Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
The Contest of Homer and Hesiod
The Divination by Birds (fragments)
The Precepts of Chiron (fragments)
The Idaean Dactyls (fragments)
The Catalogues of Women and Eoiae (fragments)
The Shield of Heracles (480 lines)
The Marriage of Ceyx (fragments)
Works Attributed to Homer The Homeric Hymns
XIV. To the Mother of the Gods (6 lines)
XV. To Heracles the Lion-Hearted (9 lines)
XVII. To the Dioscuri (5 lines)
XXIII. To the Son of Cronos, Most High (4 lines)
XXV. To the Muses and Apollo (7 lines)
XXX. To Earth the Mother of All (19 lines)
XXXIII. To the Dioscuri (19 lines)
The War of the Titans (fragments)
The Story of Oedipus (fragments)
Non-Cyclic Poems Attributed to Homer
The Expedition of Amphiaraus (fragments)
The Taking of Oechalia (fragments)
The Battle of Frogs and Mice (303 lines)
Of the Origin of Homer and Hesiod, and of their Contest (aka The Contest of Homer and Hesiod)
Comm. on Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics. v. 8:
The verse, however (the slaying of Rhadamanthys), is in Hesiod in the "Great Works" and is as follows: 'If a man sow evil, he shall reap evil increase; if men do to him as he has done, it will be true justice.'
Proclus on Hesiod, Works and Days, 126:
Some believe that the Silver Race (is to be attributed to) the earth, declaring that in the "Great Works" Hesiod makes silver to be of the family of Earth.