Prefecture Apostolic of Palawan
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Republic and Diocese of Panama
Arnold Pannartz and Konrad Sweinheim
Commemoration of the Passion of Christ
Devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ
Passion of Jesus Christ in the Four Gospels
Feast of the Patronage of Our Lady
St. Paulinus II, Patriarch of Aquileia
Luis Ignatius Peñalver y Cardenas
Feast of Pentecost (of the Jews)
Christian and Religious Perfection
Religious of Perpetual Adoration
Religious of the Perpetual Adoration
Sisters of the Perpetual Adoration
Perpetual Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament
Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Pestalozzi and Pestalozzianism
Sts. Peter Baptist and Twenty-five Companions
Bl. Pierre-Louis-Marie Chanel (1)
Ven. Giuseppe Maria Pignatelli
Pierre-Guillaume-Frédéric Le Play
Hebrew Poetry of the Old Testament
Giovanni Francesco Poggio Bracciolini
Antonio and Piero Benci Pollajuolo
Joseph Anthony de la Rivière Poncet
Poor Brothers of St. Francis Seraphicus
Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus
Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ
Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis
Poor Servants of the Mother of God
Diocese of Porto and Santa-Rufina
Jean-François-Albert du Pouget
Archconfraternity of the Most Precious Blood
Congregation of the Most Precious Blood
Congregations of the Precious Blood
Count Humbert-Guillaume de Precipiano
Religious Congregations of the Presentation
Congregation of the Presentation of Mary
Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sacred Congregation of Propaganda
Society for the Propagation of the Faith
Ecclesiastical Property in the United States
Prophecy, Prophet, and Prophetess
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Diocese of Przemysl, Sambor, and Sanok
Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin
A writer and theologian, born at Rio de Janeiro, 23 Aug., 1687; died there, 18 Dec., 1764. On 3 March, 1703, he became a Benedictine at the Abbey of Nossa Senhora do Montserrate at Rio de Janeiro, where he also studied the humanities and philosophy under the learned José da Natividade. After studying theology at the monastery of Bahia he was ordained priest 24 March, 1708, and appointed professor of philosophy and theology. Along with Gaspar da Madre de Deus (died about 1780), Antonio de São Bernardo (died 1774) and a few others, he was the most learned Benedictine of his province and his contemporaries considered him the greatest theologian in Brazil. He was likewise highly esteemed for his piety and charity towards the poor, the sick, and the neglected. In 1726 he was elected abbot of the monastery at Rio de Janeiro, but Soon after his election incurred the displeasure of Luiz Vahia Monteiro, the Governor of Brazil, who banished him from his monastery in 1727. Soon afterwards he escaped to Portugal, became very influential at Court and was restored to his monastery by Cardinal Motta in 1729. He held the office of abbot repeatedly thereafter; both at Rio de Janeiro (1729-31 and 1739) and at Bahia in 1746. In 1732 he was elected provincial abbot, in which capacity he visited even the most distant monasteries of Brazil, despite the great difficulty of travel. He was again elected provincial abbot in 1752, but this time he declined the honour, preferring to spend his old age in prayer and retirement. His works are: "Defensio S. Matris Ecclesiæ" (Lisbon, 1729), an extensive treatise on grace and free will against Quesnel, Baius, Jansenius, etc.; "Viridario Evangelico" (Lisbon, 1730-37), four volumes of sermons on the Gospels; "Theologia Scholastica Dogmatica", in six volumes, which he did not complete entirely nor was it published.
Dietario do Mosteiro de N. S. do Montserrate do Rio de Janeiro, preserved in Manuscript at the Monastery Library of Rio de Janeiro, 69-74, 312-18; RAMIZ GALVÃO, Apontamentos historicos sobre a Ordem Benedictino em general, e em particular sobre o Mosteiro de N. S. do Monserrate do Rio de Janeiro in Revista Trimensal do Instituto historico, geographico e ethnographico do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro, 1872), 249 sq.