17. Posse sane fieri nuptias ex male conjunctis, honesto postea placito consequente, manifestum est.
29. And there is this further, that men are not rightly compared with men in regard of some one good. For it may come to pass, that one hath not what another hath, but hath another thing, which must be esteemed of more value. The good of obedience is better than of continence. For marriage is in no place condemned by authority of our Scriptures, but disobedience is in no place acquitted. If therefore there be set before us a virgin about to continue so, but yet disobedient, and a married woman who could not continue a virgin, but yet obedient, which shall we call better? shall it be (the one) less praiseworthy, than if she were a virgin, or (the other) worthy of blame, even as she is a virgin? So, if you compare a drunken virgin with a sober married woman, who can doubt to pass the same sentence? Forsooth marriage and virginity are two goods, whereof the one is greater; but sobriety and drunkenness, even as obedience and stubbornness, are, the one good, and the other evil. But it is better to have all goods even in a less degree, than great good with great evil: forasmuch as in the goods of the body also it is better to have the stature of Zacchæus with sound health, than that of Goliah with fever.
29. Huc accedit quia non recte comparantur homines hominibus ex uno aliquo bono. Fieri enim potest ut alius non habeat aliquid quod alius habet, sed aliud habeat quod pluris aestimandum est. Majus enim bonum est obedientiae quam continentiae. Nam connubium nusquam nostrarum Scripturarum auctoritate damnatur, inobedientia vero nusquam absolvitur. Si ergo proponatur virgo permansura, sed tamen inobediens, et maritata quae virgo permanere non posset, sed tamen obediens, quam meliorem dicamus? Minus laudabilem quam si virgo esset, an damnabilem sicut virgo est? Ita si conferas ebriosam virginem sobriae conjugatae, quis dubitet eamdem ferre sententiam? Nuptiae quippe et virginitas duo bona sunt, quorum alterum majus: sobrietas autem et ebriositas, sicut obedientia et contumacia, illa bona sunt, haec mala. Melius est autem habere omnia bona vel minora, quam magnum bonum cum magno malo: quia et in corporis bonis melius est habere Zachaei staturam cum sanitate, quam Goliae cum febre.