XI. But perhaps some one who is very circumscribed and carnally minded will say, “But our herald is a stranger and a foreigner.” What of the Apostles? Were not they strangers to the many nations and cities among whom they were divided, that the Gospel might have free course everywhere, that nothing might miss the illumination of the Threefold Light, or be unenlightened by the Truth; but that the night of ignorance might be dissolved for those who sat in darkness and the shadow of death? You have heard the words of Paul, “that we might go the Gentiles, and they to the Circumcision.”21 Galat. ii. 9. Be it that Judæa is Peter’s home; what has Paul in common with the Gentiles, Luke with Achaia, Andrew with Epirus, John with Ephesus, Thomas with India, Marc with Italy, or the rest, not to go into particulars, with those to whom they went? So that you must either blame them or excuse me, or else prove that you, the ambassadors of the true Gospel, are being insulted by trifling. But since I have argued with you in a petty way about these matters, I will now proceed to take a larger and more philosophic view of them.
ΙΑʹ. Ἀλλὰ καὶ ξένος ἡμῖν ὁ κῆρυξ καὶ ὑπερόριος, τάχα ἂν εἴποι τις τῶν σφόβρα περιγραπτῶν τε καὶ φιλοσάρκων. Οἱ ἀπόστολοι δὲ, οὐ ξένοι τῶν πολλῶν ἐθνῶν τε καὶ πόλεων, εἰς ἃς ἐμερίσθησαν, ἵνα πανταχοῦ δράμῃ τὸ Εὐαγγέλιον, ἵνα μηδὲν ἀλαμπὲς ᾖ τοῦ τρισσοῦ φωτὸς, καὶ τῆς ἀληθείας ἀφώτιστον, ὥστε καὶ τοῖς ἐν σκότῳ καὶ σκιᾷ θανάτου καθημένοις λυθῆναι τὴν νύκτα τῆς ἀγνωσίας; Ἵν' ἡμεῖς μὲν, φησὶν, εἰς τὰ ἔθνη, αὐτοὶ δὲ εἰς τὴν περιτομὴν, ἤκουσας Παύλου λέγοντος, Ἔστω Πέτρου ἡ Ἰουδαία: τι Παύλῳ κοινὸν πρὸς τὰ ἔθνη, Λουκᾷ πρὸς Ἀχαίαν, Ἀνδρέᾳ πρὸς τὴν Ἤπειρον, Ἰωάννῃ πρὸς Ἔφεσον, Θωμᾷ πρὸς Ἰνδικὴν, Μάρκῳ πρὸς Ἰταλίαν; τι δαὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις πᾶσιν, ἵνα μὴ τὰ καθ' ἕκαστον λέγω, πρὸς τοὺς οἷς ἐπεδήμησαν; Ὥστε, ἢ κἀκείνοις ἐπιτίμησον, ἢ κἀμοὶ συγχώρησον, ἢ δεῖξον, ὅτι τὸν ἀληθῆ λόγον πρεσβεύων, ἐπηρεάζῃ τὴν φλυαρίαν. Ἐπεὶ δὲ μικροπρεπῶς διελέχθην σοι περὶ τούτων, φέρε, φιλοσοφήσω καὶ μεγαλοπρεπέστερον.