17. Posse sane fieri nuptias ex male conjunctis, honesto postea placito consequente, manifestum est.
35. Boys also and virgins dedicating unto God actual chastity we do before all things admonish, that they be aware that they must guard their life meanwhile upon earth with so great humility, by how much the more what they have vowed is heavenly. Forsooth it is written, “How great soever thou art, by so much humble thyself in all things.”90 Ecclus. iii. 18 Therefore it is our part to say something of their greatness, it is their part to have thought of great humility. Therefore, except certain, those holy fathers and mothers who were married, than whom these although they be not married are not better, for this reason, that, if they were married, they would not be equal, let them not doubt that they surpass all the rest of this time, either married, or after trial made of marriage, exercising continence; not so far as Anna surpasses Susanna; but so far as Mary surpasses both. I am speaking of what pertains unto the holy chastity itself of the flesh; for who knows not, what other deserts Mary hath? Therefore let them add to this so high purpose conduct suitable, that they may have an assured security of the surpassing reward; knowing of a truth, that, unto themselves and unto all the faithful, beloved and chosen members of Christ, coming many from the East, and from the West, although shining with light of glory that differeth one from another, according to their deserts, there is this great gift bestowed in common, to sit down in the kingdom of God with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob,91 Matt. viii. 11 who not for the sake of this world, but for the sake of Christ, were husbands, for the sake of Christ were fathers.
35. Pueros quoque ac virgines integritatem ipsam Deo dicantes, multo maxime commonemus ut tanta norint humilitate tuendum esse quod in terra interim vivunt, quanto magis coeli est quod voverunt. Nempe scriptum est: Quanto magnus es, tanto humilia te in omnibus (Eccli. III, 20). Nostrum ergo est de magnitudine eorum aliquid dicere, illorum de magna humilitate cogitare. Exceptis igitur quibusdam illis conjugatis patribus et matribus sanctis, quibus ideo isti meliores non sunt, quamvis conjugati non sint, quia si conjugati essent, pares non essent; caeteros omnino hujus temporis conjugatos, vel post expertum concubitum continentes, a se superari non dubitent: non quantum ab Anna, Susanna; sed quantum ambae a Maria superantur. Quod ad ipsam pertinet sanctam carnis integritatem, loquor: nam quae alia sint Mariae merita, quis ignorat? Mores itaque congruos huic tanto proposito adjungant, ut de praepollenti praemio certam securitatem gerant: scientes sane sibi atque omnibus fidelibus dilectis et electis Christi membris multis ab oriente et occidente venientibus, etsi inter se distante pro meritis gloriae luce fulgentibus, hoc tamen magnum in commune praestari, ut cum Abraham et Isaac et Jacob recumbant in regno Dei (Matth. VIII, 11), qui non propter hoc saeculum, sed propter Christum conjuges, propter Christum patres fuerunt.