Jean-Baptiste-Julien D'Omalius Halloy
Joseph, Baron von Hammer-Purgstall
Daniel Bonifacius von Haneberg
Charles-Joseph de Harlez de Deulin
Johann Simon (Joachim) Haspinger
Diocese of Havana (San Cristóbal de la Habana)
Devotion to the Heart of Jesus
Congregations of the Heart of Mary
Hebrew Language and Literature
Freiherr von Heereman von Zuydwyk
Society of the Helpers of the Holy Souls
Mathieu-Richard-Auguste Henrion
Alejandro Herculano de Carvalho e Araujo
Sebastiano de Herrera Barnuevo
Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas
Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle
Alexander Leopold Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst
Hollanders in the United States
Archconfraternity of Holy Agony
Association of the Holy Childhood
Society of the Holy Child Jesus
Sisters Marianites of Holy Cross
Archconfraternity of the Holy Family
Congregations of the Holy Family
Religious Congregations of the Holy Ghost
Institute of Sisters of the Holy Humility of Mary
Canonesses Regular of the Holy Sepulchre
Vicariate Apostolic of British Honduras
Vicariate Apostolic of Hong-Kong
Johannes Nicolaus von Hontheim
Guillaume-François-Antoine de L'Hôpital
Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem
Hospital Sisters of the Mercy of Jesus
Host (Archaeological and Historical)
Host (Canonical and Liturgical)
Mary Howard, of the Holy Cross
Annette Elisabeth, Baroness von Hülshoff
Maurice Le Sage d'Hauteroche d'Hulst
A Franciscan theologian, b. at Verviers, 1589; d. at Liège 12 November, 1676, for many years professor of theology. He was a prolific writer and left behind twenty works, while, as a keen controversialist, he attained great celebrity in consequence of his disputation with the Calvinist preacher Gabriel Hotton, which continued from 19 to 22 April, 1633, and, was brought by Hauzeur to such a successful conclusion that the Catholics throughout the vicinity lit bonfires to celebrate his triumph. He describes this controversy in his "Accusation et conviction du Sieur Hotton" (Liège, 1633), issued also in Latin under the title "Conferentia publica inter M. Hauzeur et G. Hotton" (ibid., 1633). Other important works of Hauzeur are: "Exorcismes catholiques du maling esprit hérétique etc." (ibid., 1634), directed against the same opponent; "Equulcus ecclesiasticus, aculeatus exorcismis XXlII etc." (ibid., 1635), against the Calvinist Samuel des Maretz; "Praejudicia augustissima D. Augustini pro verâ Christi Ecclesiâ" (ibid. 1634) of which he published a Synopsis in French. He then combined the last-named three works in including in the new volume the "Livre de ce grand Docteur S. Augustine du soing qu'il faut porter pour les morts" (Liège, 1636). He also issued a Flemish translation of Augustin's "De utilitate credendi" (ibid., 1636), but his writings against Jansenism remained unpublished. His chief title to remembrance rests on his two great works, "Anatomia totius Augustissimae Doctrinae S. Augustini, secundum litteram . . . . et spiritum" (2 vols., Augustae Eburonum 1643-45), and "Collatio Totius Theologiae inter Maiores nostros Alexandrum Halensem, S. Bonaventuram, Fr. Joannem Druns Scotum, ad mentem S. Augustini" (2 vols., Liège and Namur, 1652). This work is really a commentary on the second, third, and fourth books of the "Sentences". Like the majority of Hauzeur's works, it was issued from the private press of Franciscans. In reply to Boverius's "Annales Ord. Min. Capucc". Hauzeur wrote the "Apologia Analogica pro vero ordine et successore S. Francisci" (Aug. Eburorum, 1650, and 1653).
SBARALEA, Supplementum ad Scriptores Ord. Min. (Rome, 1806), 531; DIRKS, Histoire litteraire et bibliographique des Freres Mineurs de l'Observance en Belgique (Antwerp, 1885), 246-56.