Prefecture Apostolic of Palawan
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Republic and Diocese of Panama
Arnold Pannartz and Konrad Sweinheim
Commemoration of the Passion of Christ
Devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ
Passion of Jesus Christ in the Four Gospels
Feast of the Patronage of Our Lady
St. Paulinus II, Patriarch of Aquileia
Luis Ignatius Peñalver y Cardenas
Feast of Pentecost (of the Jews)
Christian and Religious Perfection
Religious of Perpetual Adoration
Religious of the Perpetual Adoration
Sisters of the Perpetual Adoration
Perpetual Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament
Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Pestalozzi and Pestalozzianism
Sts. Peter Baptist and Twenty-five Companions
Bl. Pierre-Louis-Marie Chanel (1)
Ven. Giuseppe Maria Pignatelli
Pierre-Guillaume-Frédéric Le Play
Hebrew Poetry of the Old Testament
Giovanni Francesco Poggio Bracciolini
Antonio and Piero Benci Pollajuolo
Joseph Anthony de la Rivière Poncet
Poor Brothers of St. Francis Seraphicus
Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus
Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ
Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis
Poor Servants of the Mother of God
Diocese of Porto and Santa-Rufina
Jean-François-Albert du Pouget
Archconfraternity of the Most Precious Blood
Congregation of the Most Precious Blood
Congregations of the Precious Blood
Count Humbert-Guillaume de Precipiano
Religious Congregations of the Presentation
Congregation of the Presentation of Mary
Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sacred Congregation of Propaganda
Society for the Propagation of the Faith
Ecclesiastical Property in the United States
Prophecy, Prophet, and Prophetess
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Diocese of Przemysl, Sambor, and Sanok
Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin
Born at Venice, 1417; elected 30 August, 1464; died 26 July, 1471; son of Niccolo Barbo and Polixena Condulmer, sister of Eugene IV. Although he studied for a business career he received an excellent religious education and, at the elevation of his uncle to the papacy, entered the ecclesiastical state. He became Archdeacon of Bologna, Bishop of Cervia and of Vicenza, and in 1440 cardinal-deacon. Noted for his generosity and imposing appearance, the Cardinal of Venice, as he was called, was very influential under Eugene IV, Nicholas V, and Calixtus III, less so under Pius II. He became the latter's successor, and owed his election partly to the dissatisfaction of some of the cardinals with the policy of his predecessor. To this could be traced the oath which Barbo swore to at the conclave, but which he rightfully set aside after election, since it was opposed to the monarchial constitution of the Church. Paul II delighted in display. He introduced splendid carnival festivities, built the palace of S. Marco (now di Venezia), revised the municipal statutes of Rome, organized relief work among the poor, granted pensions to some cardinals, and to all the privilege of wearing the red biretta. His suppression in 1466 of the college of abbreviators aroused much opposition, intensified by a similar measure against the Roman Academy. Platina, a member of both organizations, who had been repeatedly imprisoned, retaliated by writing a calumnious biography of Paul II.
That Paul II was not opposed to Humanistic studies, as such, is evidenced by the fact that he protected universities, encouraged the art of printing, and was himself a collector of works of ancient art. The suppression of the Roman Academy was justified by the moral degeneracy and pagan attitude which it fostered. On the other hand the charge of immorality brought against Paul II by Gregory of Heimburg is untenable. The pope punished the Fraticelli in the Papal States, prosecuted heretics in France and Germany, decreed in 1470 the observance of the jubilee every twenty-five years, and made an unsuccessful attempt at uniting Russia with the Church. The Turkish question received his earnest attention, particularly after the fall of Negropont (1470). Financial assistance was granted to Hungary and the Albanian leader Scanderbeg. No general results were obtained, however, owing to the lack of co-operation among the Christian powers; to disturbances in the Papal States, where Paul II suppressed the robber knights of Anguillara, and perhaps chiefly to the conflict between the papacy and King George Podiebrad of Bohemia.
CANENSIUS, Vita Pauli II (Rome, 1740); GASPAR VERONENSIS, De Gestis Pauli II, partly in MURATORI, Rer. Ital. Script., III, II, 1025-53 (Milan, 1734); CREIGHTON, History of the Papacy, new ed., IV (New York, 1903), 3-63, 315-27; PASTOR, Geschichte der Päpste, II (4th ed., Freiburg, 1904), 291-447, 757-79; tr. ANTROBUS, IV (London, 1894), 3-194, 475-504.