34. This, however, I take to be generally admitted—that just as it is not safe for those who walk on a lofty tight rope to lean to either side, for even though the inclination seems slight, it has no slight consequences, but their safety depends upon their perfect balance: so in the case of one of us, if he leans to either side, whether from vice or ignorance, no slight danger of a fall into sin is incurred, both for himself and those who are led by him. But we must really walk in the King’s highway,78 Numb. xx. 17. and take care not to turn aside from it either to the right hand or to the left,79 Prov. iv. 27. as the Proverbs say. For such is the case with our passions, and such in this matter is the task of the good shepherd, if he is to know properly the souls of his flock, and to guide them according to the methods of a pastoral care which is right and just, and worthy of our true Shepherd.
ΛΔʹ. Καθόλου δὲ ἡμῖν ἐκεῖνο γνώριμον, ὅτι, καθάπερ τοῖς ἐπὶ κάλου μετεώρου καὶ ὑψηλοῦ βαίνουσι τῇδε ἢ τῇδε ἀποκλῖναι οὐκ ἀσφαλὲς, οὐδὲ εἰς μικρὸν φέρουσα ἡ ῥοπὴ, κἂν μικρὰ φαίνηται, ἀσφάλεια δὲ αὐτοῖς ἡ ἰσοῤῥοπία καθίσταται: οὕτω κἀν τούτοις ὁποτέρωσε νεύσῃ τις, εἴτε διὰ κακίαν, εἴτε δι' ἀμάθειαν, κίνδυνος οὐχ ὁ τυχὼν αὐτῷ τε καὶ τοῖς ἀγομένοις τοῦ τῆς ἁμαρτίας πτώματος. Ἀλλ' ὁδῷ βασιλικῇ πορευτέον ὄντως, καὶ περισκεπτέον, μήτε εἰς δεξιὰ μήτε εἰς ἀριστερὰ, καθὼς αἱ Παροιμίαι φασὶν, ἐκκλίνοντας. Οὕτω μὲν δὴ τὰ τῶν παθῶν ἔχει τῶν ἡμετέρων, καὶ τοσοῦτον ἐνταῦθα τὸ ἔργον τῷ ἀγαθῷ ποιμένι, τῷ γνωστῶς γνωσομένῳ ψυχὰς ποιμνίου, καὶ ἀφηγησομένῳ κατὰ λόγον ποιμαντικῆς, τῆς γε ὀρθῆς καὶ δικαίας, καὶ τοῦ ἀληθινοῦ ποιμένος ἡμῶν ἀξίας.