Chapter 21.—Who May Be Understood as Given to Christ.
Those, then, were of the multitude of the called, but they were not of the fewness of the elected. It is not, therefore, to His predestinated children that God has not given perseverance for they would have it if they were in that number of children; and what would they have which they had not received, according to the apostolical and true judgment?82 1 Cor. iv. 7. And thus such children would be given to Christ the Son just as He Himself says to the Father, “That all that Thou hast given me may not perish, but have eternal life.”83 Matt. xx. 16. Those, therefore, are understood to be given to Christ who are ordained to eternal life. These are they who are predestinated and called according to the purpose, of whom not one perishes. And therefore none of them ends this life when he has changed from good to evil, because he is so ordained, and for that purpose given to Christ, that he may not perish, but may have eternal life. And again, those whom we call His enemies, or the infant children of His enemies, whomever of them He will so regenerate that they may end this life in that faith which worketh by love, are already, and before this is done, in that predestination His children, and are given to Christ His Son, that they may not perish, but have everlasting life.
21. Fuerunt ergo isti ex multitudine vocatorum: ex electorum autem paucitate non fuerunt. Non igitur filiis suis praedestinatis Deus perseverantiam non dedit; haberent enim eam si in eo filiorum numero essent: et quid haberent, quod non accepissent, secundum apostolicam veramque sententiam (I Cor. IV, 7)? Ac per hoc tales filii Filio Christo dati essent, quemadmodum ipse dicit ad Patrem, Ut omne quod dedisti mihi, non pereat, sed habeat vitam aeternam (Joan. III, 15, et VI, 39). Hi ergo Christo intelliguntur dari, qui ordinati sunt in vitam aeternam. Ipsi sunt illi praedestinati et secundum propositum vocati, quorum nullus perit. Ac per hoc nullus eorum ex bono 0929 in malum mutatus finit hanc vitam; quoniam sic est ordinatus, et ideo Christo datus, ut non pereat, sed habeat vitam aeternam. Et rursus quos dicimus inimicos ejus, vel parvulos filios inimicorum ejus, quoscumque eorum sic regeneraturus est, ut in ea fide quae per dilectionem operatur, hanc vitam finiant; jam et antequam hoc fiat, in illa praedestinatione sunt filii ejus, et dati sunt Christo Filio ejus, ut non pereant, sed habeant vitam aeternam.