The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 1: title page and dedication.   Die Calenderbilder   , Berlin (1888) figure 3. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 2: Cities of Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople, Trier.   Die Calenderbilder   , Berlin (1888) figure 4-7. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 3: Dedication to the emperor and birthdays of the Caesars.   Die Calenderbilder   , Berlin (1888) figure 8-9 CIL 1,

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 4: Pictures of the 7 planets with table of favourable and unfavourable days and hours.   Die Calenderbilder   , Berl

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 5: Signs of the Zodiac. MGH p.47. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 6: the calendar of Philocalus. Inscriptiones Latinae Antiquissimae, Berlin (1893) pp.256-278.   Die Calenderbilder 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 7: Pictures of the emperors.   Die Calenderbilder   , Berlin (1888) figure 34-35. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 8: Consular feasts from the fall of the kings to AD 354.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.50-61. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 9: Paschal cycle from AD 312 for 100 years.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.62-64. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 10: Prefects of the City of Rome from AD 254 to AD 354.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.65-69. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 11: Commemorations of the Bishops of Rome from AD 255 to AD 352.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.70. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 12: Commemorations of the Martyrs.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.71-2. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 13: Bishops of Rome.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp.73-6. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 14: Notice of the 14 regions of the City. Topographie der Stadt Rom in Alterthum II (1871), pp.543-571. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 15: The book of the generations.   MGH   , pp.89-140. 

  The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 16: Chronicle of the City of Rome.   MGH Chronica Minora   I (1892), pp. 143-148. 

 The Chronography of 354 AD. Part 16: Chronicle of the City of Rome.   MGH Chronica Minora  I (1892), pp. 143-148. 

 Picus Saturni filius regnavit in agro Laurentino usque ad eum locum ubi nunc Roma est, ann. XXXVIII. eo tempore ibi nec oppida nec vici erant, sed passim habitaverunt.  Picus son of Saturn reigned in the Laurentian field at that place where now Rome is for 38 years. In that time there was there neither towns nor villages, but they lived in many places.
 Faunus Pici filius eisdem locis regnavit annis XLIIII. eo tempore Hercules cum ab Hispania reverteretur, aram quae est Romae ad forum boarium posuit et dedicavit eo quod Cacum filium Vulcani ibi in spelunca sua occiderat.  Faunus son of Picus reigned in the same places for 44 years. In that time Hercules, when he was returning from Spain, built and dedicated the altar there which is at Rome in the Forum Boarium because he had killed Cacus son of Vulcan there in his cave.
 Latinus isdem locis regnavit . . . hic ex suo nomine cives suos Latinos appellavit. hoc regnante Troia capta est, unde Aeneas Veneris et Anchisae filius venit et se cum Latino iunxit unaque bellum gesserunt adversus Rutulos. eo proelio Latinus occisus est et regnum eius penes Aeneam remansit.  Latinus reigned in the same places . . . here he called his citizens "Latins" from his name. While he was reigning Troy was captured, from where Aeneas son of Venus and Anchises came and joined himself with Latinus, and they waged war together against the Rutulians. In that battle Latinus was killed and his kingdom was left in the hands of Aeneas.
 Aeneas oppidum condidit Lavinium ibique regnavit annis tribus.  Aeneas founded the town of Lavinium and reigned there for three years.
 Ascanius Aeneae filius regnavit annis XXXVI. Albam longam condidit.  Ascanius son of Aeneas reigned for 36 years. He founded Alba Longa.
 Postumius Silvius Aeneae nepos regnavit ann. XXXVII. ab hoc prognati postea Albae regnaverunt ac Silvi sunt cognominati.  Postumius Silvius the nephew of Aeneas reigned for 37 years. His descendants thereafter reigned at Alba and were surnamed "Silvius".
f.62'  Aeneas Silvius regnavit annos XXXI.  Aeneas Silvius reigned 31 years.
 Latinus LI.  Latinus 51.
 Alba XXVIII.  Alba 28.
 Appius XLI.  Appius 41.
 Capys XXVIII.  Capys 28.
 Campeius XXI.  Campeius 21.
 Titus VIII.  Titus 8.
 Agrippa LI.  Agrippa 51.
 Aventinus XXXVIII.  Aventinus 38.
 Procas VIII.  Procas 8.
 Amulius LI.  Amulius 51.
 Remus SIlvius regnavit XVII. eum Romulus interfecit.  Remus SIlvius reigned 17 years. Romulus killed him.
 Romulus Martis et Iliae filius regnavit annos XXXVIII. urbem Romam condidit XI kal. Mai., qui dies appellatur Parilia. hic X menses in annum constituit a Martio in Decembrem. mille iuvenes de plebe Romana legit, quos milites appellavit, et centum seniores, quos senatores dixit. congiarium dedit congium vini inter homines XII. hic cum nata ad paludem caprae, subito nusquam conparuit. in numerum deorum relatus deus Quirinus appellatus est.  Romulus son of Mars and Ilia reigned for 38 years. He founded the city of Rome on the 11th day before the kalends of May, which day is called the "Parilia". He established 10 months in the year, from March to December. He gathered 1,000 young men from the Roman plebs, whom he called soldiers, and 100 old men, whom he named senators. He gave a largess of 3 quarts of wine among 12 men. After appearing at the marsh of the she-goat (Campus Martius), suddenly he was nowhere to be seen. He was placed among in the number of the gods and called the god Quirinus.
 Titus Tatius dux Sabinorum una cum Romulo regnavit annos quinque. hic Tarpeiam, virginem Vestalem, vivam armis defodit eo quod secreta Romuli ei propalare noluisset.  Titus Tatius a duke of the Sabines reigned along with Romulus for 5 years. At this time he buried Tarpeia, a vestal virgin, alive under a heap of arms because she refused to betray to him the secrets of Romulus.
 Numa Pompilius regnavit ann. XLI. pontifices, virgines Vestales, instituit. hic duos menses ad X menses Romuli instituit, Ianuarium diis superis, Februarium diis inferis. hic prior hominibus adinvenit grabata mensas sellas candelabra. congiarium dedit scortinos asses et militibus donativum aere incisum dipondium semis.  Numa Pompilius reigned for 41 years. He established the pontifexes and vestal virgins. He added two months to the 10 of Romulus, January with more days and February with less. He was the first to devise beds, tables, chairs and candelabra. He gave a largess of leather pennies and a donative to the soldiers of half a dupondium of engraved metal.
 Tullus Hostilius regnavit annos XXXII. hic prior censum egit edictoque suo cavit ut quicumque temporibus ipsius falsum fecisset, daret pro capite suo dimidium verbecem.  Tullus Hostilius reigned 32 years. At this time he ordered the first census and by his edict took care that whoever should give his age falsely, should give half a sheep for his head.
f.63  Marcius Philippus regnavit ann. XXXVI. Cong. dedit assem semis et militibus donativum dipondium semis. Ostiam coloniam||condidit.  Marius Phillipus reigned for 36 years. He gave a largess of half an ass and a donative to the soldiers of half a dipondium. He founded the colony of Ostia.
 L. Tarquinius Priscus regnavit annos XXVIII. hic cum fundamenta Capitolii cavaret, invenit caput humanum litteris Tuscis scriptum CAPVT. OLIS. REGIS, unde hodieque Capitolium appellatur. hic prior Romanis duo paria gladiatorum edidit, quae comparavit per annos XXVII.  L. Tarquinius Priscus reigned 28 years. At this time, when the foundations of the Capitol were being excavated, he found the head of a man engraved with Tuscan letters HEAD.  ??? OF THE KING, from whence today it is called the Capitol. He was the first to present to the Romans [a gladiatorial show] with two pairs of gladiators, which he supplied for 27 years.
 Servius Tullius serva natus regnavit ann. XLV. hic votum fecit ut quotquot annos regnasset, tot ostia ad frumentum publicum constitueret.  Servius Tullius born of a slave-woman reigned 45 years. At this time he vowed that however many years he reigned, he would set up that many entrances to the public grain-supply.
 Tarquinius Superbus regnavit ann. XXV. hic prior hominibus invenit lautumias tormenta fustes metalla flagella carceres exilia. ipse prior exilium meruit. inter duos pontes a populo Romano fuste mactatus [  est ] et positus in circo maximo sub delfinos.  Tarquinius Superbus reigned 25 years. At this time he was the first of men to invent [punishment by] stone-quarries, torture, beatings, metal-mines, whippings, prisons and exile. He was the first to deserve exile. He was beaten to death with a club by the Roman people between two bridges and buried in the circus maximus under the dolphins.
P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus. Fabius Maximus. Apulius Claudius. Popilius Lenas. Valerius Publicola. Pompeius Maximus. Eneas Iulius. Sulla Felix. Barbatus. Scipio Nasica. Aemilius Paulus. Fabius. Cincinnatus. Decimus. Titus Marius. Plutatius Catus. Marius Rutulus. Valerius Corvinius. Cornelius Scipio. P. Decius. Q. Fabius. Metellus Pius. Marius. Licinius Salinator. Curius Dentatus. Iulius Brutus. P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus. Fabius Maximus. Apulius Claudius. Popilius Lenas. Valerius Publicola. Pompeius Maximus. Eneas Iulius. Sulla Felix. Barbatus. Scipio Nasica. Aemilius Paulus. Fabius. Cincinnatus. Decimus. Titus Marius. Plutatius Catus. Marius Rutulus. Valerius Corvinius. Cornelius Scipio. P. Decius. Q. Fabius. Metellus Pius. Marius. Licinius Salinator. Curius Dentatus. Iulius Brutus.
 C. Iulius Caesar imperavit annos III menses VII dies VI. congiarum dedit  X C. occisus curia Pompeia.  C. Julius Caesar ruled 3 years, 7 months, 6 days. He gave a largess of 100 denarii. He was killed in the senate-house of Pompey.
f. 63'  Divus Octavianus Augustus imp. ann. LVI m. IIII d. unum. cong. ded. ter  X CCCLXIIS. hoc imp. navis Alexandrina primum in portu Romano introivit nomine Acatus, qui attulit frumenti modios  CCCC , vectores MCC, piper, linteamen, carta, vitria et opoliscum cum sua sibi base, qui est in circo maximo, altum pedes LXXXVIIS. excessit Nola.  The deified Octavian Augustus ruled 56 years 4 months and 1 day. He gave a largess three times of 362.5 denarii. While he was ruling, an Alexandrian ship named Acatus came into the port of Rome for the first time, which was carrying 400,000 modii of flour, 1,200 passengers, pepper, linen, paper, glass and an obelisk with its base, which is in the circus maximus, 87 feet high. He died at Nola.
 Tiberius Caesar imp. ann. XXII m. VII d. XXVIII. cong. dedit  X LXXIIS. hoc imp. in civitate Fidenis populo spectante amphitheater ruit et oppressit homines  IIII CCV. excessit Miseno.  Tiberius Caesar ruled 22 years, 7 months, 28 days. He gave a largess of 72.5 denarii. While he was ruling, the amphitheatre in the city of Fidenum collapsed with the people inside and crushed 4,205 people. He died at Misenum.
 C. Gallicula imp. ann. III m. VIII d. XII. cong. dedit  X LXXIIS et de basilica Iulia sparsit aureos et argenteos, in qua rapina perierunt homines XXXII, [mulieres] CCXLVII et spado. occisus Palatio.  C. Gallicula ruled 3 years, 8 months and 12 days. He gave a largess of 72.5 denarii and from the Basilica Julia scattered gold and silver coins, in the rush for which 32 men, 247 [women] and a eunuch perished. He was killed in the palace.
 Tiberius Claudius imp. ann. XIII m. VIII d. XXVII. cong. dedit  X LXXXV. hoc imp. primum venenarii et malefici comprehensi sunt; homines XLV, mulieres LXXXV ad supplicium ducti sunt. hic metas in circo maximo deauravit. excessit Palatio.  Tiberius Claudius ruled 13 years, 8 months, 27 days. He gave a largess of 85 denarii. While he was ruling for the first time poison-sellers and evildoers were arrested; 45 men, 85 women were led to punishment. At this time he covered with gold the turning posts in the circus maximus. He died in the palace.
 Nero imp. ann. XIIII menses V dies XXVIII. cong. dedit  X C. hoc imp. fuit polyfagus natione Alexandrinus nomine Arpocras, qui manducavit pauca: aprum coctum, gallinam vivam cum suas sibi pinnas, ova C, pineas C, clavos galligares, vitrea fracta, thallos de scopa palmea, mappas IIII, porcellum lactantem, manipulum feni, et adhuc esuriens esse videbatur. Nero occisus via Patinaria.  Nero ruled 14 years, 5 months and 28 days. He gave a largess of 100 denarii. While he was ruling there was an omnivore by nationality Alexandrian by name Harpocras, who ate a few things: a cooked wild sow, a live hen with its feathers, 100 eggs, 100 pine-cones,  galligares nails, broken glass, a broom, 4 napkins, a milky sucking-pig, a bundle of hay, and still seemed hungry. Nero was killed on the Via Patinaria.
 Galba imp. m. VIII d. XII. cong. promisit sed non dedit. hic domum suam deposuit et horrea Galbae instituit. decolatus foro Romano iacuit.  Galba ruled 8 months and 12 days. He promised a largess but did not give it. He pulled down his house and erected the Galban grain-warehouses. He lay dead beheaded in the Forum Romanum.
f. 64  Otho imp. dies XC. ipse se Brixellis interfecit. ||  Otho ruled 90 days. He killed himself at Brixellum.
 Vitellius imp. m. VIII d. XI. occisus Palatio.  Vitellius ruled 8 months and 11 days. He was killed in the palace.
 Divus Vespasianus imp. ann. XII m. VIII d. XXVIII. congiarum dedit  X LXXXV. hic prior tribus gradibus amphitheatrum dedicavit. excessit Curibus Sabinis.  The deified Vespasian ruled 12 years, 8 months and 28 days. He gave a largess of 85 denarii. At this time he dedicated the first three levels of the amphitheatre. He died at Cures, a city of the Sabines.
 Divus Titus imp. annos . . . . . . . . . . . . hic amphitheatrum a tribus gradibus patris sui duos adiecit. excessit Curibus Sabinis cubicolo patris.  The deified Titus ruled . .years . . . . . . . At this time he added two more to the three levels of the amphitheatre of his father. He died at Cures, at city of the Sabines, on his father's bed.
 Domitianus imp. ann. XVII m. V d. V. congiarum dedit ter  X LXXV. hoc imp. multae operae publicae fabricatae sunt: atria VII, horrea piperataria ubi modo est basilica Constantiniana et horrea Vespasiani, templum Castorum et Minervae, portam Capenam, gentem Flaviam, Divorum, Iseum et Serapeum, Minervam Chalcidicam, Odium, Minuciam veterem, stadium, et thermas Titianas et Traianas, amphitheatrum usque ad clypea, templum Vespasiani et Titi, Capitolium, senatum, ludos IIII, Palatium, metam sudantem et Penteum. occisus Palatio.  Domitian ruled 17 years, 5 months and 5 days. He gave a largess of 75 denarii. While he was ruling many public works were carried out: 7 palaces, the pepper warehouses where now is the Constantinian Basilica and Vespasian grain warehouses, the temple of Castor and Minerva, the Capena gate, the temple of the Flavians gens, the temple of the gods, the temple of Isis and Serapis, the temple of Minerva of Chalcis, the Odeum, the  Minuciam veterem , the stadium, the Titian and Trajan baths, the amphitheatre up to the roof, the temple of Vespasian and Titus, the Capitol, the senate, 4 schools, and the two turning posts. He was killed in the palace.
 Nerva imp. ann. V m. IIII d. unum. cong. de.  X LXXV et funeraticium plebi urbanae instituit  X LXIIS. excessit hortis Salustianis.  Nerva ruled for 5 years, 4 months, 1 day. He gave a largess of 75 denarii and set up a fund for 62.5 denarii funeral expenses for the urban plebs. He died in the Sallustian gardens.
 Traianus imp. ann. XIX m. IIII d. XXVII. cong. dedit  X DCL. hoc. imper. mulieres in thermis Traianis laverunt. VII. idus Iulias excessit Selinunti.  Trajan ruled 19 years, 4 months and 27 days. He gave a largess of 650 denarii. While he was ruling women bathed in the Trajan hot-baths. He died on the 7th day before the ideas of July at Selinuntum.
 Adrianus imp. ann. XX m. X d. XIIII. congiarum dedit  X ∞. hoc imper. templum Romae et Veneris fabricatum est. excessit Bais veteribus.  Hadrian ruled 20 years, 10 months, 14 days. He gave a largess of 1000 denarii. While he was ruling the temple of Rome and Venus was built. He died at Old Baiae.
 Antoninus Pius imp. ann. XXII m. VIII dies XXVIII. cong dedit  X DCCC. hoc imper. circensibus Apollinaribus partectorum columna ruit et oppressit homines ∞CXII. excessit Lorio.  Antoninus Pius ruled 22 years, 8 months and 28 days. He gave a largess of 800 denarii. While he was ruling a column supporting some boxes fell in the Apollinarian circus and crushed 1,112 people. He died at Lorio.
f. 64'  Divus Verus imp. ann. VII m. VIII dies XII. congiar. ded.  X CCCC. hoc imper. scrofa procellum peperit in effigiem elefanti. excessit Altino.  The deified Verus ruled 7 years, 8 months, and 12 days. He gave a largess of 400 denarii. While he was ruling a sow gave birth to something like an elephant in a storm. He died at Altinum.
 Marcus Antoninus imp. ann. XVIII m. XI dies XIIII. cong. ded.  X DCCCL. hoc imper. instrumenta debitorum fisci in foro Romano arserunt per dies XXX. excessit Pannonia superiore.  Marcus Antoninus ruled 18 years, 11 months and 14 days. He gave a largess of 850 denarii. While he was ruling, they burned the documents of debtors to the tax-office in the Forum Romanum for 30 days. He died in Upper Pannonia.
 Commodus imper. ann. XVI m. VIII d. XII. cong. dedit  X DCCCL. hoc imp. thermae Commodianae dedicatae sunt. excessit domo Victiliana.  Commodus ruled 16 years, 8 months, 12 days. He gave a largess of 850 denarii. While he was ruling the Commodian baths were dedicated. He died in the Domum Victilianum.
 Pertinax imper. d. LXXV. occisus Palatio.  Pertinax ruled 75 days. He was killed in the palace.
 Iulianus imp. dies LXV. occisus Palatio.  Julianus ruled 65 days. He was killed in the palace.
 Divus Severus imp. ann. XVII m. XI. d. XXVIII. cong. ded.  X ∞C. hoc. imp. Septizonium et thermae Severianae dedicatae sunt. excessit Britanniae.  The deified Severus ruled 17 years, 11 months, and 28 days. He gave a largess of 1100 denarii. While he was ruling the Septizonium and the Severian baths were dedicated. He died in Britain.
 Geta imp. menses X dies XII. occisus Palatio.  Geta ruled 10 months and 12 days. He was killed in the palace.
 Antoninus Magnus imp. ann. VI m. II dies XV. cong. dedit  X CCCC. Hoc imp. ianuae circi ampliatae sunt et thermae Antoninianae dedicatae sunt. hic suam matrem habuit. excessit inter Edessam et Carras.  Antoninus the Great ruled 6 years, 2 months and 15 days. He gave a largess of 400 denarii. While he was ruling the gates of the circus were enlarged and the Antonine baths were dedicated. At this time he committed incest with his mother. He died between Edessa and Carrae.
 Macrinus imp. anno uno menses IIII d. II. cong. dedit  X CL. hoc imp. amphitheater arsit. occisus Arcelaida.  Macrinus rule 1 year, 4 months and 2 days. He gave a largess of 150 denarii. While he was ruling the amphitheatre caught fire. He was killed at Arcelaus.
 Antoninus Elagaballus imper. annos VI m. VIII dies XVIII. cong. ded.  X CCL. Eliogabalium dedicatum est. occisus Romae.  Antoninus Elagaballus ruled 6 years, 8 months and 18 days. He gave a largess of 250 denarii. The Heliogabalium was dedicated. He was killed at Rome.
f. 65  Alexander imper. ann. XIII m. VIII d. IX. cong. dedit  X DC. hoc imp. fuit polyfagus natione Italus qui manducavit pauca: cistam, lactucas, vascellum sardinarium, sardas X, melopepones LXX, tallos de scopa palmea, mappas IIII, panes castrensis IIII, cistam, cardos cum suas sibi spinas, et || ebibit vini grecanicum plenum et venit ad templum Iasurae et ebibit labrum plenum et adhuc esuriens esse videbatur. et thermae Alexandrinae dedicatae sunt. Alexander occisus Mogontiaco.  Alexander ruled 13 years, 8 months and 9 days. He gave a largess of 600 denarii. While he was ruling there was an omnivore by nationality Italian who ate a few things: a box, lettuces, a small casket of sardines, 10 sardines, 70 watermelons, a broom, 4 napkins, 4 military loaves, a box, a  cardos with its feathers, and drank up loads of  grecanicum wine and he came to the temple  Iasurae and drank up a full bowl and still seemed hungry. Also the baths of Alexander were dedicated. Alexander was killed at Mainz.
 Maximinus imp. ann. III m. IIII d. duos. cong. ded.  X CL. hoc. imp. magna pugna fuit cum Romanis et praetorianis. occisus Aquileia.  Maximinus ruled 3 years, 4 months and 2 days. He gave a largess of 150 denarii. While he was ruling there was a great riot between the praetorians and the Romans. He was killed at Aquileia.
 Duo Gordiani imper. dies. XX. excesserunt Africae.  The two Gordians ruled for 20 days. They died in Africa.
 Pupienus et Balbinus imper. dies XCIX. cong. dederunt  X CCL. occisi Romae.  Pupienus and Balbinus ruled 99 days. They gave a largess of 250 denarii. They were killed at Rome.
 Gordianus imper. ann. V m. V d. V. cong. ded.  X CCCL. hoc. imp. mula hominem comedit. agonem Minervae instituit. excessit finibus Partiae.  Gordian ruled 5 years, 5 months and 5 days. He gave a largess of 350 denarii. While he was ruling a she-mule ate a man. He instituted the games of Minerva. He was killed in Parthia.
 Duo Philippi imper. ann. V m. V. dies XXIX. cong. ded.  X CCCL. hi seculares veros in circo maximo ediderunt. occisus senior Verona, iunior Romae in castris praetoriis.  The two Philips ruled 5 years, 5 months and 29 days. They gave a largess of 350 denarii. They held the real secular games in the circus maximus. The older was killed at Verona, the younger at Rome in the praetorian camps.
 Decius imper. annum unum m. XI d. XVIII. cong. ded.  X CCL. hoc imp. thermae Commodianae dedicatae sunt. occisus praetorio Abrypto.  Decius ruled 1 year, 11 months and 18 days. He gave a largess of 250 denarii. While he was ruling the Commodian baths were dedicated. He was killed  ??? 
 Gallus et Volusianus imper. ann. II m. IIII d. IX. cong. ded.  X CCL. his imp. magna mortalitas fuit. occisi in foro Flaminio.  Gallus and Volusianus ruled 2 years, 4 months and 9 days. They gave a largess of 250 denarii. While they were ruling there was a great mortality [of plague]. They were killed in the Forum Flaminium.
 Aemilianus imper. dies LXXXVIII. occisus ponte Sanguinario.  Aemilianus ruled 88 days. He was killed at the Sanguinarian bridge.
 Gallienus cum Valeriano imper. ann. XIIII m. IIII dies XXVIII. Valerianus occisus in Syria. Gallienus cong. ded.  X ∞ CCL et binionem aureum. occisus Mediolano.  Gallienus with Valerian ruled 14 years, 4 months and 28 days. Valerian was killed in Syria. Gallienus gave a largess of 1,250 denarii and a binion of gold. He was killed at Milan.
 Claudius imper. ann. unum m. IIII d. XIIII. cong. ded.  X CCL. excessit Sirmi.  Claudius ruled 1 year, 4 months and 14 days. He gave a largess of 250 denarii. He died at Sirmium.
 Quintillus imp. dies LXXVII. cong. promisit sed non dedit. occisus Aquileia.  Quintillus ruled 77 days. He promised a largess but did not give it. He was killed at Aquileia.
f. 65'  Aurelianus imp. ann. V m. IIII d. XX. congiarum dedit  X D. || hic muro urbem cinxit, templum solis et castra in campo Agrippae dedicavit, genium populi Romani aureum in rostra posuit. porticus termarum Antoniniarum arserunt et fabricatum est. panem oleum et sal populo iussit dari gratuite. agonem Solis instituit. occisus Caenophurio.  Aurelian ruled 5 years, 4 months and 20 days. He gave a largess of 500 denarii. At this time he surrounded the city with a wall, dedicated the temple of the Sun and a fort in the campus Agrippa, and placed a gold genius of the Roman people in the rostra. The portico of the Antonine baths caught fire and was rebuilt. He ordered bread, oil and salt to be given for free to the people. He instituted the games of the Sun. He was killed at Caenophurium.
 Tacitus imper. m. VIII dies XII. occisus Ponto.  Tacitus ruled 8 months, 12 days. He was killed at Pontus.
 Florianus imper. d. LXXXVIII. occisus Tharso.  Florian ruled 88 days. He was killed at Tharsus.
 Probus imper. ann. VI m. II d. XII. hoc imp. senatores agitaverunt in circo maximo missos XIIII. occisus Sirmi.  Probus ruled 6 years, 2 months, 12 days. While he was ruling the senators protested in the circus maximus, 14 having been exiled. He was killed at Sirmium.
 Carus imp. m. X d. V. excessit Seleucia Babyloniae.  Carus ruled 10 months and 5 days. He died at Seleucia in Babylonia.
 Carinus et Numerianus imper. ann. II menses XI d. II. cong. ded.  X D. his imper. fames magna fuit et operae publicae arserunt senatum, forum Caesaris, basilicam Iuliam, et Graecostadium. occisus campo Margense.  Carinus and Numerian ruled 2 years, 11 months, 2 days. They gave a largess of 500 denarii. While they were ruling there was a great famine and public buildings burned down: the senate, the forum of Caesar, the basilica Julia, and the Graecostadium. He was killed at Campus Margensis.
 Diocletianus et Maximianus imper. ann. XXI m. XI dies XII. cong. dederunt  X ∞ DL. his imper. multae operae publicae fabricatae sunt: senatum, forum Caesaris, basilica Iulia, scaena Pompei, porticos II, nymfea III, templa II Iseum et Serapeum, arcum novum, thermas Diocletianas. sparserunt in circo aureos et argenteos. partectorum podius ruit et oppressit homines  XIII ; et mulier nomine Irene peperit pueros tres et puellam. regem Persarum cum omnibus gentibus et tunicas eorum ex margaritis numero XXXII circa templa domini posuerunt. elephantes XIII, agitatores VI, equos CCL in urbem adduxerunt. excessit Diocletianus Salonas, Maximianus in Gallia.  Diocletian and Maximian ruled 21 years, 11 months, 12 days. They gave a largess of 1,550 denarii. While they were ruling many public works were (re)built: the senate, the forum of Caesar, the basilica Julia, the stage of the theatre of Pompey, 2 porticos, 3 nymphaea, 2 temples, the temple of Isis and Serapis, the new arch, and the baths of Diocletian. They scattered in the circus gold and silver coins. The wall which formed the base of the seating for the boxes in the circus collapsed and crushed 13,000 people; and a woman named Irene gave birth to three boys and a girl. They placed the king of the Persians with all nations and their tunics of pearl in number 32 around the temples of the Lord. They brought 13 elephants, 6 drivers and 250 horsemen into the city. Diocletian died at Salonas, Maximian in Gaul.
f. 70  Constantius et Maximianus imp. ann. XVI || m. VIII d. XII. cong. ded. bis  X ∞D. Constantius excessit in Gallia, Maximianus in Dardania.  Constantius and Maximian ruled 16 years, 8 months and 12 days. They gave a largess twice of 1500 denarii. Constantius died in Gaul, Maximian in Dardania.
 Severus imp. ann. III m. IIII d. XV. ipse se interfecit via Latina miliario III.  Severus ruled 3 years, 4 months and 15 days. He killed himself on the Via Latina at the 3rd milestone.
 Maxentius imp. ann. VI. hoc. imp. templum Romae arsit et fabricatum est. thermas in palatio fecit et circum in catecumbas. fames magna fuit. Romani traxerunt militum Moesiacum et occisi sunt Romani a militibus homines  VI . Romanis omnibus aurum indixit et dederunt. fossatum aperuit, sed non perfecit. occisus ad pontem Mulvium in Tiberim.  Maxentius ruled 6 years. While he was ruling the temple of Rome burned down and was rebuilt. He made a bathhouse in the palace and a circus in the catacombs. There was a great famine. They lynched the Romans of the soldiers of Moesia and 6,000 Roman men were killed by the soldiers. He ordered gold from every Roman, and they gave it. He began a moat, but did not complete it. He was killed at the Milvian Bridge on the Tiber.
 Maximianus imper. ann. IX m. VIII d. VI. occisus Tarso.  Maximian ruled 9 years, 8 months and 6 days. He was killed at Tarsus.
 Licinius imp. ann. XV m. IIII d. XVI. occisus Thessalonica.  Licinius ruled 15 years, 4 months and 16 days. He was killed at Thessalonica.


This text is found in the Vienna (V) manuscript. I have not been able to translate everything -- suggestions are welcomed!

 X (X with a line through it) is the abbreviation for "denarii"; S for semis (half).

A partectum (pl. partecta) seems to be a balcony or gallery up in the gods, and the podius the supporting masonry for it. Ed Cryer writes, "I'm just a bit doubtful about the architecture of this balcony. Maybe it was just a top-storey circle of boxes; or maybe it was something more like a 20th c cinema balcony, ie projecting far out over the floor area and supported on various pillars."