St. Jerome, Chronicle (2004-5). Preface of Jerome preface of Eusebius 

  Jerome, Chronicle 

  Jerome, Chronicle (2005) pp.188-332 

 Jerome, Chronicle (2005) pp.188-332 


 Beginning of the Consuls of the 
 Romans   Macedonians  BC
2  a Harmodius and Aristogiton killed the tyrant Hipparchus, and the courtesan Leaena their friend, when compelled with torments, lest she betray her companions, she amputated her tongue with her teeth.
34 520  68th Olympiad   a   The Aeginatans controlled the sea 17th for 20 years until the crossing of Xerxes. 
35 519 14
46 508
1510 15
47 507
16  b Valerius, the colleague of the consul Brutus, died so poor that he was interred at public expense. *
48 506
36 518 17
49 505
1500  5 
37 517  69th Olympiad 
 66th Olympiad  18  c At Rome, after a census had been taken, there were found to be 120,000 men.
50 504
6  b   The temple of Jerusalem is completed, when Haggai and Zechariah are prophesying among the Jews. 
38 516
 Of the Macedonians, Alexander, for 43 years 
39 515  d Nine years after the kings were expelled, a new rank was created, that is, the dictatorship, and the Master of the Horse, who would answer to the dictator. Largius was the first Dictator, and Spurius Cassius the Master of Horse. (*)
40 514
41 513
 67th Olympiad 
1 503
10  c After the kings had been expelled from the City, Rome was holding power barely as far as the 15th milestone. The seven kings of the Romans from Romulus until Tarquinius Superbus reigned for 240 years, or as some prefer, 243. (*)
42 512 20
2 502
3 501
43 511  70th Olympiad   e Hellanicus the historian, and Democritus the philosopher, and Heraclitus surnamed 'the Dark', and Anaxagoras the natural scientist are considered important.
4 500
5 499
6 498
44 510 1520 25  f Pythagoras the philosopher dies.
7 497
 d After the kings had been expelled, first two consuls began to exist at Rome, from Brutus; then tribunes of the plebs and dictators, and then consuls again controlled the Republic for close to 464 years, until Julius Caesar, who was the first to seize sole rule, in the 183rd Olympiad.
 71st Olympiad   g The Volsci destroyed Corioli. *
26  h Aeschylus the writer of tragedies is well known.
8 496
45 509 27  i The Latins rebelled against the Romans.
9 495
28  l After an uprising had happened, the people of Rome, seceded from the fathers.
10 494


29  a Marcius, who had captured Corioli, withdrew his army from its seige of the City (Rome) by the intervention of his mother Veturia and his wife Volumnia. *
11 493 3  a Choerilus and Phrynicus are considered illustrious.
21 483
 b Diagoras is well known, and the followers of his natural philosophy.
22 482
 72nd Olympiad 
5  c Xerxes, when he had come to Athens, burned down the city, at the time of the leadership of Callias.
23 481
30  b The war that was waged in Marathon, and those things that are written about Miltiades and Aristides who was surnamed the Just.
12 492
13 491  75th Olympiad 
14 490 6  d The war that was waged in Thermopylae. and the naval battle off Salamis.
24 480
33  c Panyasis the poet is considered illustrious.
15 489
 d 300 nobles of the Fabian family slaughtered by the people of Veii. *
7  e The Athenians fortify Piraeus with a wall.
25 479
 e When the Roman soldiers were besieged on mount Algidus, they were freed by the dictator Quintius Cincinnatus. *
8  f Hieron reigns at Syracuse.
26 478
1540 9  g Aeschylus the tragedian is well known.
27 477
 76th Olympiad 
10  h War in Plateia and Mycale.
28 476
 73rd Olympiad 
11  i After Gelon, Hieron exercises tyranny at Syracuse.
29 475
34  f Egypt was severed from Darius.
16 488 12
30 474
1530  35   g Gelo occupied Syracuse.
17 487 13  k Pindar the musician is considered important.
31 473
36  h Pindar and Simonides the lyrical poets are considered notable.
486  77th Olympiad 
14  l Themistocles flees to the Persians.
32  n  Start of the 71st jubilee accord- 
 ing to the Heb-  rews. 
 i At Rome, the Vestal Virgin Pompilia, discovered in unchastity, was buried alive.
18 15  m Sophocles, the tragedian, first published the works of his ingenuity.
33 471
 5th of the Persians, Xerxes son of Darius, for 20 years. 
19 485 16  o At Rome, the vestal virgin Sunia, discovered in unchastity, was buried alive.
34 470
 74th Olympiad   k Xerxes captures Egypt.
2  l Aristides is expelled with ignominy. 20 484 17  p Sophocles and Euripides are considered important. 35 469


 78th Olympiad 
subsequent deeds which are reported to have been performed by them, would not have been silent about Esther.
 a Herodotus the historical writer is well known.
3  a Sicily was ruled by the people.
42 462
18  b Bacchylides and Diagoras are celebrated at Athens for their superlative eloquence.
36 468 4  b Cimon overcomes the Persians in naval and land battle near the Eurimedontis: and halts the Median war.
43 461
1550 19  c Zeuxis the painter is well-known; some people judge that the so-called 'the bath of the Byzantines' is one of his paintings, many of which he made on commission. *
37 467
 Of the Macedonians, Perdiccas, for 28 years. 
 c An eclipse of the sun happened.
 80th Olympiad 
 d Themistocles dies from a draught of bull's blood.
5  d Anaxagoras dies.
1 460
 e Heraclitus is considered important.
20  e Socrates is born.
38 466  f Evenus the poet is important.
 f A stone fell from the sky into the Aegon River.
 g Ezra the priest, notable among the Hebrews, is well-known, in whose time the high priesthood was held by Eliashib, son of Joakim, son of Jeshua, son of Jozadak. Moreover Ezra was most well-learned in the Divine Law, and an important teacher of all the Jews who had returned from captivity to Judaea.
 6th of the Persians, Artabanus, for 7 months, after whom, 7th, Artaxerxes, who was surnamed Long-Hand, for 40 years. 
2 459
39 465
3 458
1560 8
4 457
 81st Olympiad   h Empedocles and Parmenides are considered most notable natural philosophers.
 79th Olympiad   g   These things were written about Esther and Mordecai:  some affirm that they took place under this king, which I do not think; for Ezra, who writes that in this time Ezra and Nehemiah were returned from Babylon, and the
5 456
40 464  i Zeno and Heraclitus the Dark are well known.
10  k Pherecydes the second writer of history is well known.
6 455
2 41 463 11 Cratinus and Plato the writers of comedies 7 454


are considered important.
1570 18 permission of his master, came to Judaea from Babylon in his 20th year, and in his 32nd year restored the walls and the city. Ezra writes that the task was completed under the high priest Joiada, Joasib, who was succeeded by his own son, Jonathan, who lived in the time of Alexander of Macedon.
14 447
 a Aristarchus the tragedian is well known.
 b The very famous centennial games of Rome first held.
 12   c 302 years from the founding of the City, the Decemvirs were created, and after one year they were ejected on account of Appius Claudius, who wished to abduct the daughter of a certain Virginius who was fighting against the Latins in Algidum. *
8 453
19  a Up to this point, the divine Scriptures of the Hebrews contain annals of time: those things which happened among them after these things, we provide from the book of Maccabees, and Josephus, and from the writings of Africanus, which thereafter continued the universal history until the Roman period.
 15  446
 82nd Olympiad 
 13   d The Romans through ambassadors sought out laws from the Athenians, from which the Twelve Tables were inscribed.
9 452
20  b The Athenians and Lacedaemonians initiate a treaty of 30 years.
16 445
 14   e Crates the writer of comedies, and Telesilla and Bacchylides the lyric poets, are considered important: likewise, Praxilla and Cleobulina are renowned.
10 451
 c Herodotus was honoured for reading his books in the assembly at Athens.
 84th Olympiad 
 15   f The temple of Juno that had been at Argos burned down.
11 450 21  d Melissus the natural philosopher is well known.
17 444
22  e Euripides the tragedian is considered important, and Protagoras the sophist, whose books the Athenians burned by a public decree.
18 443
 16   g Abaris the Hyperborean Seer is well known.
12 449
19 442
 83rd Olympiad   h Tribunes of the plebs and aediles created at Rome, after the consuls had been ejected.
20 441
 85th Olympiad 
 17   i   Nehemiah the Hebrew, the attendant of King Artaxerxes,  with the
13 448 25  f At Rome consuls again created.
21 440
26  g Phidias makes an ivory Minerva. 22 439


 a The Fidennates rebel against the Romans. *
35  a The Athenians suffer in the plague.
3 430
27 b Theaetetus the mathematician is well known. Aristophanes is considered important, and Sophocles the tragic poet.
23 438
 b Thucydides is well known.
 1580  28
24 437 36  c Pericles dies.
4 429
 86th Olympiad 
 88th Olympiad 
 c The Campanian  gens established in Italy.
37  d Eupolis and Aristophanes, writers of comedies, are well-known.
5 428
29  d Democritus of Abdera, and Empedocles, and Hippocrates the doctor, Gorgias, and Hippias, and Prodicus and Zeno and Parmenides the philosophers are considered notable.
25 436
26 435 1590  38 
6 427
27 434 39  e Fire erupted from Mount Etna.
7 426
28 433
 e Socrates is celebrated for his superlative eloquence.
 f Among the Locrians, when Atlantis had been split off by an earthquake, the city became an island.
f Ezra recalls that  Nehemiah, who constructed the walls of Jerusalem  , had finished the work in the 32nd year of Artaxerxes, king of the Persians. If someone should count from this point the 70 weeks (of years), written of by Daniel, which come to 490 years, he will find them fulfilled in the reign of Nero, in whose reign Jerusalem, after it had begun to be besieged, is seized in the second year of Vespasian.
40  g Plato is born.
8 425
 89th Olympiad 
 8th of the Persians, Xerxes the second, for two months. After which the 9th, Sogdianus, for seven months. To whom succeeds 10th Darius, surnamed Nothus, for 19 years. 
 11th of the Macedonians, Archelaus for 24 years.  1  h The Lacedaemonians and Athenians strike a treaty.
9 424
 87th Olympiad 
2  i Eudoxus the Cnidian is considered important.
10 423
33  g Beginning of the Peloponnesian war.
1 432 3  k The Lacedaemonians found the city of Heraclea, fulfilling a sacred vow. (*)
11 422
 h Bacchylides the song writer is well known.
12 421
34 2 431  90th Olympiad 


 Egyptians  BC
 Egyptians  BC
 1  420  of Darius and Parysatis, for 40 years.   a In the reign of this king, it seems to me, the story which is contained in the book of Esther came to pass: of course he is the one who is called 'Ahasuerus' by the Hebrews, and 'Artaxerxes' by the LXX translators.
418 1
3 405
 1600  8
417  94th Olympiad 
 91st Olympiad 
 Egypt is severed from the Persians and Amyrtaeus the Saite reigned for 6 years. 
9  a The calamity which happened to the Athenians in Sicily.
416 2
4 404
415 3
5 403
414 4
6 402
12  b Alcibiades fled as a fugitive to Tisaphernes.
1 413  b Dionysius exercises a tyranny at Syracuse.
 14th of the Macedonians, Amyntas, for 1 year. 
 After whom Achoris, for 12 years. 
 92nd Olympiad 
13  c Euboea secedes from the federation of the Athenians.
2 412  c The Athenians support tyranny.
3 411
4 410 5  d Isocrates the orator is well known.
1 401
5 409
 After whom Pausanias, for 1 year. 
 93rd Olympiad 
 Of the Macedonians, Orestes, for 3 years.   2 
 e 29th dynasty of Egypt, of the Mendesians.
17  d Euripides dies staying with Archelaus, and Sophocles at Athens.
6 408  f Democritus dies.
 28th Dynasty of Egypt. Nepherites for 6 years.   g Pharnabazus kills Alcibiades.
1610  18 
1 407  h The Anabasis of King Cyrus, about which Xenophon writes.
2 406  95th Olympiad 
 11th of the Persians, Artaxerxes, who was surnamed Mnemon, son   e Dionysius exercises tyranny in Sicily.
 13th of the Macedonians, Archelaus, for 4 years. 
6  i The tyrants overthrown at Athens.
2 400
 k The Athenians began to use 24 letters, when previously they had only had 16 letters.

1. At this point, in mid-page in 'O', the column of Macedonian regnal years which is black up to this point suddenly turns red. This is clear evidence that the scribe copied the colours from his exemplar, and did not amend them. It also shows that the exemplar did indeed have 26 lines, because the colour change occurs at the page-break (as here) in such an exemplar, rather than in mid-page, as in 'O'.
2. This entry should be red, but is in fact black in 'O'.


 Egyptians  BC
 Egyptians  BC
 a Xenophon the son of Gryllus, and Ctesias are considered important.
 After whom Amyntas for 6 years. 
 Nectanebis for 18 years. 
7  b Socrates drinks poison.
3 399 1630  19   a Evagoras driven mad when he was reigning in Cyprus.  1 
 1  387
8  c  Temple at Ephesus burned down again. 
4 398 20
2 386
1620  9   d  The followers of Socrates are considered important. 
 5  397 21
3 385
 96th Olympiad   99th Olympiad 
10  e Diogenes the Cynic is well known.
6 396 22  b 30th dynasty of Egypt, of the people of Sebennythos.
4 384
11  f Speusippus is considered notable.
7 395 23
5 383
8 394 24
6 382
 g Dionysius persists in tyranny.
 After whom Argaeus for 2 years. 
7 381
 100th Olympiad 
13  h The famous Carthaginian War.
9 393 26  c The Peloponnesian cities of Helica and Bura were swallowed up in a great earthquake.
8 380
 97th Olympiad  27
9 379
14  i Eudoxus the astrologer is well known.
10 392 28
10 378
 After whom Amyntas again for 18 years. 
 1 11 
1640 29  d The Praenesti conquered by the Romans at the River Allia by Quinctius Cincinnatus. (*)
11 377
15  k The Senones Gauls occupied Rome, except for the Capitol. (*) 391
12 390
 Of Egypt, Psammuthes, for 1 year.   e The Athenians made leaders of Greece.
 101st Olympiad 
1 389 30  f Isocrates the rhetor is well known.
12 376
 98th Olympiad   l Plato the philosopher is well known.
 After whom Nepherites for 4 months.  31
13 375
32 g Plato and Xenophon, and likewise other followers of Socrates are considered important.
14 374
18  m The military tribunes began to be in place of the consuls. *
1 388
 Of the Macedonians, Alexander, for 1 year. 
 After whom  33
15 373

(1) Diodorus 14.110.5.


 Egyptians  BC
 The kingship of the Egyptians was destroyed.  BC
 102nd Olympiad 
 After whom Ptolemy Alorites, for 4 years. 
 Of the Macedonians, Philp, for 26 years. 
6 362
16 372 5
7 361
17 371  105th Olympiad 
18 370 6  a  Demosthenes the orator is well known. 
8 360
 Of Egypt, Teo, for 2 years.  7  b Ochus, having captured Apodasmus of the Jews, settled her deported inhabitants in Hyrcania, by the Caspian sea.
9 359
 a Teo the king of Egypt flees to Arabia. 8
10 358
1 369 1660 9
 11  357
 103rd Olympiad 
 After whom Perdiccas, for 6 years. 
 106th Olympiad 
10  c Dionysius is driven from Sicily.
12 356
38  b Dionysius the king of Sicily dies in his 19th year, after whom Dionysius the younger takes possession of the kingdom.
2 368 11  d Alexander, son of Philip and Olympias, is born.
13 355
 30th Dynasty of the Egyptians. Nectanebo, for 18 years. 
12  e Dion of Syracuse is murdered.
14 354
13  f Hipparinus the son of Dionysus exercises tyranny over Syracuse.
15 353
 107th Olympiad 
1650 39  c Aristotle, during the 18th year of his life, is a hearer of Plato.
1 367 14  g Erinna the poetess is well known.
16 352
2 366 15  h Ochus held Egypt, Nectanebo having been expelled into Ethiopia, in whom the kingship of the Egyptians was destroyed. Up to this point, (the narrative is according to) Manetho.
17 351
 12th of the Persians, Artaxerxes, also called Ochus, for 26 years  16
18 350
 @@@@@@  349
3 365  108th Olympiad 
 104th Olympiad   d Alexander of Pherae is well-known. 18  i Ochus overthrew Sidon, and annexed Egypt to his empire.
4 364 1670  19 
3  e Camillus defeats the Gauls, who had made war on the Romans.
5 363
 k Demosthenes the Orator


 Persians   Consuls   Macedonians  BC  Persians   Consuls   Macedonians  BC
is celebrated in the opinion of all.  After whom Darius, 14th, son of Arsamus, for 6 years.   a Manasseh, the brother of Jad the high priest of the Jews, constructs a temple on Mount Garizin.
20  a The Romans defeat the Gauls. 17 346
21  b Dionysius sailed to Corinth under a truce. 18 345
1  b Alexander, fighting successfully against the Illyrians and Thracians, having destroyed Thebes, took up arms against the Persians, and at the River Granicus, overpowering the royal generals, captures the city of Sardis. 2 335
 c Plato dies, after whom Speusippus headed the Academy. 2 3 334
3 4 333
 109th Olympiad   d The Romans, since they had defeated the Samnites in two battles, brought all the neighbouring regions back under their own rule because they had withdrawn from her alliance.
22 19 344
23 20 343
 c The Roman consul Manlius Torquatus beat his son with rods and executed him with an axe, because he had disobeyed orders by fighting against the enemy. (*)
24 21 342
25  e Dionysus driven away to Corinth. 22 341
 110th Olympiad   f At Rome, a survey having been carried out, there were found to be 160,000 citizens.
26 23 340  112th Olympiad 
 13th of the Persians, Arses, son of Ochus, 4 years.   g   Jad, high priest of the Jews  , is considered important. 4  d After the capture of Tyre, Alexander takes possession of Judaea, and being received favourably there, sacrifices victims to God, compliments the high priest of the temple with many honors, and as guardian of the holy places sends forth Andromachus, whom the Samaritans later kill: on account of which things, after returning from Egypt, Alexander put them to death with great torment, and hands over their captured city to the Macedonians to dwell in. (*) 5 332
1  h Speusippus dies, to whom Xenocrates succeeded. 24 339
2 25 338
1680 3 26 337 5 6 331
 111th Olympiad   Of the Macedonians, Alexander, son of Philip, for 12 years, 6 months. 
6  e Alexandria founded in Egypt, in the seventh year of Alexander's reign: at which time also the Latins were subdued by the Romans. 7 330
4 1 336


 The kingship of the Persians was destroyed 
BC  Alexandrians   Consuls 
 a   Alexander occupied Babylon after Darius  had been killed, in whom the kingship of the Persians was destroyed.  In Egypt Ptolemy son of Lagus was the first to reign, for 40 years.   Over the Macedonians, Philip, also called Aridaeus, brother of Alexander, reigned for 7 years. 
 Alexander   reigns in Asia in the 7th year of his reign and holds it all for 12 years. 
 a At Rome Appius Claudius Caecus is considered important, who introduced the Claudian water and laid out the Appian Way. *
 Of Alexander  1  b Lysimachus held Lydia, Thrace and the Hellespont. 1 324
8  b Anaximenes and Epicurus are considered important. 329
 c The generals of the Macedonians turned to sedition.
 c Alexander captures the Hyrcanians and Mardians, and returning, he founded Paraetonium in Ammon.
2  d Agathocles exercises tyranny at Syracuse. 2 323
 113th Olympiad   e The war against Lamia set in motion.
9  d Alexander captures the Aorn rock and crosses the River Indus. 328  f Perdiccas fights against the Egyptians.
3  g Ptolemy the son of Lagus, after he had gained control of Jerusalem and Judaea by treachery, transferred very many captives into Egypt. 3 322
1690 10  e Alexander's war in India against Porus and Taxila. 327
11  f Harpalus flees to Attica.  h   Onias the high priest of the Jews  , the son of Jad, is considered important.
12  g The Romans subjugate the Samnites, and plant colonies. 326
4  i Menander, showing his first play, named  Orgen ,  1 wins. 4 321
 114th Olympiad 
 h Alexander dies in the 32nd year of his life in Babylon. After him, power was transferred into many hands.  k Theophrastus the philosopher is well-known, who, so Cicero says, received this name because of his god-like speech. (*)

(1) ΟΡΓΗΝ = 'anger'.


 Alexandrians   Consuls 
 First in Syria 
 First inAsia 
BC  Alexandrians   Consuls 
 115th Olympiad  16  a Theodorus the Atheist is well known.  4  9  10  309
5  a Demetrius of Phalerum is considered illustrious. 5 320  118th Olympiad 
17  b Demetrius of Phalerum went to Ptolemy, and persuaded him to restore democracy at Athens.  5  10  11  308
 b The Romans battling against the Samnites for a long time, finally reduce them to servitude.  In Asia, Antigonus reigns for 18 years.  1710 18  6  11  12  307
6 6 319 19  7  12  13  306
7 7  1  318 20  8  13  14  305
 Of the Macedonians, Cassander, for 19 years.   119th Olympiad 
21  c Seleucus founded the cities of Antioch, Laodicia, Seleucia, Apamia, Edessa, Beroea, and Pella, of which he constructed Antioch in the 12th year of his kingship.  9  14  15  304
1700 8 1  2  317
 116th Olympiad  22  10  15  16  303
9  c The philosophers Menedemus and Speusippus are considered notable. 2  3  316
10 3  4  315 23  11  16  17  302
11 4  5  314 24  12  17  18  301
12 5  6  313  d Seleucus occupied Babylon.
 117th Olympiad   120th Olympiad 
 In Asia, Demetrius, also called Poliorcetes, for 17 years 
 d The Hebrew history of the Maccabees reckons the kingship of the Greeks from this year. But these books are not accepted as part of divine Scripture.  In Syria and Babylon and the upper regions reigned Seleucus Nicator, for 32 years.   e   The high priest of the Jews  , Simon the son of Onias, is considered important, to whom 'the Just' was the sobriquet because of his religious reverence towards God and his clemency towards his fellow-citizens.
25  13  18  1  302
26  14  19  2  303
 Of the Macedonians, the sons of Cassander, Antigonus and Alexander, for 4 years. 
13  e The Romans defeat the Marsi, Umbri, and Peligni.  1  6  7  312
27  15  1  3  302
 From this point the Edessenes calculate their dates.  14  f The Romans plant colonies.  2  7  8  311 1720  28   16   2   4  301
 g Lysimachia founded in Thrace.  121st Olympiad 
15  h Ptolemy invaded Cyprus.  3  8  9  310 29  f Demetrius, king of Asia,  17  3  5  300


 Alexandrians   Consuls 
BC  Alexandrians   Consuls 
30 surnamed Poliorcetes, devastates the city of the Samaritans, which Perdiccas had constructed.  18  4  6  295 both in Syria and Asia.
 Demetrius, for 6 years. 
39  a Serapis was introduced at Alexandria.  27  2  15  286
 a A census of Rome having been taken, there were found to be 270,000 Roman citizens were found.
31  19  1  7  294 40  b Ariminum and Beneventum founded by the Romans. *  28  3  16  285
 124th Olympiad 
32  b Ambassadors of the Alexandrians having been sent for the first time to Rome by Ptolemy, they procured friendship. *  20  2  8  293  2nd of Egypt, Ptolemy Philadelphus, for 38 years 
1  c Sostratus of Cnidius constructed the Pharos in Alexandria.  29  4  17  284
 122nd Olympiad   Demetrius handed himself over to Seleucus. 
33  c Menander the writer of comedies dies.  21  3  9  292  d Antigonus, surnamed Gonatas, occupied Lacadaemon.
 d The Romans defeat the Gauls and the Tyrrhenians: and the land of the Sabines is apportioned by lot.
 e The Romans capture Croton.
34  22  4  10  291 2  f Ptolemy Philadelphus permitted the Jews, who were in Egypt, to be free men: and, transmitting a votive vessel to Eleazar, high priest at Jerusalem, he arranged for the divine scriptures -- which he had in the Alexandrian library that he had collected for himself from every kind of literature -- to be translated into Greek speech from the Hebrew language by LXX translators.  30  5 283
 e Seleucus transfers Jews into those cities that he had constructed, granting them the right of citizenship and municipal rank in honour equal to the Greeks.  Of the Macedonians, Ptolemy, surnamed ΚΕΡΑΥΝΟΣ.   1 
35  23  5  11 
3  31  1 282
36  24  6  12   Meleager for 2 months, Antipater for 45 days, after whom Sosthenes for 2 years. 
 123rd Olympiad   Of the Macedonians, Pyrrhus, for 7 months 
 f Eleazar the brother of Simon took over the supervision of the temple as  high priest of the Jews  , because Onias the son of Simon was still a young boy.
37  25   13 
 After whom, Lysimachus, for 5 years. 
 g After capturing Demetrius in Cilicia, Seleucus ruled
1720  38   26  1  14 

1. In 'O' this reads 'Ceraunos' in Roman letters.


 Syria and Asia 
 Syria and Asia 
1 281 1750 18 and many cities in Sicily were joined to them.
 13  267
 In Syria and Asia, after Seleucus reigned Antiochus Soter, for 19 years. 
19  a At Rome a vestal virgin detected in unchastity ends her life with a noose. *
14 266
 125th Olympiad  20
15 265
2 280  129th Olympiad 
 Antigonus Gonatas, for 36 years.  21  b Zeno the Stoic dies, after whom (comes) Cleanthes.
16 264
1 279 22  c The Romans capture Syracuse.
17 263
2 278  d King Nicomedes, enlarging a city of Bithynia, named it Nicomedia.
1740 8
3 277 23
18 262
 126th Olympiad 
 In Syria, Antiochus, who was called Theos, for 15 years. 
9  a One of the Roman virgins, caught in an (act of) corruption, is punished.
4 276
19 261
10  b  Milo handed over Tarentum to the Romans. 
5 275  130th Olympiad 
11  c The Romans held Calabria and Messana.
6 274 25  e The Romans defeat the Carthaginians in a naval battle, and capture 100 cities of Libya.
20 260
7 273 26
21 259
 127th Olympiad  27
22 258
13  d Aratus is well known.
8 272  1760  28  f Erasistratus the doctor is well known.
23 257
14  e The silver nummus minted at Rome for the first time.
9 271  131st Olympiad 
29  g Antigonus restores liberty to the Athenians.
24 256
15  f Polemon the philosopher dies, after whom Arcesilas and Crates are considered important.
10 270
11 269 30  h After Eleazar, his uncle Manasses accepted the pontificate of the Jews.
25 255
26 254
27 253
 128th Olympiad   g Epicurus died.  132nd Olympiad 
17  h The Romans planted colonies,
12 268s 33  i The Carthaginians capture 90
28 252


 Syria and Asia 
 Syria and Asia 
34 Roman ships in Sicily, the consul Metellus having been put to flight.
29 251 6
3 241
30 250  135th Olympiad 
31 249 7  a The poet Quintus Ennius is born at Tarentum, who having been translated by Cato the quaestor to Rome, lived on the Aventine hill, content with a very meagre income and the help of one servant woman. *
4 240
 133rd Olympiad 
37  a When the Parthians had rebelled against Macedonian rule, Arsaces was the first to reign; hence they were called Arsacids.
32 248 8
5 239
6 238
1770 38
 33  247 1780 10
 7  237
 3rd of Egypt, Ptolemy Euergetes, for 26 years 
 In Syria, Seleucus Callinicus, for 20 years. 
 136th Olympiad 
11  b At Rome, a vestal virgin who had been corrupted by a slave, did away with herself by her own hand.
8 236
9 235
1  b Onias the high priest of the Jews, the son of Simon the Just, is considered important, who, failing to render the usual tribute to king Ptolemy, compelled him to anger. In fact, Josephus, a noble man among his own people, having been sent by the Jews as an ambassador to Ptolemy, when he had won the friendship of the king because of his many presents to him, is appointed governor of Judaea and the surrounding region.
34 246 13
10 234
 Of Macedon, Antigonus, for 15 years. 
1 233
 137th Olympiad 
15  c   The high priest of the Jews  Simon, son of Onias, is considered important, in whose time, Jesus the son of Sirach composing the book of wisdom, which they call the Panareton, also made mention of Simon in it.
2 232
35 245 16
3 231
 134th Olympiad  17
4 230
36 244 18
5 229
 138th Olympiad 
 Of the Macedonians, Demetrius, for 10 years.  19
6 228
1790  20   d Nearly 40,000 Gauls slaughtered by the Romans.
7 227
 c At Rome a census having been conducted, there were found to be 260,000 men.
 In Syria, Seleucus Ceraunos, for 3 years. 
1 243
5  d  Temple of Vesta burned down at Rome. 
2 242 21
8 226


 Syria and Asia 
 Syria and Asia 
9 225  142nd Olympiad  when Marcellus is consul.
 139th Olympiad  9  a The Romans subjugate Capua and Sicily.
7 212
10 224
 Antiochus the Great, for 36 years 
10  b Antiochus, King of Syria, having conquered Ptolemy Philopator, unites Judaea with himself.
8 211
9 210
24  a Caria and Rhodes were so struck by an earthquake, that the great colossus collapsed.
11 223 12  c Laevinus makes an alliance with Attalus, the king of Asia. *
10 209
12 222  143rd Olympiad 
13 221 13  d The high priest of the Jews, Onias the son of Simon, is considered notable, to whom Arrius the king of the Lacedaemonians sends legates.
11 208
 140th Olympiad  1810 14
 12  207
 Of Egypt, Ptolemy Philopator, for 17 years  15
13 206
14 205
 144th Olympiad 
1  b The events which were written in the third book of Maccabees take place in the time of this Ptolemy.
14 220 17  e Scipio recaptures many cities of Spain.
15 204
15 219  5th of Egypt, Ptolemy Epiphanes, for 24 years 
 Of the Macedonians, Philip, for 42 years 
1 218 1  f Ptolemy Epiphanes, having appointed Scopas general of his army, captures Judaea and many cities of Syria.
16 203
1800 4
 2  217
 141st Olympiad  2
17 202
5  c The Jews were defeated, and 60,000 of their soldiers were slaughtered.
3 216
3  g Naevius the writer of comedies dies at Utica, driven from Rome by a party of nobles, but especially of Metellus. *
18 201
 d Vestal Virgins buried alive at Rome, on account of an accusation of unchastity.
4 215
5 214  145th Olympiad   h Plautus, from Sarsina in Umbria, dies at Rome; who, because of trouble over his income, had hired himself
8  e Eratosthenes is well known.
6 213 4
19 200
 f The Romans capture Syracuse


 Syria and Asia 
 Syria and Asia 
out at a baker's handmill; there, as often as he had leisure from work, he was accustomed to write and sell plays. *
and conceded Syria, Phoenicia, Samaria, and Judaea under the name of a "dowry."
30 189
 148th Olympiad 
5  a Near Thera, an island appeared which is called Hiera.
20 199  a Eumenes, who founded Eumenia in Phrygia, brother of King Attalus, is considered important. *
21 198
1820  7   b Antiochus, after defeating Scopas, recovered the cities of Syria, and Judaea willingly surrenders to him.
22 197
16  b The second book of Maccabees contains things that happened among the Jews of this time.
31 188
 In Syria and Asia, Seleucus, also called Philopator, for 12 years 
 146th Olympiad 
8  c The Romans commanded the Greeks to be free and all Spain  1 carried out orders.
23 196  c Titus Livius, the tragedian, is considered important; who, as a reward for his ingenuity, was granted his freedom by Livius Salinator, whose children he used to teach.  2 *
1830 17
 32  187
9  d Antiochus, knowing the goodwill of the Jews towards himself, presents them with great gifts, and through his letters honours them with constant praises.
24 195
25 194  d When Hannibal was demanded from Antiochus, with whom he had associated himself after he had been conquered by Scipio, by means of envoys, he fled to Prusias, the king of Bithyniae. But when through Flaminius the Senate again were demanding him (Hannibal) also from him (Prusias), and when he was going to have to be handed over, he drank poison, and was buried at Libyssa in Bithyniae. *
26 193
 147th Olympiad  18
33 186
 e Antiochus, after the battle at Thermopylae in which he was defeated, agreed this between himself and the Romans, that he would pay one thousand talents each year in the name of "compensation."
27 192 19
34 185
28 191  149th Olympiad 
 f The Romans planted many colonies. 20  e Simon, a dignitary of the temple at Jerusalem, fleeing to Apollonius the governor of Phoenicia; many gifts having been promised to him, he began to claim the priesthood for himself.
35 184
g Antiochus, having returned to friendship with Ptolemy, made peace with him; and (Ptolemy) gave him his daughter Cleopatra as wife,
29 190

(1) Hiberia: Only the Roman province of Hispania, as the remainder was still not under Roman control until 29 BC.
(2) cf. The  Concise Oxford Companion to Classical Literature entry for "Livius Andronicus" who is here intended; the facts are disputed, see the Loeb  Remains of Old Latin II p.viii ff. Titus is the name of Livius historicus not of the Lucius Livius Andronicus, writer of tragedy and epic here referred to.


 Syria and Asia 
 Syria and Asia 
21 When Seleucus heard about this, he sent Heliodorus to carry out the job, who, when he arrived in Judaea, judging unfairly and carrying out many crimes, is frightened away by divine omens against himself, and returns to Seleucus. However, the priest Onias had taken care that Simon should be made a fugitive.
36 183  151st Olympiad 
4  a Aristobolus, by nation a Jew, the peripatetic philosopher, is well known, who writes commentaries (consisting of) explanations on (the books of) Moses for Ptolemy Philometor.
1 176
 In Syria and Asia, Antiochus Epiphanes, for 11 years. 
37 182
2 175
3 174
23  a Hyrcanus, a son of Joseph the leader of Judaea, when he went abroad to visit Ptolemy, was received honorably by him. But his brothers, after a plot had been formed against him, were the cause of great tribulations for the nation of Judaea.
38 181 7
4 173
 152nd Olympiad 
8 b Antiochus Epiphanes, when he had returned by order of the senate from the land of the Ptolemies, which he had unexpectedly invaded, came into Judaea, and there Jesus, who also was called Jason, handed over the pontificate to his brother Onias; later, having been expelled, he appointed Onias named Menelaus his successor to it. And so, strife having been started between the princes over the dignity of the priesthood, the seeds of immense miseries sprouted.
5 172
6 171
 150th Olympiad 
39 180 10
7 170
6th of Egypt, Ptolemy Philometor, for 35 years
8 169
1  b Statius Caecilius, the writer of comedies, is considered important. By nation he was an Insubrian Gaul and at first he was an comrade of Ennius. Some say that he came from Milan. He died in the year after the death of Ennius, and was buried next to the Janiculum. *
40 179
 153rd Olympiad 
41 178  c Antiochus attacks the law of the Jews: in fact firstly compelling their whole province to idolatry, those who were unwilling to comply he tortured to death.
1840  3 
 42  177
 Of the Macedonians, Perseus, for 10 years. 


 Syria and Asia 
 Macedonians  BC
 Syria and Asia 
 Jews  BC
Afterwards, actually going up into Jerusalem, he devastates the temple and vessels of God which had been consecrated for ministry: he puts an image of Jupiter of Olympus in the temple, he builds a shrine of Jupiter the Foreigner in Samaria on the summit of mount Garizin, the Samaritans themselves having entreated that he should do this. In fact in this time a certain Matthathias from the priesthood, son of Hasmonaeus, in the hamlet of Modeim, taking up arms against the generals of Antiochus, also supported by the help of his sons, vindicated the laws of his country, in the 153rd olympiad.
 154th Olympiad 
 In Syria and Asia, Antiochus Eupator, for 2 years. 
 a Judas, also called Maccabeus, son of Mattathias, the general of the Jews, expelling the generals of Antiochus from Judaea, and purifying the Temple from the statues of the Idols, returned the laws of his country to his countrymen after three years in the 154th olympiad.
 Demetrius Soter , for 12 years. 
 155th Olympiad   Of the Jews, general Judas, for 3 years 
 b After Menelaus the high priest of the Jews had been slain by the younger Antiochus, who had earlier abandoned Judaea to Antiochus Epiphanes, Alcimus, an outsider to the sacerdotal tribe, through ambition takes possession of the pontificate. On account of this Onias, son of the high priest Onias, moving into Egypt, founded a community with his name in the Heliopolitan district, after a temple in the likeness of the temple of his country had been constructed. Alcimus, indeed, while carrying on hostilities against Judas Maccabaeus, after no great time died, struck down by the wrath of God; and, so, with the approval of all the Jews, it is decided that the priesthood should go to Judas Macabaeus, who, having received that dignity, sends legates to Rome: and the Senate decreed that the Jews
12  a Ennius the poet dies, older than 70, of a joint disease, and was buried in Scipio's Monument on the Appian Way within the first milestone of the City. Some claim that his bones were transferred to Rudiae from the Janiculum. *
9 168 20
1 160
1850  13 
 10  167
11 166
15  b   After Perseus had been killed  , the Romans ordered the Macedonians, Illyrians and Galatians to be free.
12 165
2 159
 The kingship of the Macedonians came to an end. 


 Syria and Asia 
 Jews  BC
 Syria and Asia 
 Jews  BC
were to be considered friends and supporters of the Romans.
 157th Olympiad 
28  a The false Philip reigns in Macedonia for 1 year.
6 152
22  a Publius Terentius of Carthage, a writer of comedies, granted his freedom on account of his genius and his appearance, dies in Arcadia; before he delivered it to the aediles, he first reads the Andria to Caecilius, who was himself greatly admiring. *
3 158
29  b Alexander, son of the Antiochus who was named Epiphanes, ruling Syria and Asia, bestows on Jonathan a crown and many notable gifts.
7 151
 Of the Jews, general Jonathan, for 19 years 
 In Syria and Asia, Alexander, for 9 years and 10 months 
1860 23  b The battle against the generals of Demetrius having begun, Judas is killed, having carried on the pontificate for 3 years.
 1  157 30  c The Romans, after the false Philip had been killed, make the Macedonians tributaries.
8 150
9 149
 156th Olympiad   158th Olympiad 
24  c Aristarchus the grammarian is well known.
2 156 32  d At Alexandria, with Ptolemy judging, the Samaritans and Jews contend about the honours that are to be offered by each party to their temple, and the Jews win.
10 148
25  d Jonathan, general of the Jews, the brother of Judas, after Bacchides the general of Demetrius had been expelled from Judaea, received the pontificate. *
3 155
 e The poet Lucilius is born. *
26  e Pacuvius of Brundisium the tragedian, the nephew of the poet Ennius by his daughter, is considered important; and he lived in Rome as long as he busied himself with painting and offered fables for sale; then, having moved to Tarentum, he died almost a nongenarian.  1 
4 154 1870 33  f At Rome, a survey having been carried out, there were found to be 322,000 men.
11 147
34  g Oppius imprisons the Galli: and Carthago is brought by Scipio under the power of the Romans,668 years since her foundation; or, as
12 146
5 153 35
13 145

(1) The "Remains of Old Latin," vol. II (Loeb Library, 1982), says that Pacuvius was "[p. xvii] a son of the sister of the poet | [p. xviii] Ennius," with footnote e, attached to the word "sister," saying "So Pliny, XXXV, 19; son of Ennius's daughter, says Jerome wrongly" (p. xvii). Later, the text says: "His year of fame is stated by Jerome to have been 154 B.C." with footnote d, "Jerome, ad ann. 600 = 154" (p. xviii).


 Syria and Asia 
 Jews  BC
 Syria and Asia 
 Jews  BC
others affirm,748.
him the estate next to Pisaurum is called Accianus: since he had been brought there from the City among the colonists. *
 159th Olympiad 
 7th of Egypt, Ptolemy Euergetes, for 29 years. 
7  a After Antiochus the son of Alexander was at length murdered, Trypho tried to invade the kingdom of Syria but next dies himself.
1 138
 After whom Antiochus Sidetes for 9 years. 
1  a Jonathan, both general and high priest of the Jews, makes a friendship pact with the Romans and the Spartans.
14 144
1880  8   b After Demetrius, his brother Antiochus who was surnamed Sidetes reigned over all Syria.
2 137
2  b Ptolemy gave his daughter as wife to Alexander, the son of Balas, king of Syria.
15 143
3  c Scipio overthrows the Numantines.
16 142  161st Olympiad 
 d Brutus subjugates Spain as far as the Ocean.
9  c To Simon, both high priest and leader of the Jews, the Romans and the Spartans -- after his emissaries had been received amicably -- sent friendly greetings in return.
3 136
4  e Trypho kills Jonathan, high priest of the Jews, and Simon is received into the priesthood of his brother Jonathan.
17 141
 In Syria and Asia, Demetrius, for 3 years. 
4 135
 160th Olympiad   d The Slave War started in Sicily.
5  f Trypho slays Antiochus son of Alexander.
18 140 11  e Simon the high priest of the Jews is slain, to whom succeeds his son John.
5 134
 g Ptolemy marries off his daughter to Demetrius, along with the kingdom which he had taken away from Alexander. 12  f The first book of the Maccabees contains a history of this time.
6 133
 162nd Olympiad   g Antiochus Sidetes, king of Syria, taking up arms against Judaea and surrounding Jerusalem with a siege trench, when he had forced the high priest Simon to terms, withdraws, in the 162nd Olympiad.
6  h L. Accius, a tragedian, is considered important. (He was) born to freed parents in the consulship of Mancinus and Serranus, and already recited his own writings to Pacuvius of Tarentus when he [Pacuvius) was an old man: from
19 139 13
7 132
 Of the Jews, Duke Simon, for 8 years.  14
8 131
 Of the Jews, King Hyrcanus, also called John, for 26 years. 
 h Dying, Attalus made the Roman


 Syria and Asia 
 Jews  BC
 Syria and Asia 
 Jews  BC
15 people the heirs of his kingdom.
1 130 27 siege. Later Herod, restoring it, wanted it to be called Sebaste in honor of Augustus.
13 118
16  a Ptolemy expelled from Egypt.
2 129
 163rd Olympiad 
 After whom Demetrius again for 4 years 
1900 28
 14  117
 b Arsaces the Parthian killed Antiochus.  166th Olympiad 
29  a The philosopher and poet Marcus Terentius Varro is born. *
15 116
17  c The slaves, who were rebelling in Sicily, compelled by the necessity of the siege, were driven in turn to have to devour their comrades' corpses.
3 128  8th of the Egyptians, Ptolemy Physcon also called Soter, for 17 years. 
1890 18
 4  127
 d The most renowned city of the Arvernian Gauls, and King Vituitus captured. * 1
16 115
17 114
19  e Close by the islands of Aeolia, cast up in the fire from an eruption, appeared the island that is now called Hiera.
5 126 3
18 113
 After whom Antiochus Cyzicenus for 18 years 
6 125  167th Olympiad 
 164th Olympiad   In Syria and Asia, Antiochus Grypus, for 12 years   b Antiochus Cyzicenus, having cast out Grypus, seized Syria: and then Grypus, having defeated Cyzicenus, took it back again. Thus they were ruling in turn, fighting in turn against each other.
 f While John, the general and priest of the Jews, was waging war against the Hyrcanians, he received the name of Hyrcanus and, when he asked the Romans for the privilege of friendship, he was by decree of the Senate recorded on the list of friends. 4
19 112
20 111
7 124 6
21 110
22 109
8 123  168th Olympiad 
9 122 8  c Fighting against the Romans, Jugurtha is captured.
23 108
24  g Colonies planted at Narbonne.
10 121
 165th Olympiad   1910  9  d Rhodes having been struck by an earthquake, the Colossus fell.
 24  107
25  h The Jews' priest Hyrcanus razed Samaria, which in our day is called Sebaste, which had been captured by
11 120
 e Among the Jews, Jonathas holds the principate in a glorious way.
12 119


 Syria and Asia 
 Jews  BC
 Syria and Asia 
 Jews  BC
10  a Cicero is born at Arpinum, to a mother named Helvia and a father of knightly rank, from the royal stock of the Volsci. *
25 106  170th Olympiad  celebrates a triumph with Catulus. (*)
16  a   The Thracians conquered by the Romans. 
4 100
 b Once more a Slave War flares up in Sicily.
11  b Gn. Pompey the Great is born. *
26 105 17
5 99
 169th Olympiad   Of the Jews, Aristobolus, for 1 year.   9th of the Egyptians Ptolemy, also called Alexander, for 10 years. 
 c Aristobolus, the son of Jonathan, both king and high priest, was the first amongst the Jews to wear the insignia of the diadem, 484 years after the Babylonian captivity.
After him reigned Jannaeus surnamed Alexander, who, also controlling the pontificate, presided over the people with great cruelty.
1 104
 after whom Jannaeus, also called Alexander, for 27 years. 
1  c Ptolemy Physcon was expelled from the kingdom by his mother Cleopatra, and withdraws to Cyprus.
6 98
1920 2
 7  97
 171st Olympiad 
3  d Aquilius suppressed the Slave war in Sicily.
8 96
 d Turpilius the writer of comedies, exceedingly old, dies at Sinuessa. *  e Dying, Ptolemy King of the Cyrenes made the Romans his heirs in his will.
13  e Gaius Lucilius the satirical writer dies at Naples, and is given a public funeral, in the forty sixth year of his life. *
1 103 4  f Seleucus is burned alive by Antiochus, the son of Cyzicenus
9 95
 In Syria, Philip, for 2 years 
 f The poet Marcus Furius, surnamed Bibaculus, is born at Cremona. * 5  g The poet Titus Lucretius is born, who afterwards, driven mad by a love-potion, although during intervals of his insanity he had composed several books which Cicero later corrected, killed himself with his own hand in his forty-fourth year. *
10 94
14  g 200,000 Cimbrians slaughtered, and 80,000 captured along with their leader Teutomodus by Marius. *
2 102
11 93
 The kingship of Syria and Asia ends. 
15  h Gaius Marius being Consul for the fifth time, defeats the Cimbri by the Eridanus, and afterward for this
3 101


 Alexandrians   Consuls   Jews  BC  Alexandrians   Consuls   Jews  BC
 172nd Olympiad   a Antiochus fleeing to the Parthians, he later surrendered himself to Pompey, after which Philip was captured by Gabinius. 3  a Sallustius Crispus, the historical writer, is born among the Sabines, at Amiternum. * 18 86
7 12 92  b Sulla devastates the Athenians.
4  c At Rome, a survey having been carried out, there were found to be 463,000 men. * 19 85
8  b   Syria, having been possessed by kings until this point, fell under Roman control.  13 91
 174th Olympiad 
9  c The Picentes, Marsians and Pelignians started a war against the Romans. * 14 90 5  d The temple at Delphi burned down for the third time by the Thracians, and at Rome the Capitol. 20 84
10 15 89
 d Lucius Pomponius of Bologna, writer of atellans, is considered important. * 6  e Jannaeus captures many towns. 21 83
 f In the 26th year of his life, Cicero defends Quintius. *
 173rd Olympiad  7  g P. Terentius Varro, from the hamlet of the Atax, is born in the province of (Gallia) Narbonensis; after living for 35 years, he learned Greek letters with great zeal. * 22 82
 10th of Egypt, PTOLEMY, who was ejected by his mother, for 8 years 
 e Returned from exile, he (Ptolemy) obtained the kingdom because the citizens had expelled Alexander, who had been king before him, on account of the murder of his mother.
1 16 88 8  h Vultacilius Plotus, a Latin rhetor, a teacher and freedman of Gnaeus Pompey, opened a school in Rome. * 23 81
 f Plotius Gallus first taught Latin rhetoric at Rome, about whom Cicero thus declares: "I retain the memory that, when we were boys, a certain Plotius first began to teach in Latin." *
 175th Olympiad 
 11th of Egypt, Ptolemy Dionysus, for 30 years 
1930 2  g Gaius Valerius Catullus, the lyric writer, is born at Verona. 17 87
1  i Sulla occupied Rome, and dies after two years. 24 80


 Alexandrians   Consuls   Jews  BC  Alexandrians   Consuls   Jews  BC
2  a Having defended Roscius against Chrysogonus, Cicero withdraws to Athens, and returns from that place to Rome after three years. * 25 79  a Vergil Maro is born in the community that is called "Andes" not far from Mantua, when Pompey and Crassus were consuls. *
12 8 69
3  b Pompey celebrated a triumph most gloriously. 26 78
 c Jannaeus devastates many communities.  b M. Porcius Cato the Stoic philosopher is well known. *
 d Lepidus declared a public enemy.
1940 4  e T. Quintius Atta, a writer of national dramas , dies at Rome, and is buried at the second milestone of the Praenestine Way. * 27 77  178th Olympiad 
 Of the Jews, Alexandra reigned for 9 years.  13  c Antioch in Syria captured by the Romans. 9 68
 d The Cretan war started, from which Metellus was called Creticus.  The Jews made tributaries by Pompey, and Hyrcanus received the pontificate among them, for 34 years. 
 176th Olympiad 
5  f Alexandra, also called Salina  2 , the wife of Alexander, reigned at Jerusalem, in whose time the breakdown of government and various military disasters oppressed the Jews. 1 76  e The grove of Daphne near Antioch is consecrated to Apollo by Pompey. *
1950 14  f Aristobulus and Hyrcanus, sons of Alexandra, fighting against each other for power, exposed an opportunity to the Romans to take possession of Judaea. And so Pompey, coming to Jerusalem after the city had been captured and the Temple had been opened, approaches up to the holy of holies; he brings Aristobolus with him as a captive, and confirms the pontificate to Hyrcanus; then he makes Antipater, the son of Herod of Ascalon, procurator of Palestine. 1 67
6 2 75
7  g The Gladiators' War in Campania.  3 * 3 74
 h L. Lucullus was the first to be hailed 'imperator', having defeated Armenia, Mesopotamia, and captured Nisbis with the brother of the king. (*) 15 2 66
8 4 73
 177th Olympiad 
9  i Pompey subjugated all Spain.  4 * 5 72
10  k M. Lucullus celebrated a triumph over the Bessi, having captured Cabilonnum, together with Tomis and the other nearby cities. * 6 71
 16   g Libya left by the will of king Appion to the Romans. * 3 65
11  l Crassus celebrated a triumph. * 7 70  h The satiric and lyric  5 

(1) 'togatae'.
(2) Salome.(3) The Third Servile War (Gladiators' War), instigated in 73 B.C. by Spartacus, an escaped slave and gladiator; the war ended in 71 B.C.(4) Not the peninsula as a whole, but the entire Roman province. This had been in revolt under Sertorius.(5) Venusia was on the borders of Apulia and Lucania; the date was 8 December 65 B.C.


 Alexandrians   Consuls   Jews  BC  Alexandrians   Consuls   Jews  BC
poet Horace Flaccus is born at Venusia to a freedman father. * he died at Piacenza. *
25  a Caesar, crossing the Rhine, devastates the Germans. 12 56
 179th Olympiad 
17  a Apollodorus the Pergamene, a Greek orator, teacher of Callidius and Augustus, is considered important. * 4 64  b The consul Crassus captured with his son at Carrae. *
26  c Ventidius is the first of the Romans to defeat the Parthians. * 13 55
18  b Pompey, after Jerusalem had been captured, makes the Jews tributary. 5 63
 d The active Populares orator Curio is considered notable in Rome; who afterwards in Africa, from the shame of losing his Army, chose to die rather than escape. *
19  c Those things which Sallust and Livy write about Catiline, Cethegus, and Lentulus, and the Consul Cicero, happened at this time. (*) 6 62 27 14 54
28 15 53
20  d Cicero spends a year in exile, being received with honour by Plancius.  1 * 7 61
 e Virgil, having assumed the toga, goes to Milan, and after a short time goes on to Rome. *
 e Pompey hailed 'imperator.'
 180th Olympiad 
21  f Caesar captures Lusitania and some islands in the ocean. 8 60  182nd Olympiad 
29  f The statue of Jupiter Olympiacus struck by lightning. 16 52
22  g Messalla Corvinus the orator, and Titus Livius of Padua, the writer of history, are born. * 9 59
30  g Caesar captures Germans and Gauls. 17 51
 12th of Egypt, Cleopatra for 22 years 
 h Virgil becomes learned by studies at Cremona. *
23  i Catullus dies at Rome in the 30th year of his life. * 10 58 1  h The beginning of the civil war of Caesar and Pompey. 18 50
1960 24  k M. Callidius the orator is considered important; later, having followed the Caesarean factions in the Civil War, when he was in charge of Gallia Togata, 11 57 2  i Diodorus Siculus, a writer of Greek history, is considered important. *? 19 49
 181st Olympiad   183rd Olympiad 

(1) 58BC, in Macedonia. Gnaeus Plancius was quaestor of Macedonia.


 Romans   3 
 Jews  BC  Romans 
 Jews  BC
 a   Gaius Julius Caesar  was the first among the Romans to attain sole power, from whom Romans holding first rank are called 'Caesars'.  184th Olympiad   a Antony decreed that the month Quintilis should be called July: because Julius (Caesar) had been born in it.
5  b After Judaea had been captured, Cassius despoils the temple.  7  23 44
 First of the Romans, C. JULIUS CAESAR, for 4 years and 7 months   c On the Ides of March, Gaius Julius Caesar is slain in the Curia, and at once Publius Dolabella took office.  1 *
 b   From this point the Antioch-enes calcul-ate their dates.  1  c Pompey, conquered in battle, and fleeing, is killed by the eunuchs of the king of the Alexandrians.  3  20 48
 d The body of C. Caesar cremated on the Rostra, as an honour. *
 d M. Caelius the praetor and T. Annius Milo the exile crushed while simultaneously promoting a revolt in the Thurian and Bruttian regions. *
 e Servius Sulpicius, a lawyer, and Publius Servilius Isauricus given a state funeral. *
 f At Rome, three simultaneously risen suns gradually coalesced into the same disk. *
1970 2  e Ptolemy's carcass found in the Nile wearing a golden breastplate. *  4   21  47
 g Among other portents, that occurred all around the world, an ox in the region of Rome at its plowing spoke: "It is useless to goad me on. For soon there will be a shortage not of crops but of men."  2 *
 f Caesar confirms the reign of Cleopatra in Egypt on account of the influence of her unchastity.
3  g Julian basilica dedicated at Rome. *  5  22 46
 h A decree of the senate and the Athenians is sent to the Jews, who had proposed alliance through emissaries.
 2nd of the Romans, Octavianus Caesar Augustus reigned for 56 years and 6 months; from whom the kings of the Romans are called 'Augusti' 
 i Cleopatra entered the City with a royal escort. *
1  h Antonius launches a war against Caesar Augustus. *?  9  25 43
 k Women who have neither husbands nor children prohibited from the use of litters or pearls, and remain minors for 44 years. *
 i Laberius, writer of mimes, dies at Puteoli, in the 10th month after the murder of Caesar.
4  l Nigidius Figulus, a Pythagorean and a magician, dies in exile. *? 6 23 45  k Publius the mime playwright, a Syrian by birth, debuts on the Roman stage. *

(1) Literally "received the fasces."
(2) Cf. Livy 28.11.4 (for 206 BC, not this 41 BC) "et bos in agro Romano locutus." (3) Prior to this page in 'O' the heading always reads 'Consuls'. Thereafter it is 'Romans'.


 Jews  BC  Romans 
 Jews  BC
 a Cicero, in his 64th year, is slain by Herennius and Popilius in his villa at Formiae. * to friendship with him.
 a The poet Cornificius died, deserted by the soldiers whom on account of their often fleeing, he calls 'helmeted hares'. His sister was Cornificia, whose notable epigrams survive. *
c According to some, Cicero is killed in his villa at Caieta.  b The head of Cicero, with his right hand, placed in front of the Rostra, and next to it the crowned likeness of the soldier Popilius who had slain him. *
 b Cassius looted the temple of the Rhodians. *
 c Second split of Augustus and Antonius.
 d Ovid Naso is born in Abruzzi.  1 *  185th Olympiad 
4  d Cornelius Nepos the historical writer is considered important. * 11 28 40
2  e Caius Falcidius, a Tribune of the People, brought in a law  2 against anyone making a legacy in his will so great that it did not leave to the heirs a fourth part of the estate. *  9  26 42
 e Antigonus while fighting against the Jews is at length killed. From then on down to the present time the kingship of Jerusalem has been destroyed. Accordingly after him Herod, a foreign prince, and in no way relating to Judea, was installed by the Romans.
5 12 29 39
 f Curtius Salassus was burned alive with four cohorts in the island of Arada, because he had exacted tributes quite oppressively. *
6 13 30 38
3  g His owner recognized Vibius Maximus that had been designated quaestor, and carried him off. *  10  27 41  f The Fornii, father and son, are considered important orators, of whom the consular son dies before the father. *
1980 7 14  31  37
 h Oil erupts out from the earth from a taberna meritoria  3 on the other side of the Tiber, and flowed all the day without interruption, signifying the Grace of Christ from the nations. *  186th Olympiad 
8  g Sallust died in the quadrennium before the Battle of Actium. * 15 32 36
9  h M. Bavius the poet, whom Vergil mentions in the  Eclogues , dies in Cappadocia. 16 33 35
 i Augustus defeats Antony, and by the senate intervening, returns

(1) Literally "among the Peligni."
(2) The Falcidian Law,(Justinian, Digest of Roman Law, 35.2) by its first Article, conferred the power of disposing of an estate up to and including three-fourths of the same.  Latin text .  English translation . Some paraphrase has been necessary: literally "Caius Falcidius, a Tribune of the People, proposed a law against anyone making a legacy in his Will, greater than would [still] leave a quarter [of the whole estate] to the heirs." It is followed in some manuscripts by a long and confused gloss, which adds the words "... if four or less." And then goes on, "If however there were more than four, the proportion was in this way: that part that Falcidius ordered (unless the father forbade it) and the other profitable legacies, and similar less-desirable items, were divided up equally in the same way as the same father bequeathed his property either to the children or to more distant relatives."
(3)  Cassius Dio 48.43.4 , giving the date as 38 BC. Here one day, in 38 BC, oil suddenly started to gush out from the ground. This mysterious event was given the Latin name fons olei ("oil source", or "oil fountain"). This is the legend of S.Maria in Trastevere. A taberna meritoria was an upmarket tavern and lodging house.


 †   Romans 
 Jews  BC  Romans 
 Jews  BC
10  a Herod, the son of Antipater from Ascalon and whose mother was Cypris from Arabia, received the principate of the Jews from the Romans: in whose time, around the time of Christ's birth, the kingship and the priesthood of Judaea, which previously had been held by a succession of lesser men, were destroyed, and the prophecy was fulfilled which speaks thus through Moses:  17  34 34 These 69 weeks  1 come to 483 years, in which the christs (=anointed ones), that is, the high priests reigned through the anointing of oil until Hyrcanus. The latter having been captured finally by the Parthians, Herod son of Antipater received Judaea, which did not belong to him, from Augustus and the Senate. And his sons after him reigned until the most recent captivity of Jerusalem, never having been appointed high priests from the succession of the sacerdotal line, serving God according to the Law of Moses for all their lives. Indeed, certain lay persons, and others at another time, and not a few, used to buy the priestly office from Roman Emperors, for a single year or a bit more. All these things Daniel the prophet also foretells, saying:
 Herod the foreigner reigned over the Jews, the secular power of the pontificate having ended, for 37 years. 
 "There will not lack a prince from Judah, nor a leader from his loins, until he shall come in whom it is entrusted. And he himself will be the hope of the nations.   "   2 
And in this very place, Christ, whom the Scripture of Daniel prophesies, received his end. For until Herod, christs (=anointed ones), i.e. the high priests, were the kings of the Jews, who began to rule from the 65th Olympiad and the restoration of the Temple under Darius, until Hyrcanus and the 186th Olympiad, around 433 years having passed: which is what Daniel also signifies, saying:
"And after 7 and 62 weeks the anointing will perish, and there will be no sound judgement there and the people will defile the temple and the sanctuary with the leader who is coming: and they will be struck down in the flood of war." And in what follows: "And upon the Temple, he says, an abomination of desolation: and until the fulfillment of the time, a fulfillment will be given upon the desolation."
 a Herod installed a certain Ananelus, invited from Babylon, as high priest of the Jews, and after a short while he appointed Aristobulus, the brother of his wife and nephew of Hyrcanus as
And may you know and understand that from the beginning of the word of returning to and rebuilding Jerusalem, until the leadership of CHRIST (=the anointed one), 7 weeks  1 and 62 weeks  1 .

(1) 'Hebdomades' is properly a 'group of seven' years rather than a week. The word 'weeks' is intended to be quaint or mystical, as note where it is initially explained by Leviticus 25:8 'numerabis quoque tibi septem ebdomades annorum id est septem septies quae simul faciunt quadraginta novem' -- 'And you shall count seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, so that the time of the seven weeks of years shall be to you forty-nine years.' Jerome's 'id est' is not in the Heb (or RSV) but the phrase SHBX SHBTT SHNYM 'seven sabbaths of years' is clearly meant to be pointed in some way, and not just a way of saying something numerical like 'group of seven'. Even the Gk word  E(BDOMAS is somewhat obscure [cf. Chantraine s.v.  e(pta at end]. Finally, it is already traditional language in Jerome's time and remains so: NJB, Lev. 25:8 'You will count seven weeks of years--seven...' [note their long dash = Jerome's id est] and then Dan 9:24 'Seventy weeks are decreed...'.
(2) The quotation marks represent a line of vertical squiggles against this paragraph in the left-hand margin in 'O'.


 Jews  BC  Romans 
 Jews  BC
the successor to him; when he was murdered after a year, he reappointed Ananelus to the priesthood. 12  a Until Cleopatra, the Ptolemies, who were called Lagids, reigned in Egypt for 295 years.  19  2 32
 a The movements of the moon, according to the Romans, discovered. *  b Artorius the doctor of Augustus perishes after the victory of Actium in a shipwreck. *
11  b Treaty of Antony and Augustus.  18  1 23
 c The Romans planted colonies. 13  c Some compute the first year of the monarchy of Augustus from this point.  20  3 31
 d Augustus celebrated a triumph for his land-battle triumph.
 e Antony handed over Arabia to Cleopatra.  d Caesar called Augustus, from whom the month Sextilis received the name of Augustus.
 f The beginning of the third disagreement of Augustus and Antony, because the sister of Caesar having been repudiated, he had married Cleopatra. (*)
14  e With a huge pomp of triumphs, Augustus entered Rome, and led before his chariot the children of Cleopatra, the Sun and the Moon.  1   21  4 30
 g Nicetes, Hybreas, Theodorus and Plution are considered the most noble Greek teachers of the rhetorical art. *
15  f Nicopolis founded near Actium and the Actian games established.  22  5 29
 The power of the Alexandrians ends. 
 g Augustus enacts many laws for the Romans.
 187th Olympiad 
 h Cleopatra and Antony kill themselves, and Egypt is made a Roman province, which Caius Cornelius Gallus first headed, about whom Virgil writes in the  Eclogues . (*)  188th Olympiad 
 h A census of Rome having been taken, there were found to be 4,164,000 Roman citizens.
16  i Colonies planted.  23   2  6  3  28
 k Anaxilaus Larisseus, a Pythagorean

(1)  Dio Cassius 51.21.8 . The reference is to Alexander Helios (the 'sun') and Cleopatra Selene (the 'moon').
(2) This number is missing in 'O'.(3) This number is coloured red in 'O'.


 Romans   Jews  BC  Romans   Jews  BC
and a magician, is expelled from the City and from Italy by Augustus. * was offered to him, declined.
21  a Quintilius of Cremona, a friend of Vergil and Horace, dies. *  11  23
 a M. Terentius Varro the philosopher dies when nearly a nonagenarian. *
 b Augustus deprived the Cyzicenes of their liberty.
1990 17  b Thebes of Egypt razed to the ground.  7  27 22  c Pylades, the Cilician writer of pantomime, although the ancients themselves had sung and danced, was the first in Rome to make a chorus and pipe make music. *  12  22
 c Cornelius Gallus the Frejusian poet, by whom Egypt was first governed, as we said above, killed himself with his own hand in the 43rd year of his life. *
23  d Sent by Augustus, Tiberius took possession of Armenia.  13  21
 d Trallis destroyed in an earthquake.
18  e The Indians through a deputation requested friendship with Augustus. *  8  26  e Atratinus, who had prosecuted Caelius at the age of seventeen, is considered important among orators. In the end, due to the weight of his illnesses, having died voluntarily in the bath, he left Augustus his heir. *
 f Messala Corvinus, when he was first made urban prefect, relinquished his magistracy on the sixth day, claiming that it was an unjust form of authority. *
 190th Olympiad 
19  g Augustus makes the Calabri and the Gauls subject to taxation.  9  25 24  f The Cantabri, initiating an insurrection, are crushed.  14  20
 h Munatius Plancus, a student of Cicero, is considered notable as an orator; who, when he was in charge of Gallia Comata, founded Lyons. * 25  g Herod in Jerusalem constructed many and great buildings.  15  19
26 h Vergil dies in Brundisium, when Sentius Saturninus and Lucretius Cinna were consuls. His bones, having been taken to Naples, are buried within the second mile-marker of that city, with this very epitaph written above it, which he himself had dictated as he lay dying:  16  18
 189th Olympiad 
20  i Marcus Lollius makes Galatia a province.
 k Augustus, when the monarchy


 Romans   Jews  BC  Romans   Jews  BC
"Mantua gave birth to me;
Calabria carried me off;Now Parthenope holds me.I sang of pastures, the country and leaders." *
 a Agrippa captures Bosphorus.
31  b Cestius the Smyrnean rhetor taught Latin in Rome. *  21  13
 a Rebuilding Samaria from the ground up, which for a long time now had been sitting in ashes, Herod renamed it Augusta in honor of Augustus, that is, Sebaste, and constructed the town which is called Panion in Paneas.  192nd Olympiad 
 c Augustus is hailed as pontifex maximus by the Senate.
32  22  12
 d Herod founded Caesarea in the name of Caesar, which previously used to be called Strato's Tower.
2000 27  b Augustus granted freedom to the Samians.  17  17
 c In Cyprus, many parts of the cities were ruined in an earthquake.  e Herod founded Anthonis, and Antipatris: and he constructed Herodion in his own honour and that of his father Antipater: also he constructed most cleverly innumerable works in individual cities of Syria which he was ruling.
33  23  11
 d Marcus Lollius defeats the Germans who had taken up arms.
 e The poets Varius and Tucca, companions of Vergil and Horace, are considered illustrious, who later corrected the books of the  Aeneid under this condition: that they added nothing. *
34  f Tiberius Caesar celebrates a triumph over the captured Pannonians.  24  10
 191st Olympiad  35  g Horace dies at Rome in the fifty-seventh year of his life. *  25  9
28  f Augustus adopted Gaius Agrippa as his son.  18  16
36  h Passienus the Father, a notable speech-maker, died. *  26  8
 g Aemilius Macer, a poet from Verona, dies in Asia. *
 i C. Julius Hyginus, surnamed Polyhistor, the grammarian, is considered illustrous. *
29  h Tiberius makes the Vindelici and those who were bordering Thrace, Roman provinces.  19  15
 193rd Olympiad 
 k After Germany had been devastated, Tiberius is hailed as imperator.
30 Colonies at Beirut and Patras planted.  20  14


 Romans   Jews  BC  Romans   Jews  BC/AD
36  a Herod killed Hyrcanus, who previously had been high priest of the Jews, when he returned from his Parthian captivity, and killed his son, who had succeeded his father in the high priesthood: in addition, he most cruelly puts to death his (Hyrcanus's) sister, his very own wife, with his own two sons already in adolescence, and the mother of his murdered wife, his mother-in-law.  26  8 from the weariness of a double quartan fever.
41  a Herod added to these things, which he accomplished above cruelly, this also: he killed the husband of his sister Salome, and when he handed her over to another, he put him to death, too: morever he slew the scribes and translators of the divine law in a similar crime.  31  3
 b  Tertullian, in that book which he wrote against the Jews, affirms that Christ was born in the 41st year of Augustus, and suffered in the 15th of Tiberius. * 
2010 37  27  7
42  32  2
38  b Tiberius celebrated a triumph over the Rhetians, Vindelicians, Armenians, and the Pannonians.  28  6  c   Jesus Christ, the son of GOD, is born in Bethlehem of Judah 
43  33  1 BC
 c Albutius Silo of Novara, an important rhetor, is well known. *  d Quirinius, sent to Judaea by a resolution of the senate, makes a survey of men and property.
39  d Many things were ruined in an earthquake on the island of Cos.  29  5
 e   All the years taken together from Abraham until the birth of Christ come to 2015 years. 
 e Augustus condemns to exile his daughter Julia, caught in adultery.
 195th Olympiad 
 194th Olympiad   f C. Caesar made a treaty with the Parthians.
 f M. Tullius Tiro, Cicero's freedman, who is credited with being the first to use shorthand, lives to his 100th year on his estate in Puteoli. * 44  g Sextus the Pythagorean philosopher is well known.  34  1 AD
 h Augustus adopts Tiberius and Agrippa as his sons.
40  30  4
 g Augustus exhibited gladatorial games and a naval battle. 45  i Judas the Gallilean urges the Jews to rebel.  35  2
 h Melissus of Spoleto, the grammarian, is well known. *  k Herod, when he had learned of the nativity of CHRIST from the information of the Magi, ordered all the infants in Bethlehem to be killed.
 i M. Porcius Latro, the Latin declaimer, killed himself


 Romans   Jews  AD  Romans   Jews  AD
46  a Herod, suffering from the dropsy and with his whole body infested with worms, dies miserably and deservedly.  36  3 lost his memory and intellect that he could scarcely string a few words together, and at the end, when a sore had developed around his lower spine, he ended his life by fasting at 72 years of age. *
2020 47  b Asinius Pollio, orator and consul, who had celebrated a triumph over the Dalmatians, dies at his Tuscan villa in the 70th years of his life. *  37  4
 Of the Jews, Duke Archelaus, for 9 years   198th Olympiad 
 a Augustus with his son Tiberius taking the census at Rome, he found 9,370,000 men.
 196th Olympiad 
 c Into Herod's place Archelaus is substituted by Augustus, and his four brothers are made Tetrarchs: Herod, Antipater, Lysias, and Philip. 56  b Sotio the Alexandrian philosopher, the tutor of Seneca is considered important. (*)  9  13
48  1  5
 c Archelaus, in the 9th year of his reign, is banished to the Gallic city of Vienne.  Of the Jews, Herod the Tetrarch holds the principate for 24 years 
 d So great a famine happens at Rome, that five  modii are sold for 27½  denarii .  d An eclipse of the sun happened, and Augustus dies in his 76th year, in Atella in Campania, and is buried at Rome in the Campus Martius. (*)
49  e Philisthion the mime playwright, a Magnesian by birth, is considered important at Rome. *  2  6
50  f Tiberius Caesar drives back the Dalmatians and Sarmatians into Roman authority.  3  7  3rd of the Romans, Tiberius reigned for 23 years 
2030 1  e The orator Gaius Asinius Gallus, son of Asinius Pollio, whom even Vergil mentions, is put to death with fearful tortures by Tiberius. *  1  14
51  g Athenodorus of Tarsus the Stoic philosopher, and M. Verrius Flaccus the grammatician, are considered notable. (*)  4  8 2  2  15
3  3  16
 197th Olympiad   199th Olympiad 
52  h The Athenians, revolting against the Romans, are crushed, the authors of the rebellion slain.  5  9 4  f T. Livius the historian dies in Patavi.  4  17
53  6  10  g Ovid the poet died in exile, and is interred near the town of Tomi. *
54  7  11
55  i Two years before Messala Corvinus the orator died, he had so  8  12  h Germanicus Caesar celebrates a triumph over the Parthians.


 Romans   Jews  AD  Romans   Jews  AD
5  a Thirteen cities were levelled in an earthquake: Ephesus, Magnesia, Sardis, Mosthene, Aegae, Hierocaesarea, Philadelphia, Tmolus, Temnus, Cymae, Myrhina, Apollonia Dia, and Hyrcania.  5  18 Paneas, in which he had constructed many buildings, Caesarea Philippi, and another city Julias.
13  a Pilate is sent as procurator of Judaea by Tiberius. *  13  26
6  b Fenestella, a writer of histories and songs, dies a septuagenarian, and is buried in Cumae. *  6  19 14  b Votienus Montanus of Narbonne the orator dies in the Balearic islands, having been banished there by Tiberius.  14  27
7  c Tiberius, by blandishments, having summoned to himself many kings, never returned them: among these was Archelaus of Cappadocia; after his kingdom had been turned into a province, he (Tiberius) ordered its most noble city Mazaca to be called Caesarea. *  7  20 15  c Herod founded Tiberias, and Livias.  15  28
 d John the son of Zechariah, preaching in the desert by the Jordan River, bears witness that Christ, the son of God, is present in their midst. Also the Lord Jesus Christ himself announces the way of salvation to all people, proving by signs and wonders that the things that he said were true.
 200th Olympiad 
8  d The theatre of Pompey burned down.  8  21
9  e Tiberius makes Drusus his colleague in power.  9  22
 f There are computed to the present year, that is the 15th of Tiberius Caesar, from the year following the restoration of the temple, which was completed under the second year of Darius, king of the Persians,  548 years
10  f Drusus Caesar perished by poison.  10  23
2040 11  g Quintus Haterius, the active Populares orator, lives until almost his 90th year with the highest honours. *  11  24
 h Servius Plautus, guilty of corrupting his son, kills himself in punishment. * from Solomon however, and the building of the first temple,  1060 years
 201st Olympiad  from Moses, and the Exodus of Israel out of Egypt,  1539 years
12  i Philip the Tetrarch called  12  25


 Romans   Jews  AD  Romans   Jews  AD
from Abraham and the reign of Ninus and Semiramis,  2044 years 

"However in the fourth year of the 202nd olympiad, an eclipse of the sun happened, greater and more excellent than any that had happened before it; at the sixth hour, day turned into dark night, so that the stars were seen in the sky, and an earthquake in Bithynia toppled many buildings of the city of Nicaea." These things the aforementioned man (says).

The proof however of this matter, that in this year the Saviour suffered, the gospel of John presents, in which it is written that after the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, the Lord preached for three years. Also Josephus, a native writer of the Jews, attests that around that time on the day of Pentecost, the priests first perceived an earth tremor and certain (loud) sounds. Then, that an unexpected voice suddenly burst out from the innermost part of the Temple saying: "Let us flee from this abode." However the aforementioned man writes that in the same year Pilate the governor secretly in the night set up images of Caesar in the temple, and from this arose the first cause of the rebellion and turmoil of the Jews.

from the flood until Abraham,  942 years 
from Adam until the flood,  2242 years 
 202nd Olympiad 
 a Start of the 81st jubilee according to the Hebrews 16  b   Jesus Christ the son of God  , preaching the way of salvation to all, performs the miracles which were written in the Gospels. 16 29
17  c   Jesus Christ the son of God  , imparting the divine sacraments to his own disciples, commands that they announce (the opportunity and need for) conversion to God, to all peoples. 17 30
18  d   Jesus Christ  , according to the prophecies, which had been spoken about him beforehand, came to the Passion in the 18th year of Tiberius, at which time also we find these things written verbatim in other commentaries of the gentiles: an eclipse of the sun happened  1 , Bithynia shaken by earthquake, and in the city of Nicaea many buildings collapsed: all of which agree with what occurred in the Passion of the Saviour. Indeed Phlegon, who is an excellent calculator of olympiads, also writes about this, in his 13th book writing thus: 18 31
19 19 32
 a The first bishop of the Church of Jerusalem, James the brother of the Lord, is ordained by the Apostles.

(1) November 24, 29 AD. Note that paras b,c and d are merged in the Merton Ms.


 Romans   Jews  AD  Romans   Jews  AD
 a From this point it must be considered, what a great number of calamities will have then oppressed the nation of the Jews. other recognised religions.  4 Indeed, when by a decree of the fathers, it had pleased them that the Christians be evicted from the City, Tiberius by an edict threatened accusers of the Christians with death: thus writes Tertullian in his  Apologeticum .  5 
23  23  36
 b Cassius Severus the outstanding orator, who had mocked the Quintian Proverb, dies of starvation in the 25th year of his exile, covered with hardly a rag over his privates.  1 *
 a Many Roman Senators and Knights killed.
 203rd Olympiad 
 c Pilate, after the aforementioned uprising which had been incited on account of Caesar's images, laid the seeds for a second uprising when he spent the sacred treasury, which the Jews call the korban, on an aqueduct for Jerusalem.  b Tiberius dies in Campania.  6 (*)
 204th Olympiad 
20  20  33  4th of the Romans, Gaius Caligula reigned for 3 years and 10 months. 
1  c Gaius Caesar, called Caligula, makes Agrippa, who had been freed from his bonds, king of Judaea.  24  37
 Prince of the Jews, Agrippa, for 7 years 
 2050  21  d Sejanus, the prefect of Tiberius, who used to possess the greatest influence over him, urges most insistently that the Jewish nation be destroyed: Philo recalls this in the second book of his  Embassy .  2   21  34
 d Gaius declares himself to be among the gods.
 e Flaccus Avilius, prefect of Egypt, oppresses the Jews with many injuries, with the people of Alexandria consenting and resounding with numerous cries against them: he also pollutes their synagogues with images, statues, and altars and sacrificial victims. Philo declares, in the book called  Flaccus , that he was present at all
 e The satirical poet Persius Flaccus is born at Volaterrae.
2  1  38
22  f Agrippa the son of Aristobulus, the son of King Herod, the accuser of Herod the Tetrach, having set out for Rome, is thrown in chains by Tiberius.  3   22  35
 g Pilate referring the matter of Christian doctrine to Tiberius, Tiberius referred it on to the Senate, so that it would be accepted among the

(1) After this in the PL is the following entry, where the Merton ms. has a blank: Stephen is stoned: Saul is converted to Christ.
(2) Another blank in the manuscript is filled in the PL with these two entries: James the brother of John the apostle, by the order of King Herod, is beheaded. -- The apostle Peter thrown into prison by Herod, and having been bound with two chains, he is miraculously freed by an angel.(3) In the PL, but not in the Ms. this entry continues: because he had publicly prayed to God, so that, right away upon the death of Tiberius, he would see Gaius the lord of all.(4) 'Sacra' rendered as 'recognised religions'.(5) In the PL, not in the Ms. there follows: Peter the Apostle founded the Church at Antioch, and there securing his (episcopal) throne, he sat (reigning as bishop) for 25 years.(6) The PL adds: in the villa of Lucullus.


 Romans   Jews  AD  Romans   Jews  AD
these things, which is why he himself had even undertaken a delegation to Gaius.  5th of the Romans, Claudius reigned 13 years, 8 months, 28 days. 
 205th Olympiad 
 a Passienus the son killed by the treachery of his own heir.  1 * 1  a This is Claudius the paternal uncle of Drusus, who has a monument at Moguntiacum: elsewhere I have read that he was the maternal uncle, because he was the brother of the mother of Gaius. *  4  41
3  b Gaius took the wife of Memmius Regulus, forcing him to write that he (Memmius) was the father of his wife.  2  39
2  b   Peter the Apostle  , by nation a Galilean, first high priest of the Christians, after he had been the first to found a church at Antioch, proceeded to Rome, where as bishop of the same city he remains, preaching the gospel for 25 years.  5  42
 c Pontius Pilate, falling into many calamities, killed himself by his own hand: so the historians of the Romans write.
3  c Mark the evangelist, Peter's interpreter, preaches Christ in Egypt and Alexandria.  6  43
 d Gaius ordered Petronius, prefect of Syria, to place his statue in Jerusalem under the name of Jupiter Optimus Maximus: which the Jews refused to do with the utmost obstinacy.
2060 4  d Evodius is ordained the first bishop of Antioch.  7  44
 e Agrippa, king of the Judeans, having ruled 7 years, dies. After him, his son Agrippa is placed in power by Claudius.
 e In the whole Roman world, as Philo and Josephus write, statues and images and altars of Gaius Caesar consecrated in the synagogues of the Jews.  Of the Jews, Agrippa, for 26 years. 
 f The prophecy of Agabus, who had said in the Acts of the Apostles that there would be a famine in the whole world, came true under Claudius.
4  f Many of the nobles killed by Gaius.  3  40
 g Gaius condemnedhis sisters, whom he had brought into unchastity, to exile on islands. (*)
 g Claudius celebrated a triumph over the Britons and added the Orkney islands to the Roman empire. In celebration of this glory he named his son Britannicus. (*)
 h Gaius ordered all the exiles to be killed.
 i Gaius is slain by his bodyguards on the Palatine in the 29th year of his life.
 h Domitius Afer of Nimes is considered a

(1) In the Merton manuscript there is a space following. In the  Patrologia Latina , there follows this entry: Matthew in Judaea is the first to write a gospel.


 Romans   Jews  AD  Romans   Jews  AD
brilliant orator; afterward, when Nero was emperor, he dies from overeating at a meal. *  207th Olympiad 
9  a A famine having occurred in Greece, a bushel of wheat was sold for six drachmas.  4   5  49
 a Claudius Quirinalis, a rhetor from Arles, teaches most notably at Rome. * 10  b Great famine at Rome.  5   6  50
 c Claudius sends Felix to Judea as procurator, before whom the apostle Paul, standing accused, delivers a speech in his own defense.  6 
 206th Olympiad  11  7  51
5  b Between Thera and Therasia an island rose up that was 30 stades across.  1  45
12  8  52
 c At Rome, a survey having been carried out under Claudius, there were found to be 6,844,000 Roman citizens.  1   208th Olympiad 
 d When Felix was procurator of Judaea, there were many who were deceiving the people with their opinions. Among them also was a certain false prophet from Egypt who gathered many to himself but was crushed by the army of Felix in his very attempt to achieve great things. Josephus writes, agreeing with the Acts of the Apostles, in which the tribune says to Paul: 'Are you not the Egyptian who recently caused a stir and led the four thousand men into the desert?'  7 
6  2  46
 d Hitherto having been under kings, Thrace is reduced to a Roman province.  2  13  9  53
7  e When Cumanus was procurator of Judea, during the days of unleavened bread  3 , the unrest in Jerusalem was so serious that 30,000 Jews perished as the people ran together attempting to exit through the gates.  3  47
8  f Palaemon Vicentinus is considered a notable grammarian at Rome, who once, when he was asked what was the difference between a drop and a spot, said, "A spot stays put and a drop falls." *  4  48
2070 14  e Claudius dies in the palace, in the 64th year of his life. (*)  10  54
 g Marcus Antonius Liberalis the rhetor pursues a very bitter rivalry with Palaemon. *  6th of the Romans, Nero reigned for 13 years, 7 months and 28 days. 
1  f His uncle was Gaius Caligula. *  11  55

(1) The  Patrologia Latina text has two extra entries at this point, which are not found in the 9th century Merton College manuscript No. 315, although there seems to be a space in the text at this point:
-- Around this time, Claudius drained the Fucine lake, which took 30,000 men working for 11 years without intermission.-- Claudius constructed the port of Ostia, with two branches, as it were, projecting on the left and the right sides.(2) Another entry from the PL, not in the Merton Ms. follows, where there is a space in the page: The virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, is taken up to her son in heaven, as some write had been revealed to her.(3) The passover.(4) Another entry from the PL, not in the Merton Ms. follows, where there is a space in the page: Three suns appeared at the same time and immediately united in the same circle.(5) Another PL entry, but no space in the Ms.: Dionysius the Areopagite, once a distinguished philosopher, is famous.(6) Another PL entry follows, again with no space in the Ms.: Philip, the apostle of Christ to the people in Hierapolis, a city of Asia, while preaching the Gospel, is nailed to a cross and stoned to death.(7) The reference is to Acts 21:38, and the citation is slightly altered from: 'Are you not the Egyptian who recently stirred up a revolt and led the four thousand men of the assassins into the desert?'


 Romans   Jews  AD  Romans   Jews  AD
 a While Felix was governing Judaea, a revolt broke out in Caesarea of Palestine which resulted in the deaths of a great multitude of Jews. stoned to death by the Jews. Simeon, also called Simon, is the second to be placed in his throne.
2  b Festus succeeds Felix in the government (of the province), before whom, in the presence of Agrippa the king, Paul the apostle explains the rationale of his religion, and is sent to Rome in chains.  12  56 8  a Lightning struck in front of Nero's table.  18  62
 b The first bishop of the church of Alexandria ordained after Mark the Evangelist was Annianus, who presided for twenty two years.
 c Probus of Berytus, most erudite of grammarians, is well known at Rome. *
 c Persius dies at the age of 29.  1 *
 209th Olympiad  9  d Baths built by Nero, which he called the Neronian Baths.  19  63
 d Statius Surculus Tholosanus celebratedly taught rhetoric in Gaul. *
 e In Rome, Nero takes part in a competition of cithara-players, and defeats everyone.
3  e Earthquake at Rome and eclipse of the sun.  13  57  f Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, the Cordovan poet, caught in the Pisonian conspiracy, presented the veins of his arms to a physician for cutting. *
4  f Nero kills his mother Agrippina and the sister of his father.  14  58
5  g Nero was given to such excessive luxury that he used to bathe with both hot and cold ointments, and fish with golden nets which he set using purple for the rigging. *  15  59 2080 10  g Nero set the greatest part of Rome on fire, so that he might get a look at something like the burning of Troy. (*)  20  64
6  16  60
 h In Asia, three cities were ruined in an earthquake; Laodicea, Hierapolis and Colossae.
 210th Olympiad 
 h At Rome Nero competes with the cithara and wins.  i Cestius Florus succeeds Albinus as procurator of Judaea, in whose time the Jews rebelled against the Romans.
 i Albinus succeeds Festus in the magistracy of Judaea.
7  k James, the brother of the Lord, whom everyone used to call the Just, is  17  61 k Junius Annaeus Gallio, the brother of Seneca the outstanding declaimer, killed himself with

(1) Late manuscripts insert after the word Persius "Volaterranus, the satirical poet,".


 Romans   Jews  AD  Romans   Jews  AD
his own hand. * 14  a The philosophers Musonius and Plutarch are considered distinguished. 24 68
 a   211th Olympiad. It was not held, Nero deferring it until he could be present. 
 b L. Annaeus Mella, brother of Seneca and Gallio, was awarded by Nero the property of the poet Lucan, his son. *
11  b Only two provinces added under Nero, Pontus Polemoniacus, and the Cottian Alps after king Cottius had died.  1 * 21 65
 c   1 1st persecution, by Nero  c Over all his other crimes, Nero also is the first to carry out a persecution against the Christians, in which  Peter and Paul  gloriously died at Rome.
 c Many nobles killed by Nero at Rome.
 d In the Olympics, Nero is crowned, defeating heralds, citharists, tragedians, and various charioteers in competition.
 d Vespasian is made Master of Soldiers by Nero against the Jews, who were rebelling because they could not bear the avarice of Cestius Florus.
12  e L. Annaeus Seneca of Corduba, teacher of Nero, and uncle of the poet Lucan, perished by an incision of the veins and by a draught of poison. * 22 66
 e Vespasian captures many cities of Judaea.
 f Flavius Josephus the historical writer, a leader of the Jews in the war, when he was about to be killed by the Romans, he predicted the death of Nero to Vespasian, and his own (rise to) power; for which reason he received his life as a reward.
 f Celebrating the Isthmian, Pythian and Actian games, Nero is again crowned among the heralds, tragedians and citharists.
13  g By decree of the Senate a hundred times one hundred thousand (sesterces) are furnished to Nero as an annual allowance for expenses. 23 67
 g   After Peter, Linus first held the church of Rome for 11 years. 
 h Nero killed his wife Octavia, along with other notable men, and he drove the philosopher Cornutus, teacher of Persius, into exile.  h Nero, when he was being sought out for punishment by the Senate, fleeing from the palace as far as the fourth milestone of the city, kills himself in the garden of his freedman between Salaria and

(1) Pontus Polemoniacus was added in 64 AD. M. Julius Cottius ruled the Cottian Alps as praefectus civitatium.


 Romans   Jews  AD  Romans   Jews (Ends)  AD
Nomentana, in the 32nd year of his life, and in him the whole family of Augustus ended. (*) 2  a After Judaea had been captured and Jerusalem demolished, Titus had six hundred thousand men put to death. But Josephus writes that one million one hundred thousand perished through hunger or by the sword, and that another one hundred thousand of the captives were publicly offered for sale. Now it was because of the feast of unleavened bread that such a great number was to be found in Jerusalem. When the Jews flocked to the temple from every nation on account of this feast, they were shut up in the city as if in a prison. For it was fitting that they should be killed during the same days of Pascha on which they had crucified the Savior.  26  70
 a After Nero, Galba seized power in Spain, Vitellius in Germany and Otho in Rome.
3 71
 b Marcus Fabius Quinctilianus is brought to Rome by Galba. *
 212th Olympiad  4 72
 c In the seventh month of his reign, Galba is beheaded, in the middle of the forum of the city of the Romans.
 d Vespasian drove the Jews, who had been defeated in two battles, to the city walls.
 e In the third month of his reign, Otho lay dead at Bebriacum by his own hand. (*)

 b The entire length of time to the 2nd year of Vespasian and the most recent destruction of Jerusalem, is reckoned to be:

 f Ignatius is ordained as the second bishop of Antioch.
from the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar and from the beginning of the preaching of the Gospel,  42 years;
 g Vitellius, slain in the eighth month of his reign by Vespasian's generals, is thrown into the Tiber. (*)
 7th of the Romans, Vespasian reigned for 9 years, 11 months, 22 days.  however from the captivity which was endured under Antiochus,  239 years;
1  h Vespasian, proclaimed emperor in Judaea by his army, and entrusting the war to his son Titus, sets out for Rome by means of Alexandria.  25  69 again from the 2nd year of Darius, in whose reign the temple was rebuilt,  590 years;
however from the first building of the temple under Solomon until its final destruction, which happened under Vespasian,  1102 years.
 i The temple of Jupiter at Rome burned down.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 213th Olympiad  Sabines, aged 69. (*)
5  a Vespasian began to build the Capitol. 73  8th of the Romans, Titus reigned 2 years and 2 months. 
 b In Alexandria a revolt occurred. 1  a Titus, the son of Vespasian, was an expert in both languages and of such goodness that once when he recalled at a meal that he had been of no service to anyone on that day, he said: 'Friends, today I have wasted a day.' 79
2090 6  c Achaia, Lycia, Rhodes, Byzantium, Samos, Thrace, Cilicia, and Comagnene, which were free before and were ruled by friendly kings, turned into Roman provinces. * 74
7  d A colossal statue erected, having a height of 107 feet. 75  b Mount Vesuvius having erupted, it blasted upwards from itself such a great amount of fire that the neighbouring regions and cities were consumed in the fire, together with the people in them.
 e Q. Asconius Pedianus, the historical writer, is considered important, who having become known in the 73rd year of his life, comes to the end of his life 12 years later in the highest honour. *
 c Titus recalls Musonius Rufus the philosopher from exile. *
8 76
 d Titus builds the amphitheatre in Rome, and at its dedication he sacrifices 5000 wild beasts. *
 f Gabinianus, a rhetorician of very celebrated name, taught in Gaul. *
2  e Cletus <also called Anencletus> is appointed second bishop of the Roman church for 12 years. 80
 214th Olympiad 
9  g Three cities in Cyprus were destroyed all together in an earthquake. 77  f In Rome many buildings are burned to the ground in a fire.
 h A massive plague happened at Rome, so that for many days about 10,000 men were listed in the daily register of the dead.  g Titus died from an illness at the same country-house where his father died, on the day before the Ides of September, at the age of 42.  1 (*)
 215th Olympiad 
10  i Vespasian planted colonies, and he died from an issue from his stomach in his own villa among the 78  9th of the Romans, Domitian reigned for 15 years and 5 months. 
 h Domitian was the younger brother of Titus. *

(1) Titus died on September 13, 81 AD at Aquae Cutiliae, where his father Vespasian had died two years earlier. The ides of September are the 12th.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 a The wife of Domitian is named as Augusta. 9  a Many building works carried out at Rome, among them the Capitol, the Forum transitorium, the Portico of the gods, the temple of Isis, the Serapeum, the Stadium, the pepper granaries, the temple of Vespasian, the temple of Minerva Chalcidica, the Odeum, Trajan's Forum, the Baths of Trajan and Titus, the Senate House, the Ludus Matutinus, the Mica Aurea, the Meta Sudans fountain and the Pantheon.  1 * 89
2  b By a decree of the senate Titus is enrolled among the gods. 82
 c Domitian prohibited the making of eunuchs.
3  d 3 vestal virgins condemned for unchastity. 83
 e Domitian sends many senators into exile. 10 90
2100 4  f Abilius is appointed the second bishop of the church of Alexandria, and he presided for thirteen years. 84
 b Domitian celebrates a triumph over the Dacians and the Germans.
 216th Olympiad 
5  g Domitian constructs a temple without any admixture of wood. 85 11  c Domitian had so much arrogance that he commanded golden and silver statues of himself to be placed on the Capitol. He marked those and all the others with his title, without any respect for the original builder. * 91
6  h Domitian was the first to order himself to be called lord and god. * 86
 d After the chief of Vestal Virgins, Cornelia, had been convicted of unchastity, she was buried alive in accordance with the law.
 i The Nasamones and the Dacians who were fighting against Rome were conquered.
7  k Two months renamed, September Germanicus and October Domitian. 87 12  e Domitian prohibited vines to be cultivated in cities. 92
8  l Quinctilianus of Calaguris from Spain, who was the first at Rome to (open) a public school and receive a salary from the exchequer, became famous. * 88  f Clement presided as the 3rd bishop of the Church of Rome for nine years.
 218th Olympiad 
 217th Olympiad  13  g In these days Flavius Josephus writes the twenty books of the  Antiquities . 93
 m Domitian sends very many of the nobility into exile and slays them.
 n Domitian expels astrologers and philosophers from the city of Rome.  h Domitian put many of the nobles to death, but some he sent into exile.

(1) The Ludus Matutinus was a school for the training of bestiarii, "beast fighters." The Meta Sudans was a fountain built next to the Colosseum in the second half of the 1st century A.D. "The Mica Aurea was a little palace which the Emperor Domitian had built on Monte Caelio's west side across from his large emperial palace on the Palatin hill. It was located by the Via Triumphalis of ancient times, nowadays Via di San Gregorio, between the ancient roads, the Clivus Pulveratus (which does not exist today), and the Clivus Scauri, which today is called Clivio di Scauro. The latin name means "the little gold-beaming (house)", as "mica" means "a crumb, or a piece" or "a little room" and "aurea" means "golden" or "beaming like gold" and the little palace which was built as a private residence as opposed to the large official palace  did have a golden roof."


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
2110 14  a Second to do so after Nero, Domitian persecutes the Christians, and under him the apostle John having been exiled to the island of Patmos, saw the Apocalypse, which Irenaeus explains. 94  a Cerdo presided as the 3rd bishop of the Church of Alexandria, for eleven years.
 b 2nd persecution, by Domitian  b The senate decreed that all the things which Domitian had set up should be made void. And so many, whom he had unjustly ejected, returned from exile: some recovered their own goods. It is said also that when the apostle John was released at this time from exile, he withdrew to Ephesus, in which city he found both hospitality and very dear friends.
15  c Domitian again by edict thrusts out the philosphers and astrologers from Rome. 95
16  d Apollonius of Tyana and Euphrates are considered notable as philosophers. 96 1 97
 e Domitian orders those who were of the race of David to be killed, so that no-one might remain of the kingship of the Jews. Brutius writes that there were made very many Christian martyrs under Domitian, among whom were Flavia Domitilla, granddaughter of the sister of Flavius Clemens the consul; she was exiled to the island of Pontia, because she bore witness that she was a Christian.  c Justus from Tiberias, the writer of the Jews, is well known.
 d Nerva died from an illness in the gardens of Sallust at the age of 72, after he had already adopted Trajan as his son. (*)
 e Trajan, made emperor at Agrippina in Gaul, was born in Italica in Hispania. *
 11th of the Romans, Trajan, reigned for 19 years and 6 months. 
 f Many signs and portents happened at Rome and in the whole world. 1  f By a decree of the senate Nerva enrolled among the gods. 98
2  g Evaristus received the 4th episcopate of the Roman church. 99
 g Domitian murdered in the palace aged 45, and ignobly buried by the pauper-undertakers  1 . (*)
3  h Bishop Irenaeus writes that JOHN THE APOSTLE survived all the way to the time of Trajan: after whom his notable disciples were Papias, Bishop of 100
 219th Olympiad 
 10th of the Romans, Nerva, reigned for 1 year and 4 months. 

(1) Vespillo, pl. vespillones.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
Hieropolis, Polycarp of Smyrna, and Ignatius of Antioch. appointed as the third bishop. (*)
 a When Pliny the Younger was ruling a certain province and had put to death many Christians in his capacity as governor, he became frightened by their great numbers and sought from Trajan what he should do, reporting to him that, except for their stubborn refusal to sacrifice and their predawn gatherings to sing to a certain Christ as to a god, there was nothing (unusual) to be found among them. Furthermore, in order to be united in a common way of life, they forbid themselves to commit murder, theft, adultery, robbery, and the like. Disturbed by these things, Trajan wrote back: "This kind of people should not be sought out, but when they are brought before you, it is fitting for them to be punished." Tertullian refers to all this in his Apology.
 220th Olympiad 
4  a Trajan celebrates a triumph over the Dacians and Scythians. 101
5  b Trajan defeated King Decebalus and made Dacia a province: he made a treaty with the Iberians, Sauromatians, Orsoenians, Arabs, Bosphorans and Colchians: he occupied and held Seleucia, Ctesiphon and Babylon: he instituted a fleet in the Red Sea so that he could lay waste the outskirts of India. * 102
6 103
2120 7  c At Rome, the Domus Aurea burned down in a fire. 104
 221st Olympiad 
8  d Four cities of Asia overthrown in an earthquake: Elaea, Myrrhina, Pytanae, and Cymae: and two in Greece, Opuntis and Oritos. 105
9  e The fourth bishop of the church of Alexandria, by name Primus, is ordained, for twelve years. 106
 222nd Olympiad 
10  f A persecution being initiated by Trajan against Christians, Simon, the son of Cleophas, who was holding the episcopate of Jerusalem, is crucified. Justus succeeds him. 107  b Alexander holds the fifth episcopate of the city of Rome for ten years.
 g 3rd persecution, by Trajan 12  c Pliny the Younger of New Como, of whom many works of ingenuity are extant, is considered a notable orator and historian. * 109
 g Ignatius also, bishop of the church of Antioch, sent to Rome, is given to the beasts: after him Hero is 13  d Three cities of Galatia wiped out by an earthquake. 110
11 108
 e The Pantheon in Rome burned down by lightning.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
14  a After Justus, Zachaeus received the 4th episcopate of the Church of Jerusalem. After him, 5th is Tobias, to whom succeeds 6th Benjamin, and then 7th John and 8th Matthias, into whose place Philip is appointed 9th. 111  a Trajan perishes in an illness at Selinus, or as I discover in someone else's text, he died at Isaurian Seleucia, the result of dysentery, in the sixty-third year, ninth month, and fourth day of his age. His bones were collected in a golden urn and placed in the Forum at the base of (his) column: and alone of all (the emperors) was he interred within the City  1 . (*)
15 112
 223rd Olympiad 
16  b Trajan made Armenia, Assyria and Mesopotamia into provinces. * 113  224th Olympiad 
 12th of the Romans, Hadrian ruled for 21 years 
 c An earthquake at Antioch ruined almost the entire city.
1  b Hadrian, born at Italica in Spain, was the son of Trajan's female cousin. * 117
2130 17  d The Jews, who were in Libya, fight against their foreign-born neighbors. Likewise in Egypt, in Alexandria, and even Cyrene and the Thebaid, they struggle with great rebellion; but a portion of the gentiles defeat (them) in Alexandria. 114
 c Hadrian restored Alexandria, which had been sacked by the Romans, from public funds.
 d Hadrian, envious of Trajan's glory, recalled the army from those provinces created by him, namely, Assyria, Mesopotomia, and Armenia. *
18  e The Emperor Trajan ordered Quietus of Lysia to banish the rebellious Jews of Mesopotamia from the province: Quietus, drawing up an army against them, killed countless thousands of them, and for this he is appointed procurator of Judea by the emperor. 115  e Hadrian makes captives of the Jews, who were rebelling against Rome for a second time.
2  f The senate declares Trajan to be among the gods. 118
 g Hadrian was most erudite in both languages, but he was inadequately restrained in his lust for boys. *
19  f After the gentiles there had been killed, the Jews overthrew Salamis, a city of Cyprus.  h Hadrian freed the rest of the cities from tribute, having burned the records in public: he also discharged many free-men from these same tributes.

(1) I.e. within the pomerium.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
3  a Plutarch of Chaeronea, Sextus  1 , Agathabolus, and Oenomaus  2 are considered notable philosophers. 119 bishops that presided down to the destruction of Jerusalem, that was carried through by Hadrian, were from the circumcision.
 b Xystus holds the 6th episcopate of the Roman church for 10 years.  226th Olympiad 
9  a Hadrian was initiated into the Elusinian rites, and generously gave many gifts to the Athenians. 125
 c Justus is appointed as 5th bishop of the church of Alexandria for 11 years.
 b Quadratus the disciple of the apostles, and Aristides of Athens, our philospher, composed books on behalf of the Christian religion to give to Hadrian. And the legate Serenus Granius, a man most noble, sends letters to the emperor, saying that it is unjust to allow the blood of innocent men guilty of no crime (to be shed) at the clamour of the mob, and to be made guilty of a crime only because of a name and a sect. Having been so moved, Hadrian wrote to Minucius Fundanus, proconsul of Asia, that the Christians should not be condemned without evidence of a crime. An exemplar of these letters has remained until our own time.
4  d War waged against the Sauromatians. 120
 e After an earthquake had happened, Nicomedia lay in ruins, and many things were overturned in the city of Nicaea: for the reconstruction of which, Hadrian generously gave funds from the public treasury.
10 126
 225th Olympiad 
5  f Euphrates the Stoic philospher dies. 121
 g Hadrian plants colonies in Libya, which had been devastated by the Jews. 11 127
6  h In response to the Athenians who had petitioned him for laws  3 , Hadrian composed a legal code drawn from the books of Draco, Solon, and the rest  4 . 122
7  i The river Cephisus flooded Eleusis, where Hadrian joined the two banks with a bridge and spent the winter in Athens. 123
12  c The emperor Hadrian is called Father of his Country and his wife Augusta. 128
 k After Philip, Seneca is appointed as the 10th bishop of Jerusalem; after whom, Justius as the 11th, to whom succeeded Levi the 12th, after whom Ephres 13th, Joses 14th, Judas 15th. All these  d Telesphorus received the seventh episcopate of the Roman church for 11 years.
2140 8 124  e Cornelius is appointed as the fourth bishop of Antioch.

(1) Sextus Empiricus.
(2) Oenomaus of Gadara.(3) I.e. for a constitution.(4) The other legislators.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 227th Olympiad   228th Olympiad 
 a Nicopolis and Caesarea were ruined in an earthquake.  a Basilides the heresiarch lingers in Alexandria, from whom come the Gnostics.
13  b Antinous, a boy noted for his exceptional beauty, dies in Egypt. After Hadrian attentively carries out his funeral rites -- for the boy had been a favourite of his --, he declares him to be among the gods; a city was also named after him. 129 17  b Barcocheba, leader of a party of the Jews, because the Christians are not willing to help him against the Roman army, murders them with every sort of torture. 133
2150 18  c The Jewish War, which took place in Palestine, came to an end with the complete suppression of the Jews. From that time permission for them even to enter Jerusalem was revoked, first by the will of God, as the prophets had foretold, then by the prohibitions of the Romans. 134
14  c Eumenes presided as the sixth bishop of the church of Alexandria for 13 years. 130
15  d The temple of Rome and Venus built by Hadrian. * 131
19 135
 e Salvius Julianus composed the Perpetual Edict. *
 f While Hadrian is spending the winter at Athens, he visits Eleusis.  d Marcus is appointed as first gentile bishop at Jerusalem, after the ending of those, who were from the Jews.
16  g Hadrian, when he had constructed many notable buildings in Athens, held games and erected a library of wondrous construction. 132
20  e Aelia founded by Aelius Hadrian; on the front of that gate, by which we go out to Bethlehem, a sow was sculpted in marble, denoting that the Jews were subject to the Roman authority. Some think it was constructed by Titus Aelius, the son of Vespasian. 136
 h The Jews turned to arms and laid waste Palestine, while Tynius Rufus was in control of the province. Hadrian sent an army to him for the purpose of putting down the rebels.
 229th Olympiad 
 i Favorinus and Polemon are considered notable rhetoricians. 21  f Hadrian, more than sixty years old, dies at Baiae because of dropsy. (*) 137


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 13th of the Romans, T. Antoninus, surnamed Pius, reigned with his children Aurelius and Lucius for 22 years, 3 months. 
10 147
11 148
 232nd Olympiad 
1  a Hyginus receives the 8th episcopate of the Roman church for four years. 138 12  a The philosopher Arrianus of Nicomedia is well known, as is Maximus of Tyre. 149
2  b Antoninus is named Father of his Country. 139 13 b The philosophers Apollonius the Stoic Chalcidian and Basilides the Scythopolitan are considered illustrious: who were also the truest preceptors of the Caesar. 150
3  c When Hyginus was bishop of Rome, Valentinus the arch-heretic and Cerdo, Marcion's teacher, came to Rome. 140
14 151
15 152
 230th Olympiad   233rd Olympiad 
4  d Justin the philosopher gave the book he had written on behalf of our religion to Antoninus. 141 16  c Celadion presided as 8th bishop of Alexandria, for 14 years. 153
2170 17  d Crescens the Cynic is well known, who promoted a prosecution against our Justin the Philosopher, learned in the (Christian) teachings, because he (Justin) was arguing him (Crescens) to be gluttonous and a corrupter of philosophy. By result of which he (Justin) gloriously poured out his blood for Christ. 154
5  e Pius is ordained as the ninth bishop of the Roman church, for 15 years. 142
18 155
 f Eros is appointed as 5th bishop of Antioch.
19 156
6  g Marcus receives the 7th episcopate of Alexandria, for 10 years. 143
 234th Olympiad 
 h Valentinus the heretic is well known, and he remains down to Anicetus. 20  e Anicetus holds the 10th episcopate of the Roman church for 10 years, in whose time Polycarp coming to Rome corrected many from heretical error. 157
21 158
 2160  7  i Mesomedes of Crete, the poet-musician of lyre-ode songs, is well known. 144 22 159
23 160
 231st Olympiad   235th Olympiad 
8  k Taurus Berytius, a distinguished philosopher of the Platonic sect, is considered important.  f After Marcus, Cassianus received the 17th episcopate of Jerusalem, after him the 18th was Publius,


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
whom Maximus, the 19th, succeeded, the 20th was Julianus, the 21st Gaianus, the 22nd Symmachus, the 23rd Caius, the 24th Julianus, and the 25th was Captio.  a Lucius Caesar celebrated a triumph with his brother  1 over the Parthians.
6  b Agrippinus presided as the 9th bishop of Alexandria for 12 years. 166
 a Antoninus Pius dies aged 77 at his villa at Lorium near the 12th milestone from the City. (*)  d 4th pers-ecut-ion
 c A persecution began in Asia and Polycarp and Pionius suffered martyrdom, of whom also there are written accounts of their martyrdom. 167
 14th of the Romans, Marcus Antonius, also called Verus, and Lucius Aurelius Commodus, reigned for 19 years and 1 month. 
 e Many people in Gaul died gloriously for the name of Christ; their contests have survived until the present day preserved in books.
1  b These men were the first to have run the empire jointly by law, since until this time, there had been individual Augusti. * 161
2  c It seems that fires were reported in the sky, from east to west, to Lucius Caesar who was sacrificing at Athens. 162 8  f The plague overtook numerous provinces, Rome having been troubled from there. 168
 g The Romans fight against the Germans, Marcomannis, Quadis, Sarmatinis, and Dacians.
3  d Vologaesus, king of the Parthians, laid waste the Roman provinces near to him. 163
 237th Olympiad 
 2180  4  e The orator Fronto, who instructed Marcus Antoninus Verus in Latin studies, is considered notable. * 164  h Soter received the 11th episcopate of the Roman church for 8 years.
9  i Theophilus is ordained as the 6th bishop of Antioch, of whom many works of ingenuity are still extant. 169
 f Seleucia in Assyria captured together with 300,000 men by the Romans. *
 236th Olympiad   k The emperor Lucius, while sitting with his brother in a carriage, died of apoplexy in the ninth, or, as some think, in the eleventh year of his reign between Concordia and Altinus. (*)
5  g At Pisa, the philosopher Peregrinus, after a funeral pyre that he had built from timber had been lit, threw himself on it. 165

(1) His 'brother' is Marcus Aurelius.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
10  a Melito, bishop of Sardis in Asia, handed over an Apology for the Christians to the emperor Antoninus.  2190  14 of the Divinity once was sent for Pertinax and his army while he was fighting with the emperor in the land of the Quadi and was oppressed with thirst; while on the other hand, thunderbolts fell upon the Germans and Sarmatians, and slew most of them. There is extant a letter of Marcus Aurelius, a most serious emperor, in which it is witnessed that a drought of Germany was finished, perhaps by the prayers of the Christian soldiers, rain having been obtained. 174
 b Apollinaris, bishop of Asian Hierapolis, is considered notable.
15 175
11  c Dionysius, bishop of Corinth, is considered important, and Pinytus of Crete, a most eloquent man.
 d The false prophecy, which is called the Cataphrygian, had its beginning, from its founder Montanus, with Priscilla and Maximilla the insane seers. 16 176
 a Atticus, a philosopher of the Platonist school, is well known.
12  e Tatian the heretic is well known, from whom come the Encratites.  239th Olympiad 
17  b Eleutherius receives the 12th episcopate of the Roman Church for 15 years. 177
 f Bardaisan, the leader of another heresy, becomes well-known.
 c Maximinus is appointed as 7th bishop of Antioch.
 g Oppianus Cilex the poet, who composed the  Halieutica with wonderful splendour, is recognised.
 d Antoninus makes his son Commodus his colleague in power.
 h So great was the pestilence throughout the entire world, that that the Roman army was slaughtered almost to extinction. *
 e Antoninus with his son celebrated a triumph over the enemy, whom he had devastated by having a permanent camp at Carnuntum for three years. (*)
 238th Olympiad 
13  i The emperor Antoninus sometimes personally participated in many of the wars that arose against him, sometimes he appointed very noble commanders. Among them, a rainstorm
18  f The emperors granted much to many, and when they had forgiven the provinces the money that was owed to the exchequer, they instructed that the titles of the debtors should 178


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
be burned in the middle of the forum of Rome, and, lest anything of goodness should be lacking, they tempered some rather severe laws with new regulations. of Jerusalem. After him, the 27th is Antoninus, the 28th Valens, the 29th Dulchianus, the 30th Narcissus, the 31st Dius, the 32nd Germanio, the 33rd Gordius, and the 34th is Narcissus again. So many bishops having been appointed at Jerusalem, we could not discern the dates of each. Because of this these dates were not recorded much from this point until the present day.
7 186
19 179
 a Antoninus, after a victory, was so splendid in the presentation of the games that a hundred lions were exhibited at the same time.
8 187
 b Commodus is named 'Augustus' by the Senate.
c Smyrna, a city of Asia, was destroyed by an earthquake; for the reconstruction of which, a ten-year moratorium on its tribute was granted.
9  a Lightning destroys the Capitol and a great fire having been caused, the library and also nearby buildings were consumed. 188
 d Antoninus died in an illness in Pannonia.
 e Julian is chosen by lot as the tenth bishop of the Alexandrian church for ten years.  242nd Olympiad 
10  b Demetrius is appointed the 11th bishop of Alexandria for 43 years. 189
 15th of the Romans, Commodus reigned for 13 years. 
 c The emperor Commodus removed the head of the Colossus, and added a head in his own image.
1  f Commodus celebrated a triumph over the Germans. 180
 240th Olympiad 
2  g The Temple of Serapis at Alexandria burned down. 181 11  d Serapion is ordained the eighth bishop of Antioch. 190
3  h Irenaeus, the bishop of Lyons, is considered notable. 182
 e Commodus kills many of the nobles, and provides the Roman people with notable games.
4  i The baths of Commodus constructed in Rome. 183
2200 5  k Commodus named the month of September after himself. * 184
12  f After a fire had happened at Rome, the palace and temple of the Vestals, together with the larger part of the City, are levelled to the ground. 191
 241st Olympiad 
6  l Maximus is ordained the 26th bishop 185


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
13  a Commodus is strangled in the Vectilian House. 192  a Clement, a presbyter in the Church at Alexandria, and Pantaenus, a Stoic philosopher, are considered our most learned in disputes about doctrine.
 243rd Olympiad 
 16th of the Romans, Aelius Pertinax reigned for 6 months. 
3  b Narcissus, Bishop of Jerusalem and Theophilus of Caesarea, with Polycrates and Bacchylus, bishops of the Asian Province are considered notable. 195
1  b Though he was more than seventy years old, Pertinax, while he was holding the prefecture of the City, was ordered by a decree of the senate to govern the empire. 193
 c Victor receives the 13th episcopate of Rome for 10 years, whose modest volumes  On Religion are extant. 4 c A question having arisen among the bishops of Asia whether, according to the Law of Moses, Easter ought to be observed on the 14th of the month, Victor, bishop of the City of Rome and Narcissus of Jerusalem, together with Polycrates and many pastors of the churches, issued a letter stating what seemed likely to them, of which a record survives down to our time. 196
 d Pertinax refused the pleas of the Senate to call his wife 'Augusta' and his son Caesar, which suffices to show that he himself reigned unwillingly.
 e Pertinax is slain in the palace, by the wickedness of Julian the jurist: whom Severus afterwards killed at the Milvian Bridge. (*)
 244th Olympiad 
5  d The Jewish and Samaritan war happened. 197
 17th of the Romans, Severus reigned for 18 years. 
6  e Severus defeated the Parthians and the Adiabeni, and slaughtered the Inner Arabs to such an extent that he could make their land into a Roman province. On that account, he was given the surnames Parthicus, Arabicus, and Adiabenicus. (*) 198
2210 2  f Severus was from the town of Leptis in the Province of Tripolitana, and remains to this day the only Emperor the Romans had from Africa. In honor of Pertinax, whom Julianus had slain, he commanded that he be surnamed Pertinax. * 194
 g Severus reigned for 6 months of the preceding year. 7 199
8 200


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 a While Severus was reigning, Severian Baths were built at Antioch and Rome, and the Septizonium constructed. *  247th Olympiad 
17  a Severus dies at York in Britain. 209
18 210
 245th Olympiad   18th of the Romans, Antoninus, surnamed Caracalla, son of Severus, reigned for 7 years. 
9  b Zephyrinus received the 14th episcopate of the Roman Church, for 17 years. 201
1  b Asclepiades is appointed as the 9th Bishop of Antioch. 211
10  d 5th persecution  c While persecution of the Christians was being carried on, Leonides the father of Origen passed on in the glorious death of martyrdom. 202
2  c While Narcissus is still living, Alexander is ordained 35th Bishop of Jerusalem and rules the Church with him on an equal basis. 212
11 203
2220 12  e Alexander is considered notable on account of his confession of the name of the Lord. 204
 h  In this year we find a jubilee observed by most, i.e. in the 12th year of Severus and 251st of the city of Antioch.   248th Olympiad 
 f Clement composes many and various works. 3  d Antoninus was surnamed 'Caracalla' because of a type of clothing, which he had distributed at Rome; and in turn caracallae were called antoninianae from his name. * 213
 g Musanus the writer, of our philosophy, is well known.
2230 4 214
 246th Olympiad 
13  i After Clodius Albinus, who had made himself Caesar in Gaul, had been killed at Lyons, Severus carried the war over to the British provinces: where, so as to make the recovered provinces more secure from barbarian invasions, he drew an earthwork along a 132 mile stretch from sea to sea. (*) 205 5  e Antoninus built the bathhouses that bear his name at Rome. * 215
6  f Antoninus was so desperate with lust that he made his stepmother Julia his wife. * 216
14 206  249th Olympiad 
7  g Antoninus is killed between Edessa and Carrae in the 43rd year of his life. (*) 217
15 207
16  k Tertullian the African, son of the proconsular centurion, is celebrated among all the churches for his eloquence.  1 * 208  19th of the Romans, Macrinus reigned for 1 year. 
1  h Macrinus, while holding the Praetorian Prefecture, made emperor. * 218
 l Origen becomes learned by studies at Alexandria.

(1) A scholion in 'O' reads: "Tertullian was under the rule of Severus the African, 180 years after the Lord." It is not in the same hand as the main text.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 a Philetus is appointed 10th bishop of Antioch.  21st of the Romans, Alexander, son of Mamaea, reigned for 13 years. 
 b The amphitheatre at Rome burned down during the Vulcanalian Games. 1  a Alexander most gloriously defeated Xerxes, king of the Persians, and he was such a strict reformer of military discipline that he dismissed certain entire legions that were disorderly. * 223
 c Abgar  1 , a holy man, reigned at Edessa, as Africanus maintains.
 d Macrinus is slain in Khirbet-El-Arakah. 2240 2 224
 20th of the Romans, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus reigned for 4 years.   251st Olympiad 
3  b Urbanus is ordained as 16th bishop of the Roman church, for nine years. 225
1  e Marcus Aurelius, thought to be the son of Antoninus Caracalla, and priest of the temple of Heliogabalus, during his reign lived shamelessly to such a degree, that he overlooked no kind of obscenity. * 219
4  c Ulpian the jurist and counselor of Alexander, is considered most notable. * 226
5  d Alexandrian baths built at Rome. * 227
2  f Callistus received the 15th episcopate of the Roman church for five years. 220 6  e Geminus, priest of Antioch, Hippolytus, and Beryllus, bishop of Arabian Bostra, are considered important writers. 228
 g The temple of Heliogabalus built at Rome. *
 250th Olympiad   252nd Olympiad 
3  h In Palestine Nicopolis, which previously used to be called Emmaus, was founded as a city, the labour of the embassy on its behalf being undertaken by Julius Africanus, the writer of the  Chronicle . 221 7  f Zebennus is appointed 11th bishop of Antioch. 229
8  g Origen of Alexandria is considered important. 230
9  h Heraclas is ordained as the 12th bishop of the Alexandrian church for 16 years. 231
4  i Antoninus is slain at Rome, along with his mother Symiasera, in a military uprising. (*) 222 10  i Alexander was uniquely pious towards his mother, and because of this was pleasant to everyone. * 232

(1) Abgar VIII.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 253rd Olympiad  3  a Gordian, while very much a young man, having defeated the Parthian nation, when he was returning home a victor, he was killed by a stratagem of the praetorian prefect Philip not far from Roman soil. (*) 241
11  a Origen moves from Alexandria to Caesarea in Palestine. 233
4 242
2250 12  b Pontianus received the 17th episcopate of the Roman church for five years. 234
5 243
13  c Alexander is slain at Moguntiacum in a military uprising. 235  2260  6  b For Gordian the soldiers build a burial mound, which overlooks the Euphrates River, after his bones had been carried back to Rome. * 244
 22nd of the Romans, Maximinus for 3 years. 
 24th of the Romans, Philip ruled for seven years. 
1  d Maximinus was the first emperor chosen by the army from the military, without the authorization of the Senate. * 236
 256th Olympiad 
1  c Philip makes his son Philip his colleage in power; and he first of all the Roman emperors was a Christian. (*) 245
 254th Olympiad 
2  f 6th persecution.  e Maximinus carries out a persecution against the priests of the churches. 237
2  d While the Philips were reigning, the millennium of the city of Rome was completed, because of which solemnity innumerable beasts were killed in the great circus and theatrical games celebrated in the Campus Martius, the people staying awake for three days and nights. 246
3  g Maximinus is slain at Aquileia by Pupienus. (*) 238
 23rd of the Romans, Gordian   2   reigned for 6 years. 
1  h Antherus is ordained as the 18th bishop of Rome, for one month, after whom the 19th, Fabianus for 13 years. 239
3  e The theatre of Pompey and the Hecatonstylon burned down. 247
2  i After Gordian had entered Rome, Pupienus and Albinus who had seized power were slain in the palace. * 240
 f 'Athlamos' (600) ran in the contest for the birthday of the city of Rome, and this game has been held for a thousand years.  1 
 255th Olympiad  4  g Philip constructs the city in 248

(1) The manuscripts contain either 'athalmos' or '600'. The reason is clear: the Greek contained the numeral for 600, and Jerome initially misread it as a proper name, 'Athalmos'. Later he realised the mistake, and corrected it, but some manuscripts derive from uncorrected copies of the text.
(2) There were three Gordians, not one.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
Thrace that bears his name. himself also crowned with martyrdom. Eight letters of Cyprian to him are extant. (*)
 257th Olympiad 
5  a Dionysius held the 23rd episcopacy of the church of Alexandria for 17 years. 249  258th Olympiad 
6 250 1  a A pestilential sickness seized many provinces of the whole world, and especially at Alexandria and in Egypt, as Dionysius writes, and the book  On Mortality by Cyprian is a witness. (*) 253
7  b The older Philip is slain at Verona, the younger at Rome. (*) 251
 25th of the Romans, Decius reigned for 1 year, 3 months. 
 c Decius, from Pannonia Inferior, was born at Budalia. *  b Novatus a presbyter of Cyprian's, coming to Rome, unites Novatian and other confessors to himself, because Cornelius had received penitent apostates. (*)
1  d 7th persecution  d After Decius had killed the Philips, father and son, from hatred of them he launches a persecution against the Christians. 252
 c Demetrianus is appointed as the 13th bishop of Antioch.
 e Anthony the monk is born in Egypt.
 f At Rome the amphitheatre burned down.  2270  2  d Lucius holds the 21st episcopacy of the Roman Church for 8 months. After which Stephen is the 22nd for 3 years. There are extant some letters of Cyprian to both of them. (*) 254
 g After Alexander, bishop of Jerusalem, had been killed as a martyr at Caesarea of Palestine and Babylas at Antioch, Mazabanus and Fabius are appointed bishops.  e A jubilee, according to most of our people.
 f Gallus and Volusianus, when they set out from the City against Aemilianus, who was causing a revolt in Moesia, were killed in Forum Flaminii or, as some believe, at Interamna. (*)
 h Decius along with his son is murdered in Abritto.
 26th of the Romans, Gallus and Volusianus son of Gallus reigned for two years, four months. 
 i Cornelius received the 20th episcopate of the Roman church, after the glorious death of Fabianus, for 2 years and was
 g Aemilian died in the third month of his usurpation. *


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 27th of the Romans, Valerian and Gallienus reigned for 15 years.  Pannonian provinces. *
 2280  10  a After Spanish provinces had been seized by the Germans, Tarracon was attacked. The Parthians were holding Mesopotamia, and invaded Syria. * 264
1  a In Rhetia Valerianus was hailed as Augustus by the army. At Rome Gallienus was named Caesar by the Senate. * 255
2 256  261st Olympiad 
 259th Olympiad  11  b Maximus is ordained as the 14th bishop of the church of Alexandria, for 18 years. 265
 b Xystus held the episcopate of the Roman church 23rd for 8 years.
12  c Dionysius is appointed as the 24th bishop of Rome for 12 years. 266
3  c Cyprian, first a rhetorician, then a priest, and finally bishop of Carthage, is crowned with martyrdom. (*) 257
 d Odenathus, a decurion of Palmyra, having collected a band of peasants, so slaughtered the Persians that he set up camp at Ctesiphon. (*)
4  d Valerian, after stirring up a persecution against the Christians, is immediately captured by Sapor, the king of the Persians, and there he grows old in miserable slavery. (*) 258
 e 8th persecution, of Valerian 13  e Hymenaeus holds the episcopate of Jerusalem. 267
5  f Paul of Samosata deserted the preaching of everyone, and resuscitated the heresy of Artemon; Domnus is ordained 16th bishop of the Antiochene church in his place.
 f Sapor, king of the Persians, lays waste to Syria, Cilicia, and Cappadocia. 14 268
6  g After Valerian had been led captive into Persia, Gallienus restored peace to us. 259
 g The Gallic provinces recovered by Postumus, Victorinus and Tetricus. *
 260th Olympiad 
7  h Paul of Samosata is appointed as the 15th bishop of Antioch. 260  262nd Olympiad 
15  h Gallienus is murdered at Milan. 269
8  i While Gallienus was dissipated with every wantonness, the Germans came as far as Ravenna. * 261  28th of the Romans, Claudius reigned for 1 year, 9 months. 
9  k After the Gallic provinces had been devastated, the Alamanni crossed into Italy. *
 l Greece, Macedonia, Pontus, and Asia laid waste by the Goths. The Quadi and the Sarmatae seized
262  i In Alexandria, Bruchium, which had been blockaded for many years, is at last destroyed.
 k Claudius defeats the Goths ravaging


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
Illyricum and Macedonia; because of them, in the Curia a gold medallion, and in the Capitol a gold statue, were set up for him. was Corrector of Lucania, and Zenobia grew old in the city with great esteem, and from her today there is a family in Rome that is named 'of Zenobia'.
2  a Claudius dies at Sirmium. 271 4  a Aurelian builds a temple to the Sun and surrounds Rome with stronger walls. 275
 b Quintilius the brother of Claudius named Augustus by the Senate; on the 17th day of his reign he is slain at Aquileia. *
 b The first games of the sun established by Aurelian.
 d 9th persecution  c After Aurelian had initiated a persecution against us, a thunderbolt falls next to him and his companions; and not long after, he is slain at Caenophrurium on the old road between Constantinople and Heraclea. (*)
 29th of the Romans, Aurelian reigned for 5 years, 6 months. 
5 276
1  c Timaeus is ordained as the 17th bishop of the church of Antioch. 272
 263rd Olympiad   264th Olympiad. 30th of the Romans, Tacitus reigned for 6 months. 
 d Tetricus abandoning his army among the Catalauni, Aurelian recovered the Gallic provinces. (*)  e After he had been slain at Pontus, Florian obtained power for 88 days. After he too had been killed at Tarsus,
2 273 1 277
 e Zenobia is conquered at Immae, not far distant from Antioch. After her husband had been slain, she was holding the rule of the East. In this struggle, the general Pompeianus -- whose cognomen was 'the Frank' -- fought very vigorously against her. Even today his family persists at Antioch, and Evagrius, very dear to us, is descended from his line. (*)
 31st of the Romans, Probus reigned for 6 years, 4 months. 
1  f Felix received the 25th episcopate of the Roman church for 5 years. 278
 g Probus with great energy restored the Gallic provinces occupied by the barbarians. *
 h Start of the 86th jubilee according to the Hebrews
2  i Anatolius, bishop of Laodicea, learned in the teachings of the philosophers, is celebrated for his superlative eloquence. 279
2290 3  f Eusebius, bishop of Laodicaea, is considered notable. 274  k The second year of Probus was year 325 according to the people of Antioch; 402 according to the Tyrians; 324 according to the Laodiceans; 588 according to the Edessans; 380 according to the Ascalonians.
 g Tetricus and Zenobia preceded the chariot of Aurelian in a triumph at Rome; after which Tetricus 3  l The insane heresy of the Manichaeans appeared, to the general harm of the human race.  1  280

(1) Latin: Insana Manichaeorum haeresis in commune humani generis malum exorta.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 a Probus permitted the Gauls and Pannonians to have vines, and he gave the Alma and Aureus hills, planted by the army, to be harvested by the provincials.  1 * Tigris, died by a flash of lightning. (*)
2  a Numerian, as he was being carried along in a litter due to a pain in his eye, was slain by a plot of his father-in-law Aper. The wickedness was only discovered several days later due to the stench of the corpse. (*) 285
 265th Olympiad 
4  b Cyrillus is appointed 18th bishop of Antioch. 281  b Carinus, defeated in battle at the Margus, is slain. (*)
 33rd of the Romans, Diocletian reigned for 20 years. 
 c Saturninus, the master of the army, began to refound a new city at Antioch: who afterwards is slain at Apamea attempting to take possession of the empire.
1  c Diocletian from Dalmatia, the son of a scribe, after being elected emperor immediately struck Aper in the assembly of the soldiers, swearing that Numerian had been killed without his being involved. 286
5  d Eutychianus received the 26th episcopate of the Church of Rome for 8 months, after which Gaius was 27th for 15 years. 282
2  d Diocletian adopted as co-ruler Maximianus Herculius who, after suppressing a multitude of peasants, to whose faction he gave the name of Bacaudae, restored peace to the Gallic provinces. (*) 287
6  e Probus is murdered in an uprising of the military in a tower, which is called Ferrata, near Sirmium. (*) 283 3 288
 f Theonas presided as the 15th bishop of the Alexandrian church for 19 years.  267th Olympiad 
4  e After assuming the purple, Carausius occupied Britain. Narsaeus made war in the East. * 289
 32nd of the Romans, Carus with his sons Carinus and Numerian, for two years. 
 f The Quinquegentani  2 infested Africa. *
2300 1 284  g Achilleus seized Egypt. For these reasons Constantius and Galerius Maximianus were adopted into the royal power as Caesars. Constantius was the nephew of Claudius through his daughter, and Galerius was born in Dacia not far from Serdica. And so that Diocletian might be connected to them by marriage, Constantius
 266th Olympiad  5 290
 g Carus, from Narbonne, when he had taken Cochis and Ctesiphon, the most important cities of the enemy, after all the region of the Parthians had been devastated, while setting up camp besides the
6 291

(1) Eutropii Breviarium Liber Nonus 17: Vineas Gallos et Pannonios habere permisit, opere militari Almam montem apud Sirmium et Aureum apud Moesiam superiorem vineis conseruit et provincialibus colendos dedit.
(2) The Five Tribes.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
married Theodora the stepdaughter of Herculius, from whom afterwards he had six children, the brothers of Constantine; Galerius married Valeria the daughter of Diocletian, after both being obliged to divorce the wives they had. (*) the church of Jerusalem.
7 292  a After ten years Britain recovered by Asclepiodotus, the praetorian prefect. *
 270th Olympiad 
 268th Olympiad   b Near Langres, 60,000 Alamanni slaughtered by Constantius Caesar. *
8  a Busiris and Coptos rebelling against the Romans, they were razed down to the ground. 293
2310 9 294 16  c Galerius Maximian, defeated by Narses, ran before Diocletian's carriage wearing his purple robes. * 301
10  b The nations of the Carpi and Basternae were resettled on Roman soil. * 295
 d Veturius, Master of the Soldiers, persecutes the Christian soldiers, the persecution against us beginning little by little from just that time.
11  c While all the emperors before him were hailed in the manner of a magistrate, and they had nothing more than a purple mantle in addition to a normal dress, Diocletian was the first to order that he should be hailed as a god, and gems to be sewn into his robes and shoes. * 296  e 10th persecution
17  f Galerius Maximian, after he had defeated Narses, and captured his wives, children and sisters, is received by Diocletian with great honour. * 302
 g The Baths of Diocletian at Rome and the Baths of Maximian at Carthage made. *
 269th Olympiad 
12  d Marcellianus received the 28th episcopate of the Roman church. 297 18  h Hermon presided as the 38th bishop of the church of Jerusalem. 303
13  e Alexandria, with the rest of Egypt, cut itself off from Roman authority through the leadership of Achilleus; after a siege of eight months, it was retaken by Diocletian. Therefore, many throughout the whole of Egypt were troubled with heavy proscriptions and exile after those who had emerged as the cause of the revolt had been killed.  1 (*) 298  i Tyrannus is appointed as the 19th bishop of Antioch.
2320 19  k After Theonus, Peter is ordained the 21st bishop of the Church of Alexandria, who later in the ninth year of the persecution accomplished a glorious martyrdom. 304
 l A jubilee according to most
14 299
 m Diocletian and Maximian Augusti celebrated a triumph at Rome with notable pomp. Before their chariot went the
15  f Zabdas is ordained 37th bishop of 300

(1) This revolt is that of Domitius Domitianus. Several problems arise regarding this event. First, it is Achilleus who alone receives mention for the revolt; Contemporary papyrological evidence shows Achilleus with the title of corrector. Some scholars have suggested two revolts in Egypt. Domitianus, however, had coinage struck in his name, a logical first step in any rebellion; Achilleus has no coin struck in his name. Connected with this first problem, another suggestion has been made that Domitianus and Achilleus are one and the same. More likely is that Achilleus was a sub-commander for Domitianus, though any certain answer is still unclear. A similar problem involves the dating of of the revolt, though Jerome places it in 297 or after, a date supported by the papyrological and numismatic evidence. A third problem is the reason for the revolt. Renewed trouble between the eastern provinces and Sasanian Persia, may have put extra pressure on Egypt; quite possibly some of Diocletian's reforms did not sit well with the upper-class Egyptians.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
wife, sisters and children of Narses, and all the booty, which they had looted from the Parthians.  for 30 years, 10 months.  Year of the persecution: 4 * 307
1  a Maxentius, the son of Maximianus Herculius, is named Augustus at Rome by the Praetorian Guard. (*)
2330  a In a horrible earthquake at Tyre and Sidon, many edifices were ruined and an immense number of people were crushed.
 b Severus Caesar, sent against Maxentius by Galerius Maximianus, is killed at Ravenna in the second year of his reign.
 b In the nineteenth year of Diocletian, during the month of March, in the days of Easter, the churches were destroyed. However in the 4th year of the persecution, Constantine began to reign. 2  c Licinius made emperor at Carnuntum by Galerius. 5 308
 d Maximianus Herculius, detected by his daughter Fausta, because he was preparing a swindle against his son-in-law Constantine, in flight is slain at Marseilles.
 c According to the Antiochenes, year 350. 1st year of the persecution  e Quirinus, bishop of Siscia, is gloriously killed for Christ: for the top of a household quern fastened to his neck, and thrown headlong into a river, he floated for a very long time and while he was being remarked upon by the spectators, lest by his example they should be frightened, hardly praying that he should sink, he obtained it.
 271st Olympiad 
2 20  d In the second year of the persecution, Diocletian at Nicomedia, and Maximianus at Milan, laid down the purple. (*) 305
 e Eusebius is appointed as the 29th bishop at Rome for a period of seven months, after him Miltiades as the 30th bishop holds the church for four years.
 272nd Olympiad 
3  f Galerius Maximianus dies. 6 309
3  f Maximinus  1 and Severus made Caesars by Galerius Maximian. 306 4  g Silvester is ordained as the 31st bishop of the Church of Rome for 22 years. 7 310
 g In the 16th year of his reign Constantius  2 died in Britain at York; after him his son Constantine, born from the concubine Helena, takes possession of the empire. (*) 5  h Maximinus, after a persecution had been carried out against the Christians, when now about to be punished by Licinius, dies at Tarsus. (*) 8 311
 i Achillas is ordained as the 17th bishop of the Church of Alexandria.
6  k Maxentius, defeated by Constantine near the Milvian Bridge, dies. 9 312
 34th of the Romans, Constantine reigned 

(1) Maximinus Daia.
(2) Constantius I Chlorus.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 273rd Olympiad  homousion.
7  a The war against Licinius at Cibalae. 10 313 17  a Constantius, the son of Constantine, appointed Caesar. 323
2330 8  b Macarius is appointed as the 39th bishop of Jerusalem.  c Peace restored to us by Constantine. 314  b Licinius, contrary to a solemn pledge, is slain as a private citizen at Thessalonica. *
9 315
10  d Diocletian dies in his villa at Split, not far from Salonae, and, alone of all (the emperors), is declared to be among the gods as a private citizen. (*) 316 2340 18  c Nazarius the rhetor is considered notable. * 324
 276th Olympiad 
19  d Crispus, the son of Constantine, and Licinius junior, the son of Constantia, the sister of Constantine, and of Licinius, are very cruelly killed. 325
 274th Olympiad 
11  e Crispus and Constantine, sons of Constantine, and Licinius, the adolescent son of Licinius Augustus, the offspring of Constantine's sister, are appointed Caesars; of these, Lactantius, the most eloquent man of his time, educated Crispus in Latin literature; but he (Lactantius) was in fact a pauper in this life, as he generally lacked even the necessities. 317
20  e The Vicennalia of Constantine held in Nicomedia, and proclaimed at Rome in the following year. 326
12 318
 f Until this point Eusebius Pamphili, companion to the martyrs, writes this history, to which we ourselves have appended these things following. *
13 319
21  g In Africa, Arnobius the rhetor is considered important, who when he was in Sicca teaching the youths to declaim, and, being still a pagan, was compelled by dreams to believe, although he had not obtained from the bishop by asking the faith that he had always attacked, he composed the most splendid books against the former religion, and finally, as if with these as offerings, he requested and obtained the covenant of faith. 327
14 320
 275th Olympiad 
 f Licinius expells the Christians from his palace.
 g Basileus bishop of Amasia of Pontus is crowned with martyrdom under Licinius.
15  h Alexander is ordained the 18th bishop of the Alexandrian church: it was he who excommunicated Arius the priest from the Church. Arius unites many people to his impiety; a synod of 318 bishops having gathered in the city of Nicaea to refute their perfidy, put and end to all the machinations of the heretics in opposition to the 321
 h Constantine, restoring the city of Drepana in Bithynia in honor of the martyr Lucian, who was buried there, named it Helenopolis, from the name of his mother.
16 322
 i In Antioch the construction of the Dominicum which


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
is called Aureum begun. 25  a Marcus held the 32nd episcopacy of the Church of Rome for 8 months, after whom, Julius was ordained 33rd, for 16 years, 4 months. 331
22  a Constantine kills his wife Fausta. 328
 b Donatus is well known, from whom come the Donatists throughout Africa.  b By an edict of Constantine the temples of the gentiles were overthrown.
 277th Olympiad  26  c The Romans defeated the Goths in the land of the Sarmatians. 332
 c At Antioch following Tyrannum, Vitalis is ordained as the 20th bishop, after whom as 21st Philogonius, to whom succeeded as 22nd Paulinus, after whom as 23rd Eustathius, from whom, when he was forced into exile for the Faith, the Arians got the church (and hold it) until the present day, that is, Eulalius, Eusebius, Euphronius, Placillus, Stephanus, Leontius, Eudoxius, Meletius, Euzoius, Dorotheus, and Meletius again. But I have not sorted out their dates, insofar as I would judge them enemies of Christ rather than bishops.
 278th Olympiad 
27  d Constans, the son of Constantine, is promoted to the royal power. 333
 e An innumerable multitude perish from pestilence and famine in Syria and Cilicia.
2350 28  f The Limigantes Sarmatians, having gathered a force, expelled their masters, who are now called the Argaragantes, onto Roman soil. 334
23 329
 g Calocerus revolts in Cyprus and is suppressed.
29  h Constantine and his children sent an honorific letter to Antonius. 335
 d Juvencus the presbyter, by nation Spanish, sets forth the Gospels in heroic verse.
 i On the Tricennalia of Constantine, Dalmatius is named a Caesar.
 e Porphyrius, having sent a notable book to Constantine is released from exile.
30  k The rhetor Pater teaches at Rome with great success. 336
24  f Athanasius is ordained as 19th bishop of Alexandria. 330  l The daughter of the rhetor Nazarius equals her father in eloquence.
 m The praetorian prefect Tiberian, an eloquent man, rules the Gallic provinces.
 g Constantinople is dedicated by denuding nearly every other city.
 n The presbyter Eustathius of Constantinople is well known; by whose industry in Jerusalem, a church
 h Metrodorus the philosopher is well known.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
dedicated to the martyrs was constructed. support of the ruler, Constantius, with exiles and imprisonments and various types of affliction first persecuted Athanasius and then all bishops not of their party.
 279th Olympiad 
31  a Constantine, baptized by Eusebius of Nicomedia at the very end of his life, falls into the dogma of Arius, and from that time until now seizures of churches and discord of the whole world have followed. 337
3  a Constantine, waging war against his brother near Aquileia, is slain at Alsa. 340
 280th Olympiad 
 b While preparing for war against the Persians, Constantine dies at Ancyra in a public villa near Nicomedia at the age of 66; after him his three sons are hailed Augusti from being Ceasars. 4  b Constans fights against the Franks with mixed fortune. 341
 c Many cities of the east collapsed in a horrible earthquake.
 d Audeus is considered important in Coele-Syria, from whom comes the Audian heresy.
 35th of the Romans, Constantine, Constantius, and Constans reigned for 24 years, 5 months, and 13 days. 
5  e The Franks subdued by Constans and peace made with them. 342
1  c Ablabius the Praetorian Prefect and many of the nobles slaughtered. 338  f Hermogenes the master of soldiers lynched by the people of Constantinople on account of bishop Paul whom he was banishing by the power of the emperor and the faction of the Arians.
 d Sapor, king of Persia, after Mesopotamia had been devastated, beseiged Nisibis for almost two months.
 e Dalmatius Caesar, whom his uncle Constantine had left as a colleague in the power of his sons, is murdered by a plot of his cousin Constantius and in a military disturbance.  g The Dominicum Aureum is dedicated in Antioch.
 h Macedonius 'the featherer' in place of Paul is substituted as bishop of the Arians; from whom now is the Macedonian heresy.
 f James, bishop of Nisibis, is well known, by whose prayers his city was often saved from crisis.  i Because of the cruelty of the prefect Philip, for he was a supporter of Macedonius' party, and due to the plotting of the Arians, Paul is strangled.
2  g From this point the Arian impiety, propped up by the 339


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
6  a Maximinus, bishop of the Treveris, is considered important; by whom Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, was received honourably, when he  1 obtained punishment from Constantius. 343 instance, as I shall omit others, Nisibis was beseiged and Bizabde and Amida were captured.
 a Maximus the 40th bishop of Jerusalem after Macarius dies, after whom the Arians take possession of the church, that is Cyril, Eutychius, Cyril again, Irenaeus, Cyril a third time, Hilarius, Cyril a fourth time. Of these, Cyril had been ordained presbyter by Maximus and thus after his death the episcopate was promised to him by Acacius bishop of Caesarea and other Arians if he would repudiate the ordination of Maximus. He ministered as a deacon in the church. On account of this impiety of priesthood he was compensated by a bribe. He degraded Heraclius, whom the dying Maximus had appointed in his place, from bishop to presbyter, harassing him by various deceits.
2360 7 344
 b Sapor, king of the Persians, persecutes the Christians.
 c Neocaesaria in Pontus destroyed, except for the church, the bishop and the other people that were found in that very place.
 281th Olympiad 
8  d Titian, an eloquent man, administers the praetorian prefecture, in the Gallic provinces. 345
9  e Athanasius is returned to Alexandria by a letter of Constans. 346
 f Dyrrachium collapsed in an earthquake, and for three days and nights Rome tottered and many cities of Campania were shaken.
 282nd Olympiad 
 g A sea-port constructed in Seleucia of Syria at great expense to the state. 12  b Liberius is ordained 34th bishop of the Roman church, to whom, when he had been driven into exile on account of the faith, all the clergy swore that they would receive no-one else. However when Felix was substituted by the Arians, most perjured themselves and after a year they were ejected with Felix because Liberius, having been conquered by the tedium of exile and subscribing to the heretical depravity, had entered Rome as if a conqueror. 349
 h Sapor for three months again besieges Nisibis.
10  i The bishop Eusebius of Emesa, standard-bearer of the Arian faction, composes many and various works. 347
 k An eclipse of the sun happened.  2 
11  l Nocturnal Persian battle at Singara in which we lost a certain victory by the stupidity of the soldiers. Nor indeed was there any more serious battle out of nine most serious conflicts against the Persians, for 348
13  c After Magnentius had seized the emperorship at Augustodunum, Constans is killed in the thirtieth year of his life not far from 350

(1) Athanasius.
(2) 346AD, Jun. 6th


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
Spain in a camp which is named Helena; on account of this, since the state was thrown into turmoil, Vetranio,at Mursa, and Nepotian, at Rome, became emperors. whom he had sent to look after the Gallic provinces, ends his life among the Senones with a noose.
 a Gennadius the forensic orator, is considered notable at Rome.
 a At Rome, the people rebelling against the followers of Magnentius are betrayed by Heraclides the senator.  b The rhetor Minervius of Bordeaux teaches at Rome with great success.
 b The head of Nepotian paraded through the city on a pike, and many proscriptions and slaughters of noblemen carried out. 2370 17  c Gallus Caesar, deceived by his cousin Constantius, under whose suspicion he had come because of his outstanding inborn ability, is executed at Histria. 354
14  c The insignia of imperial power taken away from Vetranio by Constantius at Naissus. 351  d Silvanus, having revolted in Gaul, died on the twenty-eighth day.
 d Magnentius conquered at Mursa, in which battle the Roman forces were ruined.  e The rhetor Victorinus and my teacher Donatus the grammarian are considered notable at Rome, of whom Victorinus even merited a statue in the forum of Trajan.
 e Gallus, cousin of Constantius, made Caesar.
15  f Gallus crushed the Jews, who after killing the soldiers by night had taken possession of arms in order to rebel, with the slaughter of many thousands of men, even up to those of innocent years, and turned over to fire their cities, Diocaesaria, Tiberias and Diospolis, and very many towns. 352
 f Paulinus and Rodianus, bishops of the Gallic provinces, driven into exile on account of the faith.
18  g The rhetors Alcimus and Delphidius teach with great success in Aquitania. 355
 h Donatus, from whom we have mentioned above that the Donatists took their name, is expelled from Carthage: certain followers of his they also call Montensians from those that first began to have a church at Rome on a hill.
 g Some of the nobles of Antioch killed by Gallus.
 283rd Olympiad 
16  i Jubilee according to the Hebrews  h Magnentius of Lugdunum kills himself in the palace by his own hand; and his brother Decentius, 353  i Eusebius bishop of Vercellae, and Lucifer and Dionysius, bishops of the churches of Cagliari and Milan, also


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
Pancratius a Roman presbyter and Hilarius a deacon are condemned to exile with distance between them by the Arians and Constantius. apostle Andrew and evangelist Luke were received from the people of Constantinople with marvellous goodwill.
21  a Nicomedia utterly destroyed by an earthquake; the neighbouring cities partially damaged. 358
 a Julian, brother of Gallus, is named Caesar at Milan.
 b Paulinus bishop of Treves dies in exile in Phrygia.
19  b Anthony the monk dies in his 150th year in the desert. He was accustomed to recount to many who came to him about a certain man Paul the Theban of wonderful blessings, whose death we have ourselves explained in a brief book. 356
 c Evantius, most learned of grammarians, died at Constantinople, in whose place Chrestus is brought from Africa.
22  d Synods held at Ariminum and Seleucia in Isauria, in which the ancient faith of the fathers was condemned, first by the treachery of ten delegates, then by all. 359
10  c Hilary, bishop of Poitiers, by the plotting of Saturninus bishop of Arles and the rest who with him were Arians, having been expelled to Phyrgia for three years, composes books about our religion.
 e Honoratus, from being Pretorian Prefect of the Gallic provinces, made the first Prefect of the city of Constantinople.
 d The relics of the apostle Timothy brought to Constantinople.
 f Gratian, who is now emperor, is born.
 e Sarmata, Amatas and Macarius, disciples of Anthony, are considered notable.  g Hilarius, when he had offered a book in his own defence to Constantius at Constantinople, returns to the Gallic provinces.
 f Liberius, the Roman bishop, is sent into exile.  1 
 g Large numbers of the forces of the Alamanni crushed by Julian Caesar at Argentoratum, a city of the Gallic provinces.  h Macedonius is banished from Constantinople.
 i Almost every church in the whole world is polluted in the name of 'peace' and by the connivance of the ruler of the Arians.
 284th Olympiad  23  k The greatest of churches is dedicated in Constantinople.
20  h Saracens, rushing into the monastery of Blessed Anthony, kill Sarmata. 357  l Meletius of Sebastia, bishop of the Armenians, is transferred to Antioch by Acacius and George the Arian bishops, and after no
i After Constantius had entered Rome, the bones of the

(1) Cf. Ammianus Marcellinus 15.7.6-10.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
great interval of time, when he received the presbyters which had been unfrocked by his predecessor Eudoxius, a most just cause of exile having been endured, he played false by changing faith. conceded that he might teach despite being a Christian.
 a Aemilianus is burned by the vicarius because he had overturned the altars at Dorostorum.
 b The church of Antioch was shut and a most serious storm of imminent persecution was quieted by the will of God. For Julian had proceeded into Persia and vowed our blood after a victory to the gods. There he was led into the desert by a certain pretended deserter, when he had lost his apostate army by hunger and thirst and had unadvisedly strayed from the ranks of his own men, he was by chance stabbed in the groin with a lance by a hostile horseman of the enemy and perished in the 32nd year of his life. After which, the following day, Jovian the primicerius of the household troops was made emperor.
 a Because of Hilary, Gaul condemns the treacherous trickeries of Ariminum.
 285th Olympiad 
23  b Constantius II dies at Mopsocrene, between Cilicia and Cappadocia, in the forty-fifth year of his life. 361
 36th of the Romans, Julian reigned for 1 year and 8 months 
1  c As Julian had been converted to the worship of idols, there was a mild persecution, more swaying than compelling people to have to sacrifice, in which many of our people fell by their own will. 362
 d After George, who had been ordained bishop in place of Athanasius by the Arians, had been burned to death because of a revolt of the people, Athanasius is returned to Alexandria.  37th of the Romans, Jovian reigned for 8 months 
2380 1  c Jovian, compelled by necessity, handed over Nisibis and a great part of Mesopotamia to Sapor, king of the Persians. 364
 e Eusebius and Lucifer are returned from exile, from where Lucifer, having adopted two other confessors, makes Paulinus, the presbyter of bishop Eustathius and who had never polluted himself in the communion of the heretics, bishop in the Catholic part of Antioch.
 d The synod of Antioch convened by Melitius and his group, at which, after the homoousian and anomoian theories were rejected, they proclaimed the Macedonian dogma of the homoiousion, midway between them.
2  f When the law had been given that Christians could not be teachers of the liberal arts, Proheresius the Athenian sophist spontaneously gave up his school, although Julian had specially 363
 e From indigestion, or the smell of coals, of which he had ordered too many to be burned, Jovian dies at Dadastana  1 

(1) On the border between Bithynia and Galatia.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
aged 33. After him Valentinian, tribune of the scutarii, from Pannonia Cibalensis  1 , is hailed as Augustus at Nicaea, and takes his brother Valens as co-ruler at Constantinople. coming together with some people from the supporters of Damasus, very cruel slaughters were committed by both sexes.
 a Valens, baptised by Eudoxius, bishop of the Arians, persecutes us.
 286th Olympiad  3  b   Gratian  , the son of Valentinian, made emperor at Amiens. 367
 38th of the Romans, Valentinian and Valens reigned for 14 years and 5 months 
 c Such a great tempest arose at Constantinople that, hail of a wonderful size falling, it killed some men.
1  a Valentinian in another time would have been an exceptional emperor and was similar to Aurelian in his behaviour, except that his undue strictness and a certain frugality were interpreted as cruelty and greed. 365
 d Among the Atrabates wool mixed with rain descended from the sky.
 e Hilary, bishop of Poitiers, dies.
 b Apollinaris, bishop of Laodicea, composes manifold writings of our religion. 4  f Nicea, which had often before been shaken, was utterly destroyed by an earthquake. 368
2  c An earthquake having occurred throughout the whole world, the shore is invaded by the sea, and falling debris in innumerable cities of Sicily and of many islands, crushed the people. 366  g The rhetor Libanius of Antioch is considered notable.
 287th Olympiad 
5  h The games restored at Constantinople by Valens. 369
 d Procopius, who had usurped power at Constantinople, died nearby in Phrygia and most of the Procopian party was slaughtered and proscribed.  i Athanaric, king of the Goths, after a persecution had been stirred up against the Christians, kills or expels very many from their own homes in to Roman soil.
 k Eusebius, bishop of Vercelli, dies.
 e Damasus is ordained 35th bishop of the Roman Church, and after a not very long interval Ursinus, is appointed bishop by some people, and with his partisans invaded (the church of) Sicininum, in which, 6  l The Church of the Holy Apostles is dedicated in Constantinople. 370
 m Great famine in Phrygia.

(1) Cibale.


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 a Lucifer Bishop of Cagliari dies, who like Gregory, bishop of the Spanish provinces, and Philo of Libya never involved himself with the Arian depravity.  a Almost eighty thousand Burgundians marched down to the Rhine, which had never occurred before.
 b Clearchus, prefect of the city of Constantinople, is well known, by whom the necessary water which was daily awaited with vows is brought to the community.
7  b Maximinus the prefect of the Annona  1 , having been ordered by the emperor to investigate wrongdoers, slew many of the nobles of Rome. 371
 c Peter is ordained 20th bishop of Alexandria, who after the death of Valens was so easy receiving back the heretics that some people brought in the suspicion that he was accepting bribes.
 c Valentinus crushed in Britain, of which he had before taken possession as a usurper.
 d A presbyter of Sirmium is very unjustly beheaded because he refused to betray Octavianus that was hiding at his house from the proconsul. 2390 10  d Melania, noblest of Roman women, and daughter of the sometime consul Marcellinus, at that time having left behind her only son, the urban praetor, sailed to Jerusalem, where she was such a miracle of virtue and especially of humility, that she received the name of Thecla.  2  374
8  e Didymus the Alexandrian writes many commentaries about our dogma using secretaries. He had been deprived of his sight after the 5th year of his life and was actually ignorant of first principles of writing. 372
 e After the tardy death of Auxentius, Ambrosius of Milan is appointed bishop, and everybody in Italy is converted to the right faith.
 f Probus, Prefect of the Illyrians, destroyed the provinces that he was ruling by the most iniquitous extractions of tributes, even before they were devastated by the barbarians.
 f The priests of Aquileia are considered almost as a chorus of the blessed.
11  g Because in the previous year the Sarmatians had devastated the Pannonian provinces, the same Consuls remained in office. 375
 288th Olympiad 
9  g Eunomius the disciple of Aetius of Constantinople is well known, from whom comes the Eunomian heresy. 373  h Valentinian dies suddenly at Brigitio from an eruption of blood which is called an 'apoplexy' in Greek. After him Gratian is taken up into power with his brother Valentinian and reigns with his uncle Valens.
 h The Saxons slaughtered at Deuso in the land of the Franks.

(1) The grain supply.

(2) Rufinus accused Jerome of deleting this entry from his own copy of the Chronicle after falling out with Melania (the Elder).


 Romans  AD  Romans  AD
 a Many of the monks at Nitria slaughtered by the tribunes and the soldiers.  a After the Romans had been defeated in combat, the Goths are spread out in Thrace.
 b Valens made a law that monks must do military service, and ordered that any who did not want to should be beaten to death with their staves. 14  b Valens, forced to leave Antioch, in tardy penitence recalls our people from exile. 378
12  c Theodosius, father of the Theodosius who was later Emperor, and many nobles slain. 376
[15]  c Lamentable war in Thrace, in which the Roman legions, lacking the protection of horse, were surrounded by the Goths and slaughtered to extinction: the emperor Valens himself, when wounded by an arrow, fled and because of the severe pain often almost fell from his horse, was carried off to a certain farm cottage, and after being pursued there by the barbarians and the house set on fire, he did not even obtain burial.  d From the founding of the City until the end of this work there are 1131 years, in this manner:
under kings,
under consuls,
under Augusti and Caesars,
 d Photinus dies in Galatia, from whom comes the Judaizing teaching of the Photinians.  1 
 e Basil of Caesarea, Bishop of Cappadocia, is considered important, who ruined many good qualities of continence and ingenuity by the one failing of pride.
 289th Olympiad 
13  f About 30,000 Alamanni laid low by Gratian's army at Argentaria, a town of the Gauls. 377
 g The monks Florentinus, Bonosus, and Rufinus are considered notable, of whom Florentinus was so merciful to the needy that he was called by the crowd "Father of the Poor".
 h The nation of the Huns devastate the Goths, who, having been received by the Romans without surrender of arms, were driven by hunger to have to rebel because of the greed of general Maximus.  2 

(1) Jerome, like many heresiologists, always associates Photinus with Sabellius, Paul of Samosata and Judaism. He wants to show, by this association, that they're all heretics, but does not particularise each of them. Jerome usually explains that the common heresy of Photinus and Judaism is to think that Jesus was just a man who had been adopted by God as his son. Jerome knows that Photinus is not exactly a Monarchianist, but an Adoptianist. Benoît Jeanjean shows how Jerome presents Photinus, Paulus of Samosate and Sabellius in his book : Benoît Jeanjean, "Saint Jérôme et l'hérésie", Paris, Etudes Augustiniennes, 1999, p. 168-177.
(2) The original manuscript of 'O' ends at this point. A single leaf (f.145) with a brief summary of events follows, in the same hand as the Tertullian scholion noted earlier. After this, the manuscript contains the Chronicle of Marcellinus.


 All the years are added up until the 6th consulate of the Emperor Valens and the second of the Emperor Valentinian the younger: 
from the 15th year of Tiberius and the preaching of our Lord Jesus Christ:
 351 years 
from the second year of Darius, King of the Persians, in which period the temple at Jerusalem was restored
 899 years 
from the first Olympiad, in which time Isaiah was prophesying among the Hebrews
 1,155 years 
from Solomon and the first building of the Temple
 1,411 years 
from the capture of Troy, at which time Sampson was among the Hebrews
 1,561 years 
from Moses and Cecrops, first King of Attica
 1,890 years 
from Abraham and the reign of Ninus and Semiramis
 2,395 years 
 The whole list from Abraham until the time written above 
 2,395 years 
but from the flood until Abraham there are counted
 942 years 
and from Adam until the flood  2,242 years 
 There are altogether from Adam until the 14th year of Valens, that is, until his 6th consulate and the second of Valentinian 
 5,579 years