The First Epistle of the Blessed Clement, the…

 Two Epistles Concerning Virginity.

 Chapter II.—For True Virginity Perfect Virtue is Necessary.

 Chapter III.—True Virgins Prove Themselves Such by Self-Denial, as Does the True Believer by Good Works.

 Chapter IV.—Continuation of the Remarks on Self-Denial Object and Reward of True Virgins.

 Chapter V.—The Irksomeness and the Enemies of Virginity.

 Chapter VI.—Divinity of Virginity.

 Chapter VII.—The True Virgin.

 Chapter VIII.—Virgins, by the Laying Aside of All Carnal Affection, are Imitators of God.

 Chapter IX.—Continuation of the Subject of Mortification Dignity of Persons Consecrated to God.

 Chapter X.—Denunciation of Dangerous and Scandalous Association with Maidens.

 Chapter XI.—Perniciousness of Idleness Warning Against the Empty Longing to Be Teachers Advice About Teaching and the Use of Divine Gifts.

 Chapter XII.—Rules for Visits, Exorcisms, and How People are to Assist the Sick, and to Walk in All Things Without Offence.

 Chapter XIII.—What Priests Should Be and Should Not Be.

Chapter XIII.—What Priests Should Be and Should Not Be.

Beloved brethren! that a man should build up and establish the brethren on the faith in one God, this also is manifest and well-known. This too, again, is comely, that a man should not be envious of his neighbour. And moreover, again, it is suitable and comely that all those who work the works of the Lord should work the works of the Lord in the fear of God. Thus is it required of them to conduct themselves. That “the harvest is great, but the workmen are few,” this also is well-known and manifest. Let us, therefore, “ask of the Lord of the harvest” that He would send forth workmen into the harvest;130 Matt. ix. 37, 38. such workmen as “shall skilfully dispense the word of truth;” workmen “who shall not be ashamed;”131 Lit. “without shame,” 2 Tim. ii. 15. faithful workmen; workmen who shall be “the light of the world;”132 Matt. v. 14. workmen who “work not for the food that perisheth, but for that food which abideth unto life eternal;”133 John vi. 27. workmen who shall be such as the apostles; workmen who imitate the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; who are concerned for the salvation of men; not “hireling”134 John x. 12, 13. workmen; not workmen to whom the fear of God and righteousness appear to be gain; not workmen who “serve their belly;” not workmen who “with fair speeches and pleasant words mislead the hearts of the innocent;”135 Rom. xvi. 18. not workmen who imitate the children of light, while they are not light but darkness—“men whose end is destruction;”136 Phil. iii. 9. not workmen who practise iniquity and wickedness and fraud; not “crafty workmen;”137 2 Cor. xi. 13. not workmen “drunken” and “faithless;”138 See Matt. xxiv. 45–51. nor workmen who traffic in Christ;139 [Comp. the term χριστέμπορος “Christ-monger,” “Christ-trafficker,” in Teaching, chap. xii. 5, vol. vii. p. 381.—R.] not misleaders; not “lovers of money; not malevolent.”140 1 Tim. iii. 3; Tit. i. 7.

Let us, therefore, contemplate and imitate the faithful who have conducted themselves well in the Lord, as is becoming and suitable to our calling and profession. Thus let us do service before God in justice and righteousness, and without blemish, “occupying ourselves with things good and comely before God and also before men.”141 Rom. xii. 17. For this is comely, that God be glorified in us in all things.

Here endeth the first Epistle of Clement.