syracuse.
To him belongs the maxim: Never do anything for money; leave gain to trades pursued for gain. He wrote a didactic poem of 2000 lines. He said that those tyrants who intend to be safe should make loyalty their bodyguard, not arms. When some one asked him why he was tyrant, he replied, "Because it is as dangerous to retire voluntarily as to be dispossessed." Here are other sayings of his: Rest is beautiful. Rashness has its perils. Gain is ignoble. Democracy is better than tyranny. Pleasures are transient, honours are immortal. Be moderate in prosperity, prudent in adversity. Be the same to your friends whether they are in prosperity or in adversity. Whatever agreement you make, stick to it. Betray no secret. Correct not only the offenders but also those who are on the point of offending.
He was the first who had a bodyguard and who changed his government into a tyranny, and he would let no one live in the town without his permission, as we know from Ephorus and Aristotle.
He flourished about the 38th Olympiad and was tyrant for forty years.
Sotion and Heraclides and Pamphila in the fifth book of her Commentaries distinguish two Perianders, one a tyrant, the other a sage who was born in Ambracia. Neanthes of Cyzicus also says this, and adds that they were near relations. And Aristotle 75 maintains that the Corinthian Periander was the sage; while Plato denies this.
His apophthegm is: Practice makes perfect. He planned a canal across the Isthmus.
A letter of his is extant:
Periander to the Wise Men
"Very grateful am I to the Pythian Apollo that I found you gathered together; and my letters will also bring you to Corinth, where, as you know, I will give you a thoroughly popular reception. I learn that last year you met in Sardis at the Lydian court. Do not hesitate therefore to come to me, the ruler of Corinth. The Corinthians will be pleased to see you coming to the house of Periander."
Periander to Procles
"The murder of my wife was unintentional; but yours is deliberate guilt when you set my son's heart against me. Either therefore put an end to my son's harsh treatment, or I will revenge myself on you. For long ago I made expiation to you for your daughter by burning on her pyre the apparel of all the women of Corinth."
There is also a letter written to him by Thrasybulus, as follows:
Thrasybulus to Periander
"I made no answer to your herald; but I took him into a cornfield, and with a staff smote and cut off the over-grown ears of corn, while he accompanied me. And if you ask him what he heard and what he saw, he will give his message. And this is what you must do if you want to strengthen your absolute rule: put to death those among the citizens who are pre-eminent, whether they are hostile to you or not. For to an absolute ruler even a friend is an object of suspicion."
71 584-580 B.C.
72 An unsavoury work by a scandal-monger who, to judge from the fragment of bk. iv., bore a grudge against philosophers, especially Academics: cf. Wilamowitz, Antigonos von Karystos, pp. 48 ff.
73 Anth. Pal. vii. 619.
74 Anth. Pal. vii. 620.
75 Periander is mentioned in the Politics of Aristotle (v. 4, 1304 a 32), but not as one of the Seven Wise Men. In Plato's Protagoras, 343 A, where the Seven Wise Men are enumerated, Periander's name is omitted, his place being taken by Myson. It would almost seem as if Diogenes Laertius knew of some passage in Aristotle in which Periander was called one of the Seven, though no such passage is extant.