Ephraim Syrus: The Nisibene Hymns.

 Ephraim Syrus

 Nisibene Hymns.

 Hymn II.

 Hymn III.

 Hymn IV.

 Hymn V.

 Hymn VI.

 Hymn VII.

 [Hymn VIII. is wanting, as also the earlier part of IX.]

 Hymn IX.

 Hymn X.

 Hymn XI.

 Hymn XII.

 Hymn XIII.

 Hymn XIV.

 Hymn XV.

 Hymn XVI.

 Hymn XVII.

 Hymn XVIII.

 Hymn XIX.

 Hymn XX.

 Hymn XXI.

 [XXII.–XXV. (wanting) XXVI. (only a fragment remains) XXVII.–XXXIV. (relate to Edessa and Carrhæ).]

 Hymn XXXV.

 Hymn XXXVI.



 Hymn XXXIX.

 Hymn XL.

 Hymn XLI.

 Hymn XLII.

 Hymn LII.

 Hymn LIII.

 Hymn LIV.

 Hymn LV.

 Hymn LVI.

 Hymn LVII.

 Hymn LVIII.

 Hymn LIX.

 Hymn LX.

 Hymn LXI.

 Hymn LXII.

 Hymn LXIII.

 Hymn LXIV.

 Hymn LXV.

 Hymn LXVI.

 Hymn LXVII.


Hymn LVI.

1. With Freedom is thy struggle, O Evil One: it can cast on thee a muzzle, if it so please.—2. R., To Thee be glory in whose victory we have gained strength: and in whose resurrection we defy even Death itself!—3. Lo! again these two exposed each other, how weak both are: Death reminded the Evil One of thy mightiness (O Freedom).—4. Thy fire is in thy nest, O Death, and thou perceivest not: the fate of the departed, to thee is overthrow.—5. Lo! Death and the Evil One proclaim thy mightiness (O Freedom): yea, the Evil One calls to mind thy faith.—6. If then these that were against thee are on thy side: this is a great thing that thy persecutors have become thy heralds,—7. D., I confess, O Evil One, that as usury: I lay up the King’s treasures, till His Coming.—8. S., I, O Death, rather deny that this belongs to God: this treasure of subtlety, which I have stored.—9. D., Thy coinage is fraudulent, then, O Satan: that into the treasuries of God, is not received.—10. S., A new coinage do I coin, in kingly wise: lo! my merchantmen bring loss, into the world.—11. God created everything out of nothing: and I created great sin out of nothing—12. D., Closed and bound be thy mouth, Evil One, who art thus bold: to set thyself, lo! in comparison with the Creator.—13. S., To me, O Death, it is lawful to dare and speak: thy tongue, even thine, is a slave, and under fear.—14. D., A gulf is henceforth between us, O Satan: for madly against thy Lord, lo! thou assailest.—15. S., Wherefore doubtest thou, O Death, of our concord? Be to us comrade and member: and lo! we reign.—16. Come, draw we our pair of swords, against mankind: I secretly, thou openly, and lo! we end them.—17. Sin and Sheol they too gave counsel to those two: saying “If ye be divided, ye are undone.”—18. See the waters how if dispersed, they run low: but if gathered they gain strength, and thus ye likewise.—19. If divided ye perish, as the feeble: but yoked together ye reign, as the mighty.—20. Love melts down many, as in a furnace: and makes one powerful mass, that overcomes all.—21. In it are wisdom and cunning, and force and power: it is greater far than an image of sixty cubits.—22. Be reconciled, let us assemble and go, against that party: which if it be at one can never be defeated.—23. These things the troublers discoursed, and gathered and came: Thy day, Lord, will gather them, into Gehenna.—24. Through Thy mercy, Lord, will I worship Thee, when I have risen: at Thy trumpet I will praise Thy Son, when I am purged.