AUGUSTINUS Episcopus, servus Christi, servorumque Christi , religiosae famulae Dei JULIANAE, in Domino dominorum salutem.

 2. Cum igitur in omni quaestione quae ad vitam moresque pertinet, non sola doctrina, verum etiam exhortatio sit necessaria ut doctrina quid agendum s



 5. Ideo etiam cum moneret conjugatos, ne debito carnalis commixtionis fraudarent invicem et per hoc alter eorum negato sibi debito conjugali, per int

 6. Quapropter hoc primum oportet ut noveris, bono quod elegisti non damnari secundas nuptias, sed inferius honorari. Nam sicut bonum sanctae virginita

 7. Quod autem Apostolus, cum caelibum et innuptarum commendaret fructum, quia cogitant quae sunt Domini, quomodo placeant Deo, subjecit et ait, Hoc au


 9. Disce itaque bonum tuum, imo memento quod didicisti, bonum tuum plus laudari, quia est aliud bonum quo sit hoc melius, quam si aliter hoc bonum ess

 10. Nec quia dixi Ruth beatam, Annam beatiorem, cum illa bis nupserit, haec uno viro cito viduata diu vixerit, continuo etiam te meliorem putes esse q




 14. Lapsus a sancto proposito malus, nuptiae tamen lapsarum bonae. Quapropter non possum quidem dicere, a proposito meliore lapsas, si nupserint, femi




 18. Nulla quidem istarum sex viduarum tuae normae adaequatur. Tu enim si hoc votum ad senectutem usque perduxeris, omnia tria potes habere, quibus Ann






 24. Audiat haec virginis etiam sanctae prolis tuae auris interior. Videro quantum te praecedat in regno Regis illius: alia quaestio est. Invenistis ta





 29. Deinde obsecro vos per illum a quo et hoc donum accepistis, et hujus doni praemia speratis, ut me quoque orationibus vestris memineritis inserere

7. But whereas the Apostle, when commending the fruit of unmarried men and women, in that they have thought of the things of the Lord, how to please God, added and saith, “But this I say for your profit, not to cast a snare on you,”13    1 Cor. vii. 35 that is, not to force you; “but in order to that which is honorable;” we ought not, because he saith that the good of the unmarried is honorable, therefore to think that the bond of marriage is base; otherwise we shall condemn first marriages also, which neither Cataphryges, nor Novatians, nor their most learned upholder Tertullian dared to call base. But as, when he says, “But I say unto the unmarried and widows, that it is good for them if they shall have so continued;”14    1 Cor. vii. 8 assuredly he set down “good” for “better,” since every thing, which, when compared with a good, is called better, this also without doubt is a good; for what else is it that it is so called better, save that it is more good? and yet we do not on this account suppose him by consequence to have thought that it was an evil, in case they married, in that he said, “it is good for them, if they shall have so continued;” so also, when he says, “but in order to that which is honest,” he hath not shown that marriage is base, but that which was honester than (another thing also) honest, he hath commended by the name of honest in general. Because what is honester, save what is more honest? But what is more honest is certainly honest. Forsooth he plainly showed that this is better than that other that is good, where he says, “Whoso giveth to marry, doeth well; but whoso giveth not to marry, doeth better.”15    1 Cor. vii. 38 And this more blessed than that other that is blessed, where he saith, “But she shall be more blessed, if she shall have so continued.”16    ver. 40 As, therefore, there is than good a better, and than blessed a more blessed, so is there than honest an honester, which he chose to call honest. For far be it that that be base, of which the Apostle Peter speaking saith, “Husbands, unto your wives, as unto the weaker and subject vessel, give honor, as unto co-heirs of grace;” and addressing the wives, he exhorts them, by the pattern of Sarah, to be subject unto their husbands; “For so,” saith he, “certain holy women, who hoped in God, adorned themselves, obeying their own husbands; even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters ye are made, well-doing, and not fearing any disturbance.”17    1 Pet. iii. 5–7. [See R.V.]

7. Quod autem Apostolus, cum caelibum et innuptarum commendaret fructum, quia cogitant quae sunt Domini, quomodo placeant Deo, subjecit et ait, Hoc autem ad utilitatem vestram dico, non ut laqueum vobis injiciam, id est, non ut vos cogam; sed ad id quod honestum est: non quia innuptarum bonum honestum dixit, ideo putare debemus turpe esse vinculum conjugale; alioquin etiam primas nuptias condemnabimus, quas nec Cataphryges, nec Novatiani, nec disertissimus eorum astipulator Tertullianus turpes ausus est dicere. Sed quemadmodum cum ait, Dico autem innuptis et viduis, bonum esse illis si sic permanserint; utique bonum posuit pro meliore, quoniam omne quod bono comparatum melius dicitur, etiam hoc procul dubio bonum est: nam quid est aliud quod ita dicitur melius, nisi quod magis bonum est? nec ideo consequenter eum sensisse arbitramur, malum esse si nupserint, quoniam dixit, bonum esse illis si sic permanserint: ita etiam cum ait, sed ad id quod honestum est; non matrimonium turpe esse monstravit, sed quod honesto erat honestius generalis honesti nomine commendavit. Quia honestius quid est, nisi quod magis honestum est? Magis autem honestum utique honestum est. Aperte quippe declaravit hoc esse bono illo melius, ubi ait, Qui dat nuptum, bene facit; et qui non dat nuptum, melius facit: et hoc illo beato beatius, ubi ait, Beatior autem erit, si sic permanserit (I Cor. VII, 5-8, 35-40). Sicut ergo bono melius et beato beatius, sic honesto honestius est, quod honestum voluit appellare. Absit enim ut turpe sit unde loquens apostolus Petrus ait: Viri, uxoribus vestris tanquam vasi infirmiori et subjecto tribuite honorem, quasi cohaeredibus gratiae. Et illas at loquens, subditas esse viris suis exemplo Sarae ad hortatur: Nam sic quaedam, inquit, sanctae mulieres, quae in Deum sperabant, ornabant se, obsequentes viris suis: quomodo Sara obediebat Abrahae, dominum illum vocans, cujus factae estis filiae benefacientes, et non timentes ullam perturbationem (I Petr. III, 5-7).