Dubious or Spurious Writings.

 A Sectional Confession of Faith.

 Part II.—Dubious or Spurious Writings.























 To maintain two natures in the one Christ, makes a Tetrad of the Trinity, says he for he expressed himself thus: “And it is the true God, the unincar


 On the Trinity.

 On the Trinity.


 Twelve Topics on the Faith.

 Twelve Topics on the Faith.

 Topic II.

 Topic III.

 Topic IV.

 Topic V.

 Topic VI.

 Topic VII.

 Topic VIII.

 Topic IX.

 Topic X.

 Topic XI.

 Topic XII.


 On the Subject of the Soul.

 You have instructed us, most excellent Tatian, to forward for your use a discourse upon the soul, laying it out in effective demonstrations. And this

 I. Wherein is the Criterion for the Apprehension of the Soul.

 II. Whether the Soul Exists.

 III. Whether the Soul is a Substance.

 IV. Whether the Soul is Incorporeal.

 V. Whether the Soul is Simple or Compound.

 VI. Whether Our Soul is Immortal.

 VII. Whether Our Soul is Rational.


 Four Homilies.

 The First Homily.

 The Second Homily.

 The Third Homily.

 The Fourth Homily.


 On All the Saints.

 Grant thy blessing, Lord.


 (Chapter VI. 22, 23.)

Twelve Topics on the Faith.

Wherein is Given Also the Formula of Excommunication, and an Explication is Subjoined to Each.120 προκοπάς. Vol. i. pp. 164, 166, 170, 178, 190–193, 263, 272; Irenæus, Ibid., 468, 546, etc. Works of Grester, vol. xv. p. 434, Ratisbon, 1741, in fol., from a manuscript codex.

Topic I.

If any one says that the body of Christ is uncreated, and refuses to acknowledge that He, being the uncreated Word (God) of God, took the flesh of created humanity and appeared incarnate, even as it is written, let him be anathema.


How could the body be said to be uncreated? For the uncreated is the passionless, invulnerable, intangible. But Christ, on rising from the dead, showed His disciples the print of the nails and the wound made by the spear, and a body that could be handled, although He also had entered among them when the doors were shut, with the view of showing them at once the energy of the divinity and the reality of the body.

Yet, while being God, He was recognised as man in a natural manner; and while subsisting truly as man, He was also manifested as God by His works.121 δόξαν τὴν ἐπιγινομένην. Vol. iii. p. 628. Compare (same volume) notes 15, p. 602, and 1, p. 604. This paragraph is wanting in a very ancient copy.