I will now give a detailed account of the power and privilege assigned by Lycurgus to the king during a campaign. To begin with, so long as he is on active service, the state maintains the king and those with him. 232 The polemarchs mess with him and share his quarters, so that by dint of constant intercourse they may be all the better able to consult in common in case of need. Besides the polemarch three other members of the peers 233 share the royal quarters, mess, etc. The duty of these is to attend to all matters of commisariat, 234 in order that the king and the rest may have unbroken leisure to attend to affairs of actual warfare.
But I will resume at a somewhat higher point and describe the manner in which the king sets out on an expedition. As a preliminary step, before leaving home he offers sacrifice (in company with 235 his staff) to Zeus Agetor (the Leader), and if the victims prove favourable then and there the priest, 236 who bears the sacred fire, takes thereof from off the altar and leads the way to the boundaries of the land. Here for the second time the king does sacrifice 237 to Zeus and Athena; and as soon as the offerings are accepted by those two divinities he steps across the boundaries of the land. And all the while the fire from those sacrifices leads the way, and is never suffered to go out. Behind follow beasts for sacrifice of every sort.
Invariably when he offers sacrifice the king begins the work in the gloaming ere the day has broken, being minded to anticipate the goodwill of the god. And round about the place of sacrifice are present the polemarchs and captains, the lieutenants and sub-lieutenants, with the commandants of the baggage train, and any general of the states 238 who may care to assist. There, too, are to be seen two of the ephors, who neither meddle nor make, save only at the summons of the king, yet have they their eyes fixed on the proceedings of each one there and keep all in order, 239 as may well be guessed. When the sacrifices are accomplished the king summons all and issues his orders 240 as to what has to be done. And all with such method that, to witness the proceedings, you might fairly suppose the rest of the world to be but bungling experimenters, 241 and the Lacedaemonians alone true handicraftsmen in the art of soldiering.
Anon the king puts himself at the head of the troops, and if no enemy appears he heads the line of march, no one preceding him except the Sciritae, and the mounted troopers exploring in front. 242 If, however, there is any reason to anticipate a battle, the king takes the leading column of the first army corps 243 and wheels to the right until he has got into position with two army corps and two generals of division on either flank. The disposition of the supports is assigned to the eldest of the royal council 244 (or staff corps) acting as brigadier - the staff consisting of all peers who share the royal mess and quarters, with the soothsayers, surgeons, 245 and pipers, whose place is in the front of the troops, 246 with, finally, any volunteers who happen to be present. So that there is no check or hesitation in anything to be done; every contingency is provided for.
The following details also seem to me of high utility among the inventions of Lycurgus with a view to the final arbitrament of battle. Whensoever, the enemy being now close enough to watch the proceedings, 247 the goat is sacrificed; then, says the law, let all the pipers, in their places, play upon the pipes, and let every Lacedaemonian don a wreath. Then, too, so runs the order, let the shields be brightly polished. The privilege is accorded to the young man to enter battle with his long locks combed. 248 To be of cheery countenance - that, too, is of good repute. Onwards they pass the word of command to the subaltern 249 in command of his section, since it is impossible to hear along the whole of each section from the particular subaltern posted on the outside. It devolves, finally, on the polemarch to see that all goes well.
When the right moment for encamping has come, the king is responsible for that, and has to point out the proper place. The despatch of emissaries, however, whether to friends or to foes, is [not] 250 the king's affair. Petitioners in general wishing to transact anything treat, in the first instance, with the king. If the case concerns some point of justice, the king despatches the petitioner to the Hellanodikai (who form the court-martial); if of money, to the paymasters. 251 If the petitioner brings booty, he is sent off to the Laphuropolai (or sellers of spoil). This being the mode of procedure, no other duty is left to the king, whilst he is on active service, except to play the part of priest in matters concerning the gods and of commander-inchief in his relationship to men. 252
232 I.e. "the Thirty." See "Ages." i. 7; "Hell." III. iv. 2; Plut. "Ages." 6 (Clough, iv. 6); Aristot. "Pol." ii. 9, 29.
233 For these oi omoioi, see "Cyrop." I. v. 5; "Hell." III. iii. 5.
234 Lit. "supplies and necessaries."
235 Lit. reading kai oi sun auto, after L. Dindorf, "he and those with him."
236 Lit. "the Purphuros." See Nic. Damasc. ap. Stob. "Fl." 44, 41; Hesych. ap. Schneider, n. ad loc.
237 These are the diabateria, so often mentioned in the "Hellenica."
238 I.e. "allied"? or "perioecid"?
239 sophronizousin, "keep every one in his sober senses."
240 See Thuc. v. 66.
241 autoskhediastai, tekhnitai. See Jebb, "Theophr." x. 3.
242 Or, "who are on scouting duty. If, however, they expect a battle," etc.
243 Technically, "mora."
244 ton peri damosian. See "Hell." IV. v. 8; vii. 4.
245 See "Anab." III. iv. 30; "Cyrop." I. vi. 15; L. Dindorf, n. ad loc.
246 Schneider refers to Polyaenus, i. 10.
247 See Plut. "Lycurg." 22 (Clough, i. 114); and for the goat sacrificed to Artemis Agrotera, see "Hell." IV. ii. 20; Pause. IX. xiii. 4; Plut. "Marcell." 22 (Clough, ii. 264).
248 See Plut. "Lycurg." 22 (Clough, i. 114). The passage is corrupt, and possibly out of its place. I cite the words as they run in the MSS. with various proposed emendations. See Schneider, n. ad loc. exesti de to neo kai kekrimeno eis makhen sunienai kai phaidron einai kai eudokimon. kai parakeleuontai de k.t.l. Zeune, kekrimeno komen, after Plut. "Lycurg." 22. Weiske, kai komen diakekrimeno. Cobet, exesti de to neo liparo kai tas komas diakekrimeno eis makhen ienai.
249 Lit. "to the enomotarch."
250 The MSS. give au, "is again," but the word mentoi, "however," and certain passages in "Hell." II. ii. 12, 13; II. iv. 38 suggest the negative ou in place of au. If au be right, then we should read ephoren in place of basileos, "belongs to the ephors."
251 Technically the tamiai.
252 See Aristot. "Pol." iii. 14.