AUGUSTINUS Episcopus, servus Christi, servorumque Christi , religiosae famulae Dei JULIANAE, in Domino dominorum salutem.

 2. Cum igitur in omni quaestione quae ad vitam moresque pertinet, non sola doctrina, verum etiam exhortatio sit necessaria ut doctrina quid agendum s



 5. Ideo etiam cum moneret conjugatos, ne debito carnalis commixtionis fraudarent invicem et per hoc alter eorum negato sibi debito conjugali, per int

 6. Quapropter hoc primum oportet ut noveris, bono quod elegisti non damnari secundas nuptias, sed inferius honorari. Nam sicut bonum sanctae virginita

 7. Quod autem Apostolus, cum caelibum et innuptarum commendaret fructum, quia cogitant quae sunt Domini, quomodo placeant Deo, subjecit et ait, Hoc au


 9. Disce itaque bonum tuum, imo memento quod didicisti, bonum tuum plus laudari, quia est aliud bonum quo sit hoc melius, quam si aliter hoc bonum ess

 10. Nec quia dixi Ruth beatam, Annam beatiorem, cum illa bis nupserit, haec uno viro cito viduata diu vixerit, continuo etiam te meliorem putes esse q




 14. Lapsus a sancto proposito malus, nuptiae tamen lapsarum bonae. Quapropter non possum quidem dicere, a proposito meliore lapsas, si nupserint, femi




 18. Nulla quidem istarum sex viduarum tuae normae adaequatur. Tu enim si hoc votum ad senectutem usque perduxeris, omnia tria potes habere, quibus Ann






 24. Audiat haec virginis etiam sanctae prolis tuae auris interior. Videro quantum te praecedat in regno Regis illius: alia quaestio est. Invenistis ta





 29. Deinde obsecro vos per illum a quo et hoc donum accepistis, et hujus doni praemia speratis, ut me quoque orationibus vestris memineritis inserere

15. Men are wont to move a question concerning a third or fourth marriage, and even more numerous marriages than this. On which to make answer strictly, I dare neither to condemn any marriage, nor to take from these the shame of their great number. But, lest the brevity of this my answer may chance to displease any, I am prepared to listen to my reprover treating more fully. For perhaps he alleges some reason, why second marriages be not condemned, but third be condemned. For I, as in the beginning of this discourse I gave warning, dare not to be more wise than it behoveth to be wise.35    Rom. xii. 3 For who am I, that I should think that that must be defined which I see that the Apostle hath not defined? For he saith, “A woman is bound, so long as her husband liveth.”36    1 Cor. vii. 39, 40 He said not, her first; or, second; or, third; or, fourth;37    Al. “or any number.” but, “A woman,” saith he, “is bound, so long as her husband liveth; but if her husband shall be dead, she is set free; let her be married to whom she will, only in the Lord: but she shall be more blessed, if she shall have so continued.” I know not what can be added to, or taken from, this sentence, so far as relates to this matter. Next I hear Himself also, the Master and Lord of the Apostles and of us, answering the Sadducees, when they had proposed to Him a woman not once-married, or twice-married, but, if it can be said, seven-married,38    Septiviram whose wife she should be in the resurrection? For rebuking them, He saith, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they shall neither be married, nor marry wives;39    Matt. xxii. 29, 30 for they shall not begin to die, but shall be equal to the Angels of God.”40    Luke xx. 35, 36 Therefore He made mention of their resurrection, who shall rise again unto life, not who shall rise again unto punishment. Therefore He might have said, Ye do err, knowing not the Scriptures, nor the power of God: for in that resurrection it will not be possible that there be those that were wives of many; and then added, that neither doth any there marry. But neither, as we see, did He in this sentence show any sign of condemning her who was the wife of so many husbands. Wherefore neither dare I, contrary to the feeling of natural shame, say, that, when her husbands are dead, a woman marry as often as she will; nor dare I, out of my own heart, beside the authority of holy Scripture, condemn any number of marriages whatever. But, what I say to a widow, who hath had one husband, this I say to every widow; you will be more blessed, if you shall have so continued.


15. Nullas quotaslibet nuptias damnandas esse. De tertiis et de quartis et de ultra pluribus nuptiis solent homines movere quaestionem. Unde ut breviter respondeam, nec ullas nuptias audeo damnare, nec eis verecundiam numerositatis auferre. Sed ne cuiquam brevitas hujus responsionis meae forte displiceat, uberius disputantem reprehensorem meum audire paratus sum. Fortassis enim affert aliquam rationem, quare secundae nuptiae non damnentur, tertiae damnentur. Nam ego, sicut in exordio sermonis hujus admonui, non audeo plus sapere quam oportet sapere (Rom. XII, 3). Quis enim sum, qui putem definiendum, quod nec Apostolum video definisse? Ait enim: Mulier alligata est, quamdiu vir ejus vivit. Non dixit, primus; aut, secundus; aut, tertius; aut, quartus : sed, Mulier, inquit, alligata est, quamdiu vir ejus vivit: si autem mortuus fuerit vir ejus, liberata est; cui vult nubat, tantum in Domino. Beatior autem erit, si sic permanserit (I Cor. VII, 39, 40). Quid huic sententiae, quantum ad hanc rem attinet, addi vel detrahi possit, ignoro. Deinde ipsum quoque Apostolorum ac nostrum Magistrum et Dominum audio Sadducaeis respondentem, cum proposuissent mulierem non univiram vel biviram, sed, si dici potest, septiviram, in resurrectione cujus futura esset uxor. Increpans enim eos, ait: Erratis, non scientes Scripturas, neque virtutem Dei. In resurrectione enim nec nubent, nec uxores ducent: non enim incipient mori, sed erunt aequales Angelis Dei (Matth. XXII, 29 et 30). Eorum itaque resurrectionem commemoravit, qui resurgent ad vitam, non qui resurgent ad poenam. Potuit ergo dicere, Erratis, nescientes Scripturas, neque virtutem Dei; in illa enim resurrectione multinubae istae esse 0440 non poterunt: deinde addere, quia nec aliqua ibi nubit. Sed nec ipsam, ut videmus, tot maritorum mulierem ulla suae sententiae significatione damnavit. Quapropter nec contra humanae verecundiae sensum audeo dicere, ut quoties voluerit, viris mortuis nubat femina: nec ex meo corde praeter Scripturae sanctae auctoritatem quotaslibet nuptias audeo condemnare. Quod autem dico univirae viduae, hoc dico omni viduae: beatior eris, si sic permanseris.