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in the joy which our Lord has promised to those who trust in his words:
« Blessed are you who mourn, for you will be comforted ».5
We have also come together this morning to give thanks to God for his
help in time of need. God has been your strength in these very difficult
months. There has been great loss of life, suffering, and destruction. Yet
we are still able to gather and to thank him. We know that he cares for
us, that in Jesus his Son, we have a high priest who is able to sympathize
with us,6 who suffers with us. God's compassion, his suffering with us, gives
eternal meaning and value to our struggles. Your desire to thank him for
every grace and blessing, even when you have lost so much, is not only
a triumph of the resilience and strength of the Filipino people; it is also
a sign of God's goodness, his closeness, his tenderness, his saving power.
We also give thanks to Almighty God for so much that has been done to
help, to rebuild, to assist in these months of unprecedented need. I think
in the first place of those who welcomed and housed the great number of
displaced families, elderly, and youth. How hard it is to flee one's home
and livelihood! We thank those who have taken care of the homeless, the
orphaned and the destitute. Priests, and men and women religious, gave
as much as they could. To those of you who housed and fed people seeking
safety, in churches, convents, rectories, and who continue to assist those
still struggling, I thank you. You are a credit to the Church. You are the
pride of your nation. I personally thank each one of you. For whatever you
did for the least of Christ's brothers and sisters, you did for him.7
At this Mass we wish also to thank God for the good men and wom-
en who served as rescue and relief workers. We thank him for the many
people around the world who generously gave of their time, money and
goods. Countries, organizations and individuals across the globe put the
needy first; it is an example that should be followed. I ask government
leaders, international agencies, benefactors and people of goodwill not to
give up. There is much that remains to be done. Though the headlines have
changed, the needs continue.
Today's first reading, from the Letter to the Hebrews, urges us to hold
fast in our confession, to persevere in our faith, to draw near with confi-
5 Cf. Mt 5:4. 6 Cf. Heb 4:15. 7 Cf. Mt 25:41.