Appendix to the Works of Hippolytus. Containing…

 A discourse by the most blessed Hippolytus,…

 Appendix to the Works of Hippolytus.

















































 Hippolytus on the Twelve Apostles:

 The same Hippolytus on the Seventy Apostles.

 Heads of the Canons of Abulide or Hippolytus,

 Canons of the Church of Alexandria.



Hence, too, they indicated the day of the consummation to us, and signified beforehand the day of the apostate that is to appear and deceive men at the last times, and the beginning and end of his kingdom, and the advent of the Judge, and the life of the righteous, and the punishment of the sinners, in order that we all, bearing these things in mind day by day and hour by hour, as children of the Church, might know that “not one jot nor one tittle of these things shall fail,”9 Matt. v. 18. In the Codex Baroccian. 206. This is found also, along with the former piece, On the Twelve Apostles, in two codices of the Coislinian or Seguierian Library, as Montfaucon states in his recension of the Greek manuscripts of that library. He mentions also a third codex of Hippolytus, On the Twelve Apostles. [Probably spurious, but yet antique.] as the Saviour’s own word announced. Let all of you, then, of necessity, open the eyes of your hearts and the ears of your soul, and receive the word which we are about to speak. For I shall unfold to you to-day a narration full of horror and fear, to wit, the account of the consummation, and in particular, of the seduction of the whole world by the enemy and devil; and after these things, the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.