The present edition of the newly-established Latin text and its English translation printed face to face is the final installment of Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Tractatus De Substantiis Separatis to appear through the Department of Publications of Saint Joseph College, West Hartford. An English translation of the treatise in 1959 preceded the publication in 1961 of the corrected Latin text established from 12 mediaeval manuscripts with Paris, Bibl. Nat. Lat. 14546 as basic.
I wish to express my deep gratitude and appreciation in a special manner to Dr. Anton C. Pegis, Professor of the History of Philosophy at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, for his most generous assistance in the preparation of both the Latin text and the English translation.
To the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, I owe a debt of gratitude for making available to me priceless mediaeval manuscripts from the GORDON TAYLOR JR. MICROFILM COLLECTION. It is hardly necessary to point out that without these microfilmed codices, the present text of the Angelic Doctor could not have been edited and translated. It is a further pleasure to express my deep thanks to the following scholars who have made available to me their expert services: To the Reverend Dr. J. Reginald O'Donnell, C.S.B., Professor of Palaeography in the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies and in the University of Toronto for obtaining microfilm copies of Mss. PARIS, Bibl. Nat. lat. 15813 and 15814 and VENICE, S. Marco, Cod. 31, Cl. IV and for extending to me other palaeographical assistance; to Sister Maria Ancilla, Ph.D., Chairman of the Department of English, Saint Joseph College, West Hartford, for valuable aid and suggestions in connection with the English text of the Treatise; to Professor Etienne Gilson, Director of Studies of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, for special assistance in connection with Ms. METZ, Bibl. de la Ville, 1158; to the Reverend Ignatius Eschmann, O.P., Ph.D., S.T.D., Professor of Philosophy, in the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies and of the University of Toronto for assistance in connection with the chronology of the Tractatus and PARIS, Ste. Geneviève, Cod. 238; to the Very Reverend Ambrose J. Heiman, C.PP.S., Ph.D., L.M.S., Professor of Philosophy, St. Charles Seminary, Carthagena, Ohio, for help with the arrangement of references; to the Reverend Peter O'Reilly, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy in Xavier University, Cincinnati, and to the Reverend Basil Mattingly, O.S.B., St. Meinrad, Indiana, for obtaining a photostatic copy of fols. 12v and 13r of METZ, Bibl. de la Ville, 1158; to the Reverend John T. Shugrue, M.A., S.T.L., Reverend Robert E. Shea and Miss Marie E. Lescoe, Ph.D., for generous assistance in typing and proofreading the manuscript. Finally, I should like to express my gratitude to the Rare Books Division of the Sterling Library in Yale University for making available to me the Soncinas and Pizzamanus incunabula.