Chapter 27.—Of the Prophecies of the Old Testament in Their Visible Fulfillment in the Church.

53. “For all those things, which at present you witness in the Church of God, and which you see to be taking place under the name of Christ throughout the whole world, were predicted long ages ago. And even as we read of them, so also we now see them. And by means of these things we are built up unto faith. Once of old there occurred a flood over the whole earth, the object of which was that sinners might be destroyed. And, nevertheless, those who escaped in the ark exhibited a sacramental sign of the Church that was to be, which at present is floating on the waves of the world, and is delivered from submersion by the wood of the cross of Christ. It was predicted to Abraham, a faithful servant of God, a single man, that of Him it was determined that a people should be born who should worship one God in the midst of all other nations which worshipped idols; and all things which were prophesied of as destined to happen to that people have come to pass exactly as they were foretold. Among that people Christ, the King of all saints and their God, was also prophesied of as destined to come of the seed of that same Abraham according to the flesh, which (flesh) He took unto Himself, in order that all those also who became followers of His faith might be sons of Abraham; and thus it has come to pass: Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, who belonged to that race. It was foretold by the prophets that He would suffer on the cross at the hands of that same people of the Jews, of whose lineage, according to the flesh, He came; and thus it has come to pass. It was foretold that He would rise again: He has risen again; and, in accordance with these same predictions of the prophets, He has ascended into heaven and has sent the Holy Spirit to His disciples. It was foretold not only by the prophets, but also by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, that His Church would exist throughout the whole world, extended by the martyrdoms and sufferings of the saints; and this was foretold at a time when as yet His name was at once undeclared to the Gentiles, and made a subject of derision where it was known; and, nevertheless, in the power of His miracles, whether those which He wrought by His own hand or those which he effected by means of His servants, as these things are being reported and believed, we already see the fulfillment of that which was predicted, and behold the very kings of the earth, who formerly were wont to persecute the Christians, even now brought into subjection to the name of Christ. It was also foretold that schisms and heresies would arise from His Church, and that under His name they would seek their own glory instead of Christ’s, in such places as they might be able to command; and these predictions have been realized.

54. “Will those things, then, which yet remain fail to come to pass? It is manifest that, just as the former class of things which were foretold have come to pass, so will these latter also come to pass. I refer to all the tribulations of the righteous, which yet wait for fulfillment, and to the day of judgment, which will separate all the wicked from the righteous in the resurrection of the dead;—and not only will it thus separate those wicked men who are outside the Church, but also it will set apart for the fire, which is due to such, the chaff of the Church itself, which must be borne with in utmost patience on to the last winnowing. Moreover, they who deride the (doctrine of a) resurrection, because they think that this flesh, inasmuch as it becomes corrupt, cannot rise again, will certainly rise in the same unto punishment, and God will make it plain to such, that He who was able to form these bodies when as yet they were not, is able in a moment to restore them as they were. But all the faithful who are destined to reign with Christ shall rise with the same body in such wise that they may also be counted worthy to be changed into angelic incorruption; so that they may be made equal unto the angels of God, even as the Lord Himself has promised;177    Luke xx. 36 and that they may praise Him without any failure and without any weariness, ever living in Him and of Him, with such joy and blessedness as can be neither expressed nor conceived by man.

55. “Believe these things, therefore, and be on your guard against temptations (for the devil seeks for others who may be brought to perish along with himself); so that not only may that adversary fail to seduce you by the help of those who are without the Church, whether they be pagans, or Jews, or heretics; but you yourself also may decline to follow the example of those within the Catholic Church itself whom you see leading an evil life, either indulging in excess in the pleasures of the belly and the throat, or unchaste, or given up to the vain and unlawful observances of curious superstitions, whether they be addicted to (the inanities of) public spectacles, or charms, or divinations of devils,178    Remediorum aut divinationum diabolicarum. Some editions insert sacrilegorum after remediorum = sacrilegious charms or divinations of devils. or be living in the pomp and inflated arrogance of covetousness and pride, or be pursuing any sort of life which the law condemns and punishes. But rather connect yourself with the good, whom you will easily find out, if you yourself were once become of that character; so that you may unite with each other in worshipping and loving God for His own sake;179    Gratis. for He himself will be our complete reward to the intent that we may enjoy His goodness and beauty180    Cf. Zech. ix. 17 in that life. He is to be loved, however, not in the way in which any object that is seen with the eyes is loved, but as wisdom is loved, and truth, and holiness, and righteousness, and charity,181    Many mss. omit the words: and holiness, and righteousness, and charity. and whatever else may be mentioned as of kindred nature; and further, with a love conformable to these things not as they are in men, but as they are in the very fountain of incorruptible and unchangeable wisdom. Whomsoever, therefore, you may observe to be loving these things, attach yourself to them, so that through Christ, who became man in order that He might be the Mediator between God and men, you may be reconciled to God. But as regards the perverse, even if they find their way within the walls of the Church, think not that they will find their way into the kingdom of heaven; for in their own time they will be set apart, if they have not altered to the better. Consequently, follow the example of good men, bear with the wicked, love all; forasmuch as you know not what he will be to-morrow who to-day is evil. Howbeit, love not the unrighteousness of such; but love the persons themselves with the express intent that they may apprehend righteousness; for not only is the love of God enjoined upon us, but also the love of our neighbor, on which two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.182    Matt. xxii. 37, 39 And this is fulfilled by no one save the man who has received the (other) gift,183    One edition reads Dominum, the Lord, the Holy Spirit, etc., instead of donum. the Holy Spirit, who is indeed equal with the Father and with the Son; for this same Trinity is God; and on this God every hope ought to be placed. On man our hope ought not to be placed, of whatsoever character he may be. For He, by whom we are justified, is one thing; and they, together with whom we are justified, are another. Moreover, it is not only by lusts that the devil tempts, but also by the terrors of insults, and pains, and death itself. But whatever a man shall have suffered on behalf of the name of Christ, and for the sake of the hope of eternal life, and shall have endured in constancy, (in accordance therewith) the greater reward shall be given him; whereas, if he shall give way to the devil, he shall be damned along with him. But works of mercy, conjoined with pious humility, meet with this acknowledgment from God, to wit, that He will not suffer His servants to be tempted more than they are able to bear.”184    1 Cor. x. 13



53. Prophetias Veteris Testamenti impletas cerni in Ecclesia. Hinc firmata fides eorum quae ventura restant, judicii ultimi et resurrectionis. Cavendae tentationes a malis etiam in Ecclesia repertis. Societas cum bonis. Spes omnis in Deo. Omnia enim quae nunc vides in Ecclesia Dei, et sub Christi nomine per totum orbem terrarum geri , ante saecula jam praedicta sunt, et sicut ea legimus, ita et videmus; et inde aedificamur in fidem. Factum est aliquando diluvium per totam terram, ut peccatores delerentur: et tamen illi qui evaserunt in arca, sacramentum futurae Ecclesiae demonstrabant, quae nunc in fluctibus saeculi natat, et per lignum crucis Christi a submersione liberatur. Praedictum est Abrahae fideli servo Dei, uni homini, quod de illo esset populus nasciturus, qui coleret unum Deum inter caeteras gentes quae idola colebant: et omnia quae illi populo ventura praedicta sunt, sic evenerunt ut praedicta sunt. Prophetatus est in illo populo etiam Christus rex omnium sanctorum et Deus venturus ex semine ipsius Abraham secundum carnem, quam assumpsit, ut omnes etiam filii essent Abrahae, qui fidem ejus imitarentur; et sic est factum: natus est Christus de Maria virgine, quae ex illo genere fuit. Praedictum est per Prophetas quod in cruce passurus esset ab eodem populo Judaeorum, de cujus genere secundum carnem veniebat; et sic est factum. Praedictum est quod resurrecturus esset; resurrexit: et secundum ipsa praedicta Prophetarum ascendit in coelum, et discipulis suis Spiritum sanctum misit. Praedictum est non solum a Prophetis, sed etiam ab ipso Domino Jesu Christo, quod Ecclesia ejus per universum orbem terrarum esset futura, per sanctorum martyria passionesque disseminata; et tunc praedictum, quando adhuc nomen ejus et latebat gentes, et ubi notum erat irridebatur: et tamen in virtutibus miraculorum ejus, sive quae per se ipse, sive quae per servos suos fecit, dum annuntiantur haec et creduntur, jam videmus quod praedictum est esse completum, regesque ipsos terrae, qui antea persequebantur Christianos, jam Christi nomini subjugatos. Praedictum est etiam quod schismata et haereses ex ejus Ecclesia essent exiturae, et sub ejus nomine per loca ubi possent, suam, non Christi, gloriam quaesiturae; et ista completa sunt.

54. Numquid ergo illa quae restant non sunt ventura? Manifestum est quia sicut ista praedicta venerunt, sic etiam illa ventura sunt: quaecumque tribulationes justorum adhuc restant; et judicii dies, qui separabit omnes impios a justis in resurrectione mortuorum; et non solum eos qui sunt extra Ecclesiam, sed etiam ipsius Ecclesiae paleas, quas oportet usque ad novissimam ventilationem patientissime sufferat, ad ignem debitum segregabit. Qui autem irrident resurrectionem, putantes quod caro ista quia putrescit, resurgere non potest, ad poenas in ea resurrecturi sunt: et ostendet eis Deus quia qui potuit 0347 haec corpora facere antequam essent, potest ea in momento restituere sicut erant. Omnes autem fideles regnaturi cum Christo, ita resurgent in eodem corpore, ut etiam commutari mereantur ad incorruptionem angelicam: ut fiant aequales Angelis Dei, sicut Dominus ipse promisit (Luc. XX, 36); et laudent eum sine aliquo defectu et sine aliquo fastidio, semper viventes in illo et de illo, cum tali gaudio et beatitudine, quali nec dici nec cogitari ab homine potest.

55. Tu itaque credens ista, cave tentationes (quia diabolus quaerit qui secum pereant): ut non solum per eos qui extra Ecclesiam sunt, sive Pagani, sive Judaei, sive haeretici, non te hostis ille seducat; sed etiam quos in ipsa Ecclesia catholica videris male viventes, aut immoderatos voluptatibus ventris et gutturis, aut impudicos, aut vanis curiositatibus vel illicitis deditos, sive spectaculorum, sive remediorum aut divinationum diabolicarum, sive in pompa et typho avaritiae atque superbiae, sive in aliqua vita quam lex damnat et punit, non eos imiteris: sed potius conjungaris bonis, quos inventurus es facile, si et tu talis fueris; ut simul colatis et diligatis Deum gratis: quia totum praemium nostrum ipse erit, ut in illa vita bonitate ejus et pulchritudine perfruamur. Sed amandus est, non sicut aliquid quod videtur oculis; sed sicut amatur sapientia, et veritas, et sanctitas, et 0348 justitia, et charitas , et si quid aliud tale dicitur: non quemadmodum sunt ista in hominibus; sed quemadmodum sunt in ipso fonte incorruptibilis et incommutabilis sapientiae. Quoscumque ergo videris haec amare, illis conjungere, ut per Christum qui homo factus est, ut esset Mediator Dei et hominum, reconcilieris Deo. Homines autem perversos, etiamsi intrent parieles ecclesiae, non eos arbitreris intraturos in regnum coelorum; quia suo tempore separabuntur, si se in melius non commutaverint. Homines ergo bonos imitare, malos tolera, omnes ama; quoniam nescis quid cras futurus sit qui hodie malus est. Nec eorum ames injustitiam; sed ipsos ideo ama, ut apprehendant justitiam: quia non solum dilectio Dei nobis praecepta est, sed etiam dilectio proximi, in quibus duobus praeceptis tota Lex pendet et Prophetae (Matth. XXII, 37-40). Quam non implet nisi qui donum acceperit Spiritum sanctum, Patri et Filio utique aequalem; quia ipsa Trinitas Deus est: in quo Deo spes omnis ponenda est. In homine non est ponenda, qualiscumque ille fuerit. Aliud est enim ille a quo justificamur, aliud illi cum quibus justificamur. Non autem solum per cupiditates diabolus tentat, sed etiam per terrores insultationum et dolorum et ipsius mortis. Quidquid autem homo passus fuerit pro nomine Christi, et pro spe vitae aeternae, et permanens toleraverit, major ei merces dabitur: quod si cesserit diabolo, cum illo damnabitur. Sed opera misericordiae cum pia humilitate impetrant a Domino, ut non permittat servos suos tentari plus quam possunt sustinere (I Cor. X, 13).