Second Council of Lyon

 C O N S T I T U T I O N S



 1. On the supreme Trinity and the catholic faith {5}

 2. On election and the power of the elected person {6}

 15. On the circumstances of ordination and the quality of ordinands

 16. On bigamists

 17. On the office of ordinary judge

 19. On pleading

 21. On prebends and dignities

 22. On not alienating the property of the church

 23. On religious houses, that they are to be subject to the bishop

 24. On taxes and procurations

 25. On the immunity of churches

 26. On usury

 28. On wrongs and the loss caused

 29. On the sentence of excommunication

1. On the supreme Trinity and the catholic faith {5}

1. We profess faithfully and devotedly that the holy Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son, not as from two principles, but as from one principle; not by two spirations, but by one single spiration. This the holy Roman church, mother and mistress of all the faithful, has till now professed, preached and taught; this she firmly holds, preaches, professes and teaches; this is the unchangeable and true belief of the orthodox fathers and doctors, Latin and Greek alike. But because some, on account of ignorance of the said indisputable truth, have fallen into various errors, we, wishing to close the way to such errors, with the approval of the sacred council, condemn and reprove all who presume to deny that the holy Spirit proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son, or rashly to assert that the holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son as from two principles and not as from one.