Origen's Commentary on Matthew.
From the First Book of the Commentary on Matthew.
From the Second Book of the Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew.
3. The Shining of the Righteous. Its Interpretation.
5. The Field and the Treasure Interpreted.
7. The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price. The Formation and Difference of Pearls.
8. The Parable Interpreted is the Light of These Views.
9. Christ the Pearl of Great Price.
10. The Pearl of the Gospel in Relation to the Old Testament.
11. The Parable of the Drag-Net.
12. The Divine Scriptures Compared to a Net.
13. Relation of Men to Angels.
15. The Householder and His Treasury.
16. Parables in Relation to Similitudes. Jesus in His Own Country.
18. Prophets in Their Country.
19. Relation of Faith and Unbelief to the Supernatural Powers of Jesus.
20. Different Conceptions of John the Baptist.
22. The Dancing of Herodias. The Keeping of Oaths.
24. The Diverse Forms of Spiritual Sickness.
25. Healing Precedes Participation in the Loaves of Jesus.
2. Exposition of the Details of the Miracle.
3. The Exposition of Details Continued. The Sitting Down on the Grass. The Division into Companies.
4. The Multitudes and the Disciples Contrasted.
5. The Disciples in Conflict. Jesus Walks Upon the Waters.
6. Interpretation of the Details in the Narrative. Application Thereof to All Disciples.
7. The Healing of the Sick on the Other Side. The Method of Healing.
10. The Traditions of the Elders in Collision with Divine Law.
11. Exposition of the Prophecy of Isaiah Quoted by Jesus.
12. Things Clean and Unclean According to the Law and the Gospel.
13. The Offence of the Pharisees.
14. Why the Pharisees Were Not a Plant of God. Teaching of Origen on the “Bread of the Lord.”
15. Eating with Unwashed Heart Defiles the Man.
16. Concerning the Canaanitish Woman. Meaning of the “Borders of Tyre and Sidon.”
17. Exposition of the Details in the Narrative.
2. Why the Pharisees Asked a Sign from Heaven.
3. The Answer of Jesus to Their Request.
4. Why Jesus Called Them an Adulterous Generation. The Law as Husband.
5. Concerning the Leaven of the Pharisees.
6. The Meaning of Leaven. Jesus’ Knowledge of the Heart.
7. Relative Magnitude of Sins of the Heart and Actual Sins.
8. The Leaven Figurative Like the Water Spoken of by Jesus to the Woman of Samaria.
11. The Promise Given to Peter Not Restricted to Him, But Applicable to All Disciples Like Him.
12. Every Sin—Every False Doctrine is a “Gate of Hades.”
13. The “Gates of Hades” And the “Gates of Zion” Contrasted.
14. In What Sense the “Keys” Are Given to Peter, and Every Peter. Limitations of This Power.
16. Gradual Growth in Knowledge of the Disciples.
17. Reasons for that Gradual Knowledge.
18. Jesus Was at First Proclaimed by the Twelve as a Worker and a Teacher Only.
19. Importance of the Proclamation of Jesus as the Crucified.
20. Why Jesus Had to Go to Jerusalem.
21. The Rebuke of Peter and the Answer of Jesus.
22. Importance of the Expressions “Behind” And “Turned.”
23. Peter as a Stumbling-Block to Jesus.
24. Self-Denial and Cross-Bearing.
25. Reference to the Saying of Paul About Crucifixion with Christ.
26. The Less of Life And the Saving of It.
27. Life Lost to the World is Saved.
28. The Exchange for One’s Life.
29. The Coming of the Son of Man in Glory.
30. The Word Appears in Different Forms The Time of His Coming in Glory.
31. The Simpler Interpretation of the Promise About Not Tasting of Death.
33. Interpretation of “Tasting of Death.”
34. Meaning of “Until.” No Limitation of Promise.
35. Scriptural References to Death.
36. Concerning the Transfiguration of the Saviour.
37. Force of the Words “Before Them.”
38. The Garments White as the Light.
39. Jesus Was Transfigured—“As He Was Praying.”
40. Discussion of the Saying of Peter.
41. Figurative Interpretation of the Same.
42. The Meaning of the “Bright Cloud.”
43. Relation of Moses and Elijah to Jesus. The Injunction of Silence.
2. “The Spirit and Power of Elijah”—Not the Soul—Were in the Baptist.
6. Influence of the Moon and Stars on Men.
8. Jesus’ Prediction of His “Delivery” Into the Hands of Men.
9. Satan and the “Delivery” Of Jesus.
10. Concerning Those Who Demanded the Half-Shekel.
15. Greatness Varies in Degree.
16. Why the Great are Compared to Little Children.
17. The Little Ones and Their Stumbling-Blocks.
18. Who Was the Little Child Called by Jesus.
19. The Parallel Passages in Mark and Luke.
20. The World and Offences. Various Meanings of World.
21. The “Woe” Does Not Apply to the Disciples of Jesus.
22. What the “Occasions of Stumbling” Are.
23. In What Sense “Necessary.”
24. The Offending Hand, or Foot, or Eye.
25. The Eye or Hand Allegorized.
26. The Little Ones and Their Angels.
27. When the Little Ones are Assigned to Angels.
28. Close Relationship of Angels to Their “Little Ones.”
29. The Little Ones and the Perfect.
31. The Power to Bind on Earth and in Heaven.
2. The Harmony of Husband and Wife.
3. The Harmony of Body, Soul, and Spirit.
4. Harmony of the Old and New Covenants.
7. Exposition Continued: the King and the Servants.
8. The Principle of the Reckoning.
9. The Time Occupied by the Reckoning.
10. The Man Who Owed Many Talents.
11. The Servant Who Owed a Hundred Pence.
12. The Time of the Reckoning.
13. No Forgiveness to the Unforgiving.
14. How Jesus Finished His Words.
17. Union of Christ and the Church.
21. Union of Angels and the Souls of Men.
22. The Marriage of Church Dignitaries.
23. Some Laws Given by Concession to Human Weakness.
2. “The Spirit and Power of Elijah”—Not the Soul—Were in the Baptist.
I have thought it necessary to dwell some time on the examination of the doctrine of transmigration, because of the suspicion of some who suppose that the soul under consideration was the same in Elijah and in John, being called in the former case Elijah, and in the second case John; and that, not apart from God, had he been called John, as is plain from the saying of the angel who appeared to Zacharias, “Fear not, Zacharias, for thy supplication is heard, and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John;”685 Matt. xvi. 4. Luke i. 13. συμφωνήσωσιν. and from the fact that Zacharias regained his speech after he had written in the tablet, that he who had been born should be called John.686 Ps. lxxxviii. 6. Luke i. 63. Matt. xviii. 19. But if it were the soul of Elijah, then, when he was begotten a second time, he should have been called Elijah; or for the change of name some reason should have been assigned, as in the case of Abram and Abraham, Sarah and Sarrah, Jacob and Israel, Simon and Peter. And yet not even thus would their argument in the case be tenable; for, in the case of the aforesaid, the changes of name took place in one and the same life. But some one might ask, if the soul of Elijah was not first in the Tishbite and secondly in John, what might that be in both which the Saviour called Elijah? And I say that Gabriel in his words to Zacharias suggested what the substance was in Elijah and John that was the same; for he says, “Many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God; and he shall go before his face in the spirit and power of Elijah.”687 Matt. xvi. 4. Luke i. 16, 17. Luke xv. 25. For, observe, he did not say in the “soul” of Elijah, in which case the doctrine of transmigration might have some ground, but “in the spirit and power of Elijah.” For the Scripture well knows the distinction between spirit and soul, as, “May God sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ;”688 Phil. iii. 3. 1 Thess. v. 23. Gen. xxxi. 27. and the passage, “Bless the Lord, ye spirits and souls of the righteous”689 Dan. iii. 86. (Song of the Three Children 64.) 2 Sam. vi. 4, 5. as it stands in the book of Daniel, according to the Septuagint, represents the difference between spirit and soul. Elijah, therefore, was not called John because of the soul, but because of the spirit and the power, which in no way conflicts with the teaching of the church, though they were formerly in Elijah, and afterwards in John; and “the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets,”690 1 Cor. xiv. 32. 1 Cor. vii. 5. but the souls of the prophets are not subject to the prophets, and “the spirit of Elijah rested on Elisha.”691 2 Kings ii. 15. Prov. xix. 14, ἁρμόζεται·. But we ought to inquire whether the spirit of Elijah is the same as the spirit of God in Elijah, or whether they are different from each other, and whether the spirit of Elijah which was in him was something supernatural, different from the spirit of each man which is in him; for the Apostle clearly indicates that the Spirit of God, though it be in us, is different from the spirit of each man which is in Him, when he says somewhere, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God;”692 Rom. viii. 16. 1 Cor. vii. 5. and elsewhere, “No one of men knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of the man which is in him; even so the things of God none knoweth save the Spirit of God.”693 1 Cor. ii. 11. Matt. xviii. 20. But do not marvel in regard to what is said about Elijah, if, just as something strange happened to him different from all the saints who are recorded, in respect of his having been caught up by a whirlwind into heaven,694 2 Kings ii. 11. Matt. vii. 14. so his spirit had something of choice excellence, so that not only did it rest on Elisha, but also descended along with John at his birth; and that John, separately, “was filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother’s womb,” and separately, “came before Christ in the spirit and power of Elijah.”695 Luke i. 15, 17. 1 Cor. i. 1. For it is possible for several spirits not only worse, but also better, to be in the same man. David accordingly asks to be established by a free spirit,696 Ps. li. 12. 2 Cor. i. 1. and that a right spirit be renewed in his inward parts.697 Ps. li. 10. 1 Thess. i. 1. But if, in order that the Saviour may impart to us of “the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and reverence,”698 Isa. xi. 2. Ps. xlii. he was filled also with the spirit of the fear of the Lord; it is possible also that these several good spirits may be conceived as being in the same person. And this also we have brought forward, because of John having come before Christ “in the spirit and power of Elijah,”699 Luke i. 17. Exod. vi. 24. in order that the saying, “Elijah has already come,”700 Matt. xvii. 12. Ps. xlii. 1. may be referred to the spirit of Elijah that was in John; as also the three disciples who had gone up with Him understood that He spake to them about John the Baptist.701 Matt. xvii. 13. Ps. xliv. 1. Upon Elisha, then, only the spirit of Elijah rested, but John came before,702 Cf.Luke i. 17. 1 Cor. i. 10. not only in the spirit, but also in the power of Elijah. Wherefore, also, Elisha could not have been called Elijah, but John was Elijah himself. But if it be necessary to adduce the Scripture from which the scribes said that Elijah must first come, listen to Malachi who says, “And behold I will send to you Elijah the Tishbite,” etc., down to the words, “Lest I come and smite the earth utterly.”703 Mal. iv. 5, 6. Acts iv. 32. And it seems to be indicated by these words, that Elijah was to prepare for the glorious coming of Christ by certain holy words and dispositions in their souls, those who had been made fittest for this, which those upon earth could not have endured, because of the excellency of the glory, unless they had been prepared before hand by Elijah. And likewise, by Elijah, in this place, I do not understand the soul of that prophet but his spirit and his power; for these it is by which all things shall be restored,704 Matt. xvii. 11. 1 Cor. i. 12. so that when they have been restored, and, as a result of that restoration, become capable of receiving the glory of Christ, the Son of God who shall appear in glory may sojourn with them. But if also Elijah be in some sort a word inferior to “the Word who was in the beginning with God, God the Word,”705 John i. 1. 1 Cor. v. 4. this word also might come as a preparatory discipline to the people prepared by it, that they might be trained for the reception of the perfect Word. But some one may raise the question whether the spirit and power of Elijah, suffered what was suffered in John, according to the words, “They did in him whatsoever they listed.”706 Matt. xvii. 12. Gal. v. 15. And to this it will be said on the one hand, in simpler fashion that there is nothing strange in the thought, that the things which assist do, because of love, suffer along with those that are assisted; and Jesus indeed says. “Because of the weak I was weak, and I hungered because of the hungry, and I thirsted because of the thirsty,”707 Cf.Matt. xxv. 35. Or reading χωρίζει, following the Vetus Inter, keeps apart. and, on the other hand, in a deeper sense that the words are not, “But they did unto him whatsoever they listed in him,” for the things which suffered leaned upon the spirit and the power of Elijah, the soul of John being in no wise Elijah; and probably also the body (leaned upon them). For in one fashion is the soul in the body, and the spirit, and the power; and in another fashion is the body of the righteous man in these better parts, as leaning upon them, and clinging to them; but “they who are in the flesh cannot please God; but ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if the Spirit of God dwell in you;”708 Rom. viii. 8, 9. Matt. xviii. 19. for the soul of the sinner is in the flesh, but of the righteous man in spirit. And likewise, further, this might be inquired into, to whom refer the words, “But they did in him whatsoever they listed.”709 Matt. xvii. 12. 1 Cor. xii. 25, 18, 25, 26. Was it to the scribes in regard to whom the disciples inquired and said, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must first come?”710 Matt. xvii. 10. 1 Cor. i. 24. But it is not at all evident that John suffered anything at the hands of the scribes, except, indeed, that they did not believe him; or, as we said also before, that they were accomplices in the wrongs which Herod dared to inflict on him. But another might say that the words, “But they did in him whatsoever they listed,” refer not to the scribes but to Herodias and her daughter, and Herod, who did in him whatsoever they listed. And that which follows, “So shall the Son of man suffer from them,”711 Matt. xvii. 12. might be referred to the scribes, if the former were referred to them; but, if the former refers to Herod and Herodias and her daughter, the second passage will also refer to them;712 The text is uncertain. for Herod also seems to have joined in the vote that Jesus should die, perhaps his wife also taking part with him in the plot against Him.