(2.) The Second Breviate.
II. “We must next ask,” he says, “whether sin comes from will, or from necessity? If from necessity, it is not sin; if from will, it can be avoided.” We answer as before; and in order that we may be healed, we pray to Him to whom it is said in the psalm: “Lead Thou me out of my necessities.”2 Ps. xxv. 17.
Ratiocinatio 2. Iterum quaerendum est, inquit, peccatum voluntatis, an necessitatis est. Si necessitatis est, peccatum non est: si voluntatis est, vitari potest. Respondemus quod supra: et ut sanemur, invocamus eum, cui dicitur in Psalmo, De necessitatibus meis educ me (Psal. XXIV, 17).