17. Posse sane fieri nuptias ex male conjunctis, honesto postea placito consequente, manifestum est.
13. What therefore he says, “She, that is unmarried, thinketh of the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit;” we are not to take in such sense, as to think that a chaste Christian wife is not holy in body. Forsooth unto all the faithful it was said, “Know ye not that your bodies are a temple of the Holy Ghost within you, Whom ye have from God?”38 1 Cor. vi. 19 Therefore the bodies also of the married are holy, so long as they keep faith to one another and to God. And that this sanctity of either of them, even an unbelieving partner does not stand in the way of, but rather that the sanctity of the wife profits the unbelieving husband, and the sanctity of the husband profits the unbelieving wife, the same Apostle is witness, saying, “For the unbelieving husband is sanctified in the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified in a brother.”39 1 Cor. vii. 14 Wherefore that was said according to the greater sanctity of the unmarried than of the married, unto which there is also due a greater reward, according as, the one being a good, the other is a greater good: inasmuch as also she has this thought only, how to please the Lord. For it is not that a female who believes, keeping married chastity, thinks not how to please the Lord; but assuredly less so, in that she thinks of the things of the world, how to please her husband. For this is what he would say of them, that they may, in a certain way, find themselves obliged by marriage to think of the things of the world, how to please their husbands.
13. Quod ergo ait, Quae innupta est, cogitat ea quae sunt Domini, ut sit sancta et corpore et spiritu, non sic accipiendum est, ut putemus non esse sanctam corpore christianam conjugem castam. Omnibus quippe fidelibus dictum est, Nescitis quia corpora vestra templum in vobis est Spiritus sancti, quem habetis a Deo (I Cor. VI, 19). Sancta sunt ergo etiam corpora conjugatorum, fidem sibi et Domino servantium. Cui sanctitati cujuslibet eorum, nec infidelem conjugem obsistere, sed potius sanctitatem uxoris prodesse infideli viro, aut sanctitatem viri prodesse infideli uxori, idem apostolus testis est, dicens, Sanctificatus est enim vir infidelis in uxore , et sanctificata est mulier infidelis in fratre (Id. VII, 14). Proinde illud dictum est secundum ampliorem sanctitatem innuptarum quam nuptarum, cui merces etiam debetur amplior secundum quod isto bono illud est melius: quia et hoc solum cogitat , quomodo 0383 placeat Domino. Neque enim femina fidelis, servans pudicitiam conjugalem, non cogitat quomodo placeat Domino, sed utique minus; quia cogitat etiam quae sunt mundi, quomodo placeat viro. Hoc enim de illis dicere voluit, quod possunt habere quodam modo de necessitate connubii, ut cogitent quae sunt mundi, quomodo placeant viris suis.