The Epistle of Ignatius to Mary at Neapolis, Near Zarbus.

 Chapter I.—Acknowledgment of her excellence and wisdom.

 Chapter II.—His own condition.

 Chapter III.—He had complied with her request.

 Chapter IV.—Commendation and exhortation.

 Chapter V.—Salutations and good wishes.

Chapter III.—He had complied with her request.

I have gladly acted as requested in thy letter,5 Literally, “I have gladly fulfilled the things commanded by thee in the letter.” having no doubt respecting those persons whom thou didst prove to be men of worth. For I am sure that thou barest testimony to them in the exercise of a godly judgment,6 Literally, “by a judgment of God.” and not through the influence of carnal favour. And thy numerous quotations of Scripture passages exceedingly delighted me, which, when I had read, I had no longer a single doubtful thought respecting the matter. For I did not hold that those things were simply to be glanced over by my eyes, of which I had received from thee such an incontrovertible demonstration. May I be in place of thy soul, because thou lovest Jesus, the Son of the living God. Wherefore also He Himself says to thee, “I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me shall find peace.”7 Prov. viii. 17 (loosely quoted from LXX.).