Chapter 4—The Children of God are Led by the Spirit of God.
Let those, therefore, not deceive themselves who ask, “Wherefore is it preached and prescribed to us that we should turn away from evil and do good, if it is not we that do this, but ‘God who worketh in us to will and to do it’?”15 Phil. ii. 13. But let them rather understand that if they are the children of God, they are led by the Spirit of God16 Rom. viii. 14. to do that which should be done; and when they have done it, let them give thanks to Him by whom they act. For they are acted upon that they may act, not that they may themselves do nothing; and in addition to this, it is shown them what they ought to do, so that when they have done it as it ought to be done—that is, with the love and the delight of righteousness—they may rejoice in having received “the sweetness which the Lord has given, that their 17 Some mss. have “his land.” land should yield her increase.”18 Ps. lxxxv. 12. But when they do not act, whether by not doing at all or by not doing from love, let them pray that what as yet they have not, they may receive. For what shall they have which they shall not receive? or what have they which they have not received?19 1 Cor. iv. 7.
4. Non se itaque fallant, qui dicunt, «Utquid nobis praedicatur atque praecipitur, ut declinemus a malo et faciamus bonum, si hoc nos non agimus, sed id velle et operari Deus operatur in nobis» (Philipp. II, 13)? Sed potius intelligant, si filii Dei sunt, spiritu Dei se agi (Rom. VIII, 14), ut quod agendum est agant; et cum egerint, illi a quo agunt gratias agant. Aguntur enim ut agant, non ut ipsi nihil agant; et ad hoc eis ostenditur quid agere debeant, ut quando id agunt sicut agendum est, id est, cum dilectione et delectatione justitiae, suavitatem quam dedit Dominus, ut terra eorum daret fructum suum (Psal. LXXXIV, 13), accepisse se gaudeant. Quando autem non agunt, sive omnino non faciendo, sive non ex charitate faciendo; orent, ut quod nondum habent accipiant. Quid enim habebunt, quod non accepturi sunt? aut quid habent, quod non acceperunt (I Cor. IV, 7)?