14. Christi fides et mortis metum et vitae tollit taedium. 0036A
15. Haereticorum ingenium. ---Sed inter haec emerserunt 0036B supple,
36. Liber XII quae de Spiritu sancto confitenda sunt aperit. 0048C
28. Christus gestis Deum egit. ---Par etiam reliquae 0069A
7. Vox HOMOUSION qua necessitate suscepta. 0100C
10. Filii honor nil detrahit Patri. ---Dicturi autem 0103A
19. Jacob in lucta Deum vidit, non oculis corporis 0141B sed fidei. 0141C 0142A
8. Quid jam sibi tractandum proponat Hilarius. --- 0162A 0162B
19. Quid Scripturis de Deo edoctus sit Hilarius. --- 0171B 0171C 0172A al.
4. Quod natus homo Deus maneat, sensus jam non 0283B refugit. 0283C 0284A
262 6. Alia sunt dicta Christi nondum nati, alia 0285A nati et morituri, alia aeterni. 0285B
37. Unitas Patris et Filii non humano more cogitanda. 0308C Filii nativitas. 0309A
52. Fides vera haereticae adversa. ---Sed inter 0384B 0384C
10. Dictum est EX UTERO ad verae nativitatis ostensionem. 0439C 0440A
21. Filius etsi natus, semper tamen est, quia de 0446A Patre qui semper est. 0446B 0446C
27. De nato ante tempora dici nequit, ANTE QUAM NATUS EST, nec 0450B
32. Semper natus, semper esse animo sentitur. --- 0452C 0453A
40. Mundum Deus ab aeterno simul ac semet praeparavit. 0458B 0458C 0459A
55. Spiritus sanctus non est creatura. ---Et mihi quidem 0469A 0469B
52. If this witness of the voyagers seem inconclusive to you because they were Apostles,—though to me it comes with the greater weight for the same reason, though it surprises me the less,—accept at any rate a corroboration given by the Gentiles. Hear how the soldier of the Roman cohort, one of the stern guard around the Cross, was humbled to the faith. The centurion sees the mighty workings of Christ’s power; and this is the witness borne by him:—Truly this was the Son of God337 St. Matt. xxvii. 54.. The truth was forced upon him, after Christ had given up the ghost, by the torn veil of the Temple, and the earth that shook, and the rocks that were rent, and the sepulchres that were opened, and the dead that rose. And it was the confession of an unbeliever. The deeds that were done convinced him that Christ’s nature was omnipotent; he names Him the Son of God, being assured of His true Divinity. So cogent was the proof, so strong the man’s conviction, that the force of truth conquered his will, and even he who had nailed Christ to the Cross was driven to confess that He is the Lord of eternal glory, truly the Son of God.
52. Confitetur et qui crucifixerat Centurio.---Si tibi haec navigantium ex eo incerta fides videbitur, quia existimabitur esse Apostolorum; mihi tamen etsi minus praestat admirationis, plus tamen affert auctoritatis. Verumtamen etiam gentium in eo fidem sume; 0198A audi enim inter saevas crucis custodias 172 Romanae cohortis edomitum ad fidem militem. Loquitur namque conspectis tantae virtutis operationibus centurio: Vere Dei filius erat iste (Matth., XXVII, 54). Hoc, post emissum spiritum, discissum templi velum, et mota terra, et scissa saxa, et sepulcra patentia, et mortui resurgentes testantur, et homo gentilis perfidiae confitetur; virtutis naturam agnoscit in gestis, naturae veritatem profitetur in nomine. Tanta ratio veritatis, et tanta vis fidei est, ut vincat voluntatem veri necessitas, et Christum Dominum gloriae aeternae vere Dei filium esse, nec qui crucifixerat denegaret.