(13.) The Thirteenth Breviate.
XIII. “The next question we have to ask,” says he, “is this: If man cannot be without sin, whose fault is it,—man’s own, or some one’s else? If man’s own, in what way is it his fault if he is not that which he is unable to be?” We reply, that it is man’s fault that he is not without sin on this account, because it has by man’s sole will come to pass that he has come into such a necessity as cannot be overcome by man’s sole will.
Ratiocinatio 13. «Iterum,» ait, «quaerendum est, si non potest homo sine peccato esse, cujus culpa est; ipsiusne hominis, an cujuslibet alterius: si ipsius hominis, quomodo culpa hominis est, si hoc non est quod esse non potest? Respondemus, ideo esse culpam hominis, quod non est sine peccato, quia sola hominis voluntate factum est ut ad istam necessitatem veniret, 0298 quam sola hominis voluntas superare non possit.