The Epistle of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius

 Mary of Cassobelæ to Ignatius

 Chapter I.—Occasion of the epistle.

 Chapter II.—Youth may be allied with piety and discretion.

 Chapter III.—Examples of youthful devotedness.

 Chapter IV.—The same subject continued.

 Chapter V.—Expressions of respect for Ignatius.

Mary of Cassobelæ to Ignatius1 Nothing can be said with certainty as to the place here referred to. Some have conceived that the ordinary reading, Maria Cassobolita, is incorrect, and that it should be changed to Maria Castabalitis, supposing the reference to be to Castabala, a well-known city of Cilicia. But this and other proposed emendations rest upon mere conjecture.

Maria, a proselyte of Jesus Christ, to Ignatius Theophorus, most blessed bishop of the apostolic Church which is at Antioch, beloved in God the Father, and Jesus: Happiness and safety. We all2 Some propose to read, “always.” beg for thee joy and health in Him.