14. Christi fides et mortis metum et vitae tollit taedium. 0036A
15. Haereticorum ingenium. ---Sed inter haec emerserunt 0036B supple,
36. Liber XII quae de Spiritu sancto confitenda sunt aperit. 0048C
28. Christus gestis Deum egit. ---Par etiam reliquae 0069A
7. Vox HOMOUSION qua necessitate suscepta. 0100C
10. Filii honor nil detrahit Patri. ---Dicturi autem 0103A
19. Jacob in lucta Deum vidit, non oculis corporis 0141B sed fidei. 0141C 0142A
8. Quid jam sibi tractandum proponat Hilarius. --- 0162A 0162B
19. Quid Scripturis de Deo edoctus sit Hilarius. --- 0171B 0171C 0172A al.
4. Quod natus homo Deus maneat, sensus jam non 0283B refugit. 0283C 0284A
262 6. Alia sunt dicta Christi nondum nati, alia 0285A nati et morituri, alia aeterni. 0285B
37. Unitas Patris et Filii non humano more cogitanda. 0308C Filii nativitas. 0309A
52. Fides vera haereticae adversa. ---Sed inter 0384B 0384C
10. Dictum est EX UTERO ad verae nativitatis ostensionem. 0439C 0440A
21. Filius etsi natus, semper tamen est, quia de 0446A Patre qui semper est. 0446B 0446C
27. De nato ante tempora dici nequit, ANTE QUAM NATUS EST, nec 0450B
32. Semper natus, semper esse animo sentitur. --- 0452C 0453A
40. Mundum Deus ab aeterno simul ac semet praeparavit. 0458B 0458C 0459A
55. Spiritus sanctus non est creatura. ---Et mihi quidem 0469A 0469B
29. Another analogy which casts some light upon the meaning of the faith is that of fire as containing fire in itself and as abiding in fire. Fire contains the brightness of light, the heat which is its essential nature, the property of destroying by combustion the flickering inconstancy of flame. Yet all the while it is fire, and in all these manifestations there is but one nature. Its weakness is that it is dependent for its existence upon inflammable matter, and that it perishes with the matter on which it has lived. A comparison with fire gives us, in some measure, an insight into the incomparable nature of God; it helps us to believe in the properties of God that we find them, to a certain extent, present in an earthly element. I ask, then, whether in fire derived from fire there is any division or separation. When one flame is kindled from another, is the original nature cut off from the derived, so as not to abide in it? Does it not rather follow on, and dwell in the second flame by a kind of increase, as it were by birth? For no portion has been cut off from the nature of the first flame, and yet there is light from light. Does not the first flame live on in the second, which owes its existence, though not by division, to the first? Does not the second still dwell in the first, from which it was not cut off; from which it went forth, retaining its unity with the substance to which its nature belongs? Are not the two one, when it is physically impossible to derive light from light by division, and logically impossible to distinguish between them in nature.
29. Ignis comparatio altera.---Affert autem pro parte fidei hujus significationem, ignis in se ignem habens, et in igni ignis manens. Nam cum sit in eo splendor luminis, naturae calor, virtus urendi, mobilitas aestuandi; totum tamen ignis est, et haec universa, una natura est. Habet quidem ex infirmitate, quod per materiam subsistit ac vivit, et cum ea per quam vixerat deficit. Sed hoc, quod incomparabile 200 Dei est, comparatione ex parte cognoscimus; 0225A ut non incredibile in Deo sit, quod pro parte aliqua in terrenis reperiatur elementis. Quaero itaque nunc utrum divisio ac separatio sit, cum ignis ex igne est. Aut numquid absciditur natura ne maneat, aut non sequitur natura ne insit, cum accenso lumine ex lumine per quemdam quasi nativitatis profectum naturae nulla desectio sit, et tamen sit lumen ex lumine? Aut numquid hoc non manet in eo, quod ex sese sine desectione subsistit? Aut hoc non inest in eo, unde non recisum est, sed cum unitate substantiae naturalis exivit? Et quaero anne non unum sint, cum lumen ex lumine nec divisione separabile sit, nec genere naturae?