Jean-Baptiste-Julien D'Omalius Halloy
Joseph, Baron von Hammer-Purgstall
Daniel Bonifacius von Haneberg
Charles-Joseph de Harlez de Deulin
Johann Simon (Joachim) Haspinger
Diocese of Havana (San Cristóbal de la Habana)
Devotion to the Heart of Jesus
Congregations of the Heart of Mary
Hebrew Language and Literature
Freiherr von Heereman von Zuydwyk
Society of the Helpers of the Holy Souls
Mathieu-Richard-Auguste Henrion
Alejandro Herculano de Carvalho e Araujo
Sebastiano de Herrera Barnuevo
Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas
Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle
Alexander Leopold Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst
Hollanders in the United States
Archconfraternity of Holy Agony
Association of the Holy Childhood
Society of the Holy Child Jesus
Sisters Marianites of Holy Cross
Archconfraternity of the Holy Family
Congregations of the Holy Family
Religious Congregations of the Holy Ghost
Institute of Sisters of the Holy Humility of Mary
Canonesses Regular of the Holy Sepulchre
Vicariate Apostolic of British Honduras
Vicariate Apostolic of Hong-Kong
Johannes Nicolaus von Hontheim
Guillaume-François-Antoine de L'Hôpital
Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem
Hospital Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus
Host (Archaeological and Historical)
Host (Canonical and Liturgical)
Mary Howard, of the Holy Cross
Annette Elisabeth, Baroness von Hülshoff
Maurice Le Sage d'Hauteroche d'Hulst
Bishop of Basle; b. in 763, of a noble family of Swabia; d. 17 March, 836, in the Abbey of Reichenau, on an island in the Lake of Constance. At the age of five he entered that monastery. Abbot Waldo (786-806) made him head of the monastic school, and in this capacity he did much for the instruction and classical training of the monks, as well as for the growth of the library. When Waldo was transferred to the Abbey of St. Denis, near Paris, in 806, Haito was made Abbot of Reichenau, and about the same time Bishop of Basle. He enjoyed the confidence of Charlemagne and in 811 was sent with others to Constantinople on a diplomatic mission, which he fulfilled to the satisfaction of his master. The interests of his diocese and abbey were not neglected. He rebuilt the cathedral of Basle and the abbey church of Reichenau, and issued appropriate instructions for the guidance of clergy and people in the ways of religion. In 823 he resigned both positions, owing to serious infirmities, and spent the remainder of his life as a simple monk in the monastery of Reichenau.
Haito was the author of several works. He wrote an account of his journey to Constantinople, the "Hodoeporicon", of which, however, no trace has been found so far. In 824 he wrote the "Visio Wettini" (P.L., CV, 771 sqq.; Mon. Germ. Hist.: Poetae Lat. Aev. Car., II, 267 sqq.), in which he relates the spiritual experiences of Wettin, president of the monastic school of Reicheneau. The day before his death (4 November, 824) Wettin saw in a vision bad and good spirits; an angel took him through hell, purgatory, and heaven, and showed him the torments of the sinners and the joys of the saints. The book, which bears some resemblance to Dante's "Divina Commedia", was soon afterwards put into verse by Walafrid Strabo (Mon. Germ. Hist., loc. cit.). White Bishop of Basle, he issued a number of regulations in twenty-five chapters, known as the "Capitulare Haitonis" (P.L., CV, 763 sqq., Melon. Germ. Leg., Sect. II, Capitular. Reg. Franc., I, 363 sqq., Mansi, XIV, 393 sqq.), in which he legislated on matters of diocesan discipline. The statutes were probably published in a synod.
VAUTREY, Histoire des eveques de Bale. I (Einsiedeln. 1884); WATTENBACH, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen (Berlin, 1904), I; HAUCK, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands (Leipzig, 1890), II; BUCHI in Kirchliches Handlexikon, I; SCHRODL in Kirchenlex., V; WIEGAND in Realencyklopadie, VII.