Chapter 29 [XI.]—Distinction Between the Grace Given Before and After the Fall.
What then? Did not Adam have the grace of God? Yes, truly, he had it largely, but of a different kind. He was placed in the midst of benefits which he had received from the goodness of his Creator; for he had not procured those benefits by his own deservings; in which benefits he suffered absolutely no evil. But saints in this life, to whom pertains this grace of deliverance, are in the midst of evils out of which they cry to God, “Deliver us from evil.” 112 Matt. vi. 13. He in those benefits needed not the death of Christ: these, the blood of that Lamb absolves from guilt, as well inherited as their own. He had no need of that assistance which they implore when they say, “I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind, and making me captive in the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? The grace of God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” 113 Rom. vii. 23. Because in them the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh, and as they labour and are imperilled in such a contest, they ask that by the grace of Christ the strength to fight and to conquer may be given them. He, however, tempted and disturbed in no such conflict concerning himself against himself, in that position of blessedness enjoyed his peace with himself.
29. Quid ergo? Adam non habuit Dei gratiam? Imo vero habuit magnam, sed disparem. Ille in bonis erat, quae de bonitate sui Conditoris acceperat: neque enim ea bona et ille suis meritis comparaverat, in quibus prorsus nullum patiebatur malum. Sancti vero in hac vita, ad quos pertinet liberationis haec gratia, in malis sunt, ex quibus clamant ad Deum, Libera nos a malo (Matth. VI, 13). Ille in illis bonis Christi morte non eguit: istos a reatu et haereditario et proprio, illius Agni sanguis absolvit. Ille non opus habebat eo adjutorio, quod implorant isti cum dicunt: Video aliam legem in 0934 membris meis, repugnantem legi mentis meae, et captivantem me in lege peccati, quae est in membris meis. Infelix ego homo, quis me liberabit de corpore mortis hujus? Gratia Dei per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum (Rom. VII, 23-25). Quoniam in eis caro concupiscit adversus spiritum, et spiritus adversus carnem (Galat. V, 17), atque in tali certamine laborantes ac periclitantes dari sibi pugnandi vincendique virtutem per Christi gratiam poscunt. Ille vero nulla tali rixa de se ipso adversus se ipsum tentatus atque turbatus, in illo beatitudinis loco sua secum pace fruebatur.