Chapter 12.—They Who Have Not Received Perseverance are Not Distinguished from the Mass of Those that are Lost.
And, consequently, both those who have not heard the gospel, and those who, having heard it and been changed by it for the better, have not received perseverance, and those who, having heard the gospel, have refused to come to Christ, that is, to believe on Him, since He Himself says, “No man cometh unto me, except it were given him of my Father,”53 John vi. 65. and those who by their tender age were unable to believe, but might be absolved from original sin by the sole laver of regeneration, and yet have not received this laver, and have perished in death: are not made to differ from that lump which it is plain is condemned, as all go from one into condemnation. Some are made to differ, however, not by their own merits, but by the grace of the Mediator; that is to say, they are justified freely in the blood of the second Adam. Therefore, when we hear, “For who maketh thee to differ? and what hast thou that thou hast not received? Now, if thou hast received it, why dost thou glory as if thou hadst not received it?”54 1 Cor iv. 7. we ought to understand that from that mass of perdition which originated through the first Adam, no one can be made to differ except he who has this gift, which whosoever has, has received by the grace of the Saviour. And this apostolical testimony is so great, that the blessed Cyprian writing to Quirinus put it in the place of a title, when he says, “That we must boast in nothing, since nothing is our own.”55 Cyprian, Testimonies, Book iii. ch. 4; see The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. v. pp. 528 and 533.
12. Ac per hoc et qui Evangelium non audierunt, et qui eo audito in melius commutati perseverantiam non acceperunt, et qui Evangelio audito venire ad Christum, hoc est, in eum credere noluerunt, quoniam ipse dixit; Nemo venit ad me, nisi ei datum fuerit a Patre meo (Joan. VI, 66), et qui per aetatem parvulam nec credere potuerunt, sed ab originali noxa solo possent lavacro regenerationis absolvi, quo tamen non accepto mortui perierunt; non sunt ab illa conspersione discreti, quam constat esse damnatam, euntibus omnibus ex uno in condemnationem. Discernuntur autem non meritis suis; sed per gratiam Mediatoris; hoc est, in sanguine secundi Adam justificati gratis. Itaque cum audimus, Quis enim te discernit? Quid autem habes quod non accepisti? Si autem et accepisti; quid gloriaris quasi non acceperis (I Cor. IV, 7)? ab illa perditionis massa quae facta est per primum Adam, debemus intelligere neminem posse discerni, nisi qui hoc donum habet, quisquis habet, quod gratia Salvatoris accepit . Hoc amem apostolicum testimonium 0924 tam magnum est, ut beatus Cyprianus ad Quirinum scribens, ipsum subjecerit illi titulo, in quo ait, In nullo esse gloriandum, quando nostrum nihil sit (Lib. 3 Testimoniorum, titulo seu cap. 4).