Chapter 44.—In What Way God Wills All Men to Be Saved.
And what is written, that “He wills all men to be saved,”154 1 Tim. ii. 4. while yet all men are not saved, may be understood in many ways, some of which I have mentioned in other writings155 Enchirid, c. 103; City of God, xxii. 1, 2. Against Julian, iv. 8. of mine; but here I will say one thing: “He wills all men to be saved,” is so said that all the predestinated may be understood by it, because every kind of men is among them. Just as it was said to the Pharisees, “Ye tithe every herb;”156 Luke xi. 42. where the expression is only to be understood of every herb that they had, for they did not tithe every herb which was found throughout the whole earth. According to the same manner of speaking, it was said, “Even as I also please all men in all things.”157 1 Cor. x. 33. For did he who said this please also the multitude of his persecutors? But he pleased every kind of men that assembled in the Church of Christ, whether they were already established therein, or were to be introduced into it.
0943 44. Et quod scriptum est, quod vult omnes homines salvos fieri (I Tim. II, 4), nec tamen omnes salvi fiunt, multis quidem modis intelligi potest, ex quibus in aliis opusculis nostris aliquos commemoravimus (Enchirid. cap. 103; lib. 22 de Civit. Dei, capp. 1 et 2; supra, lib. 4 contra Julian., cap. 8, etc.): sed hic unum dicam. Ita dictum est, Omnes homines vult salvos fieri, ut intelligantur omnes praedestinati; quia omne genus hominum in eis est. Sicut dictum est Pharisaeis, Decimatis omne olus (Luc. XI, 42): ubi non est intelligendum nisi omne quod habebant; neque enim omne olus quod erat in toto terrarum orbe decimabant. Secundum istum locutionis modum dictum est, Sicut et ego omnibus per omnia placeo (I Cor. X, 33). Numquid enim qui hoc dixit, placebat etiam tam multis persecutoribus suis? Sed placebat omni generi hominum, quod Christi congregabat Ecclesia, sive jam intus positis, sive introducendis in eam.