14. Christi fides et mortis metum et vitae tollit taedium. 0036A
15. Haereticorum ingenium. ---Sed inter haec emerserunt 0036B supple,
36. Liber XII quae de Spiritu sancto confitenda sunt aperit. 0048C
28. Christus gestis Deum egit. ---Par etiam reliquae 0069A
7. Vox HOMOUSION qua necessitate suscepta. 0100C
10. Filii honor nil detrahit Patri. ---Dicturi autem 0103A
19. Jacob in lucta Deum vidit, non oculis corporis 0141B sed fidei. 0141C 0142A
8. Quid jam sibi tractandum proponat Hilarius. --- 0162A 0162B
19. Quid Scripturis de Deo edoctus sit Hilarius. --- 0171B 0171C 0172A al.
4. Quod natus homo Deus maneat, sensus jam non 0283B refugit. 0283C 0284A
262 6. Alia sunt dicta Christi nondum nati, alia 0285A nati et morituri, alia aeterni. 0285B
37. Unitas Patris et Filii non humano more cogitanda. 0308C Filii nativitas. 0309A
52. Fides vera haereticae adversa. ---Sed inter 0384B 0384C
10. Dictum est EX UTERO ad verae nativitatis ostensionem. 0439C 0440A
21. Filius etsi natus, semper tamen est, quia de 0446A Patre qui semper est. 0446B 0446C
27. De nato ante tempora dici nequit, ANTE QUAM NATUS EST, nec 0450B
32. Semper natus, semper esse animo sentitur. --- 0452C 0453A
40. Mundum Deus ab aeterno simul ac semet praeparavit. 0458B 0458C 0459A
55. Spiritus sanctus non est creatura. ---Et mihi quidem 0469A 0469B
7. For as to those whose soul and heart were one, I ask whether they were one through faith in God? Yes, assuredly, through faith, for through this the soul and heart of all were one. Again I ask, is the faith one or is there a second faith? One undoubtedly, and that on the authority of the Apostle himself, who proclaims one faith even as one Lord, and one baptism, and one hope, and one God388 Eph. iv. 4, 5.. If then it is through faith, that is, through the nature of one faith, that all are one, how is it that thou dost not understand a natural unity in the case of those who through the nature of one faith are one? For all were born again to innocence, to immortality, to the knowledge of God, to the faith of hope. And if these things cannot differ within themselves because there is both one hope and one God, as also there is one Lord and one baptism of regeneration; if these things are one rather by agreement than by nature, ascribe a unity of will to those also who have been born again into them. If, however, they have been begotten again into the nature of one life and eternity, then, inasmuch as their soul and heart are one, the unity of will fails to account for their case who are one by regeneration into the same nature.
7. Naturalis est fidelium per unius fidei naturam unitas. Fideles ex unitate sacramentorum sunt unum. ---Namque quorum anima et cor unum erat, quaero utrum per fidem Dei unum erat. Utique per fidem: per eam enim anima et cor unum omnium erat. Et interrogo, utrum fides una, anne altera sit? Una certe, etiam ipso Apostolo auctore (Ephes. IV, 4, 5), unam fidem, sicuti unum Dominum, et unum baptisma, et unam spem , et unum Deum praedicante. Si ergo per fidem, id est, per unius fidei naturam unum omnes erant; quomodo non naturalem in his intelligis unitatem, qui per naturam unius fidei unum sunt? Omnes enim renati 0241C erant ad innocentiam, ad immortalitatem, ad cognitionem Dei, ad spei fidem. Et si haec non possunt sibi esse diversa, quia et spes una est, et Deus unus, sicuti et Dominus unus est, et baptisma regenerationis unum est: si haec assensu potius unum sunt, quam natura; his quoque, qui in haec renati sunt, unitatem voluntatis adscribe. Si vero regenerati in unius vitae atque aeternitatis naturam sunt, per quod anima eorum et cor unum est; cessat in his assensus unitas, qui unum sunt in ejusdem regeneratione naturae.