The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 1: title page and dedication.   Die Calenderbilder   , Berlin (1888) figure 3. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 2: Cities of Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople, Trier.   Die Calenderbilder   , Berlin (1888) figure 4-7. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 3: Dedication to the emperor and birthdays of the Caesars.   Die Calenderbilder   , Berlin (1888) figure 8-9 CIL 1,

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 4: Pictures of the 7 planets with table of favourable and unfavourable days and hours.   Die Calenderbilder   , Berl

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 5: Signs of the Zodiac. MGH p.47. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 6: the calendar of Philocalus. Inscriptiones Latinae Antiquissimae, Berlin (1893) pp.256-278.   Die Calenderbilder 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 7: Pictures of the emperors.   Die Calenderbilder   , Berlin (1888) figure 34-35. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 8: Consular feasts from the fall of the kings to AD 354.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.50-61. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 9: Paschal cycle from AD 312 for 100 years.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.62-64. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 10: Prefects of the City of Rome from AD 254 to AD 354.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.65-69. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 11: Commemorations of the Bishops of Rome from AD 255 to AD 352.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.70. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 12: Commemorations of the Martyrs.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.71-2. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 13: Bishops of Rome.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.73-6. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 14: Notice of the 14 regions of the City. Topographie der Stadt Rom in Alterthum II (1871), pp.543-571. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 15: The book of the generations.   MGH   , pp.89-140. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 16: Chronicle of the City of Rome.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp. 143-148. 

 The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 9: Paschal cycle from AD 312 for 100 years.   MGH Chronica Minora  I (1892), pp.62-64. 

V f. 38' 312 b. Constantino II et Licinio II idus Apr.
313 Constantino III et Licinio III III kal. Apr.
314 Valeriano et Anniano XIIII kal. Mai.
315 Constantino IV et Licinio IIII III idus Apr.
316 b. Sabino et Rufino VIII kal. Apr.
317 Gallicano et Basso XVIII kal. Mai.
318 Licinio V et Crispo VIII kal. Apr.
319 Constantino V et Licinio IIII kal. Apr.
320 b. Constantino VI et Constantino III idus Apr.
321 Crispo II et Constantino II III non. April.
322 Probiano et Iuliano VIII kal. Apri.
323 Severo et Ruffo VII idus Apr.
324 b. Crispo III et Constantino III IIII kal. Apr.
325 Paulino et Iuliano XIIII kal. Mai.
326 Constantino VII et Constantio III idus Apr.
327 Constantio et Maximo VII kal. Apr.
328 b. Ianuarino et Iusto XVIII kal. Mai.
329 Constantino VIII et Constantio IIII VIII idus Apr.
330 Gallicano et Syrmaco III kal. Mai.
331 Basso et Ablavio VIII idus Apr.
332 b. Pacatiano et Hilariano III non. Apr.
333 Dalmatio et Zenofilo XVII kal. Mai.
334 Optato et Paulino VII idus Apr.
[p.63] 335 Constantio et Albino III kal. Apr.
336 b. Nepotiano et Facundo XIIII kal. Mai.
V f. 39 337 Feliciano et Titiano III non. Apr.
338 Urso et Polemio VIII kal. Apri.
339 Constancio II et Constante XVII kal. Mai.
340 b. Acyndino et Proculo III kal. Apr.
341 Marcellino et Probino XIII kal. Mai.
342 Constancio III et Constante II III idus Apr.
343 Placidio et Romulo III non. Apr.
344 b. Leontio et Salustio XVII kal. Mai.
345 Amantio et Albino VII id. Apri.
346 post Amantio et Albino III kal. Apr.
347 Rufino et Eusebio pri. id. April.
348 b. Philippo et Salia III non. Apr.
349 Limenio et Catulino VI kal. Apr.
350 Sergio et Nigriniano XVII kal. Mai.
351 post Sergio et Nigriniano prid. kal. Apr.
352 b. Constantio V et Constantio iun. XI kal. Mai.
353 Constantio VI et Constantio II III id. Apr.
354 Constantio VII et Constantio III VI kal. Apr.
355 Arbitione et Lolliani XVI kal. Mai.
356 b. Constantio VIII et Iuliano I VII id. Apr.
357 Constantio VIIII et Iuliano II III kal. Apr.
358 Datiano et Caereale prid. idus Apr.
368 Valentiniano et Valente II prid. non. Apr. 359
369 b. Valentiniano novili et Victore XVI kal. Mai. 360
370 Valentiniano III et Valente III VI id. Apr. 361
371 Gratiano II et Provo VI id. Apr. 361b
372 Modesto et Arintheo XVI kal. Mai. 355b
373 b. Valentiniano IIII et Valente IIII VII idus Apr. 356b
374 Gratiano III et Equitio III kal. Apr. 357b
375 p. c. Gratiani III et Equiti II id. Apr. 358b
376 Valente V et Valentiniano Caes. iun. prid. non. Apr. 359b
377 b. Gratiano IIII et Merobaude XVI kal. Mai. 360b
V f. 39' 378a p. c. Gratiani et Merobaudes VI id. April. 361c
378b Valente VI et Valentiniano iun. prd. kal. Apr. 362
379 Olibrio et Ausonio XII kal. Mai. 363
380 b. Gratiano V et Theodosio prid. non. Apr. 364
381 Syagrio et Eucerio VI kal. Apr. 365
382 Antonio et Euagrio XVI kal. Mai. 366
383 Saturnino et Syagrio kal. Apr. 367
384 b. Ricomede et Clearco XII kal. Mai. 368
385 Arcadio et Bautone prid. id. April. 369
[p.64] 386 Onorio et Evodio V kal. Apr. 370
387 Valentiniano II et Eutropio XV kal. Mai. 371
388 b. Theodosio II et Cinegio VI idus Apr. 372
389 Timasio et Promoto VIII kal. Apr. 373
390 Valentiniano IIII et Neoterio id. Apr. 374
391 Taciano et Symmacho non. Apr. 375
392 b. Arcadio Aug. II et Rufino VI kal. Apr. 376
393 Theodosio Aug. III et Abundantio XVI kal. Mai 377
394 Arcadio Aug. III et Honorio Aug. II kal. Apr. 378
395 Olibrio et Probino XI kal. Mai. 379
396 b.VI Arcadio Aug. IV. et Honorio Aug. III prid. id. April. 380
397 Caesario I et Attico VI kal. Apr. 381
398 Honorio Aug. IIII et Eutychiano XV kal. Mai. 382
399 Eutropio et Theodoro V id. Apr. 383
400 b.VI Stilichone et Auriliano VIII kal. Apr. 384
401 Vincentio et Fravio idus Apr. 385
402 Arcadio Aug. V. et Honorio Aug. V non. Apr. 386
403 Theodosio Aug. et Rumorido XIIII kal. Mai. 387
404 b.VI Honorio VI et Aristenito V id. April. 388
405 Stilichone II et Anthemio kal. Apr. 389
406 Arcadio VI et Probo XI kal. Mai. 390
407 Theodosio II et Honorio VII VIII id. Apr. 391
408 b. Basso et Philippo V kal. Apr. 392
V f. 40 409 Theodosio III et Honorio VIII XV kal. Mai. 393
410 Varana et IIII non. Apr. 394
VII kal. Apr. 395
b. idus Apr. 396
non. Apr. 397
XIII kal. Mai. 398
III id. Apr. 399
b. kal. Apr. 400
XVII kal. Mai. 401
VII idus Apr. 402
IIII kal. Apr. 403
b. IIII idus Apr. 404
IIII non. Apr. 405
VII kal. Apr. 406
XVIII kal. Mai. 407
b. IIII non. Apr. 408
XIIII kal. Mai. 409
IIII idus Apr. 410
VII kal. Apr. 411
 Anno centesimo 


See the notes for the consular fasti in part 8. Mommsen gives an apparatus from the Vienna ms. (V) and the Brussels ms. (B).

This section is untitled in the manuscripts, but contains a table of the date of Easter, continuing on from the table of consular feasts in part 8. The table begins in 312 AD, and so starts from the date of the victory of Constantine over Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge. This is no doubt also the beginning of public Christian celebration of Easter in Rome. The  subscriptio tells us that the table continues for a century, i.e. to 411 AD. Later copyists have added consular names in the blank spaces left.

The table runs smoothly down to AD 358, at which point the consuls between 359-367 are omitted, and the list continues with the names of consuls from 368. Further mistakes and errors occur, which means that the list of names finishes some way before the list of dates. To clarify this information, the correct dates for the consuls are on the left hand side. The correct year for the date of Easter appears to be given by Mommsen on the right. Unfortunately Mommsen does not indicate the significance of the 'a', 'b' and 'c' on some of these numbers.