7. Quanquam et ipsi corpori tunc providentius consulatur, si temporalis salus ejus pro justitia contemnatur, et poena vel mors ejus patientissime pro

 8. Quamvis autem patientia virtus sit animi, partim tamen ea utitur animus in se ipso, partim vero in corpore suo. In se ipso utitur patientia, quando

 9. Majus sane patientiae certamen est, quando non visibilis inimicus persequendo atque saeviendo urget in nefas, qui palam et aperte a non consentient














 23. Si quis autem non habens charitatem, quae pertinet ad unitatem spiritus et vinculum pacis, quo catholica Ecclesia congregata connectitur, in aliqu


 25. Proinde sicut negandum non est hoc esse donum Dei, ita intelligendum est alia esse Dei dona filiorum illius Jerusalem, quae sursum libera est mate


18. Whence also the just of old, before the Incarnation of the Word, in this faith of Christ, and in this true righteousness, (which thing Christ is unto us,) were justified; believing this to come which we believe come: and they themselves by grace were saved through faith, not of themselves, but by the gift of God, not of works, lest haply they should be lifted up.53    Eph. ii. 8, 9 For their good works did not come before God’s mercy, but followed it. For to them was it said, and by them written, long ere Christ was come in the flesh, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will show compassion on whom I will have compassion.”54    Ex. xxxiii. 19; Rom. ix. 15, 16 From which words of God the Apostle Paul, should so long after say; “It is not therefore of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy.” It is also their own voice, long ere Christ was come in the flesh, “My God, His mercy shall prevent me.”55    Ps. lix. 10 How indeed could they be aliens from the faith of Christ, by whose charity even Christ was fore-announced unto us; without the faith of Whom, not any of mortals either hath been, or is, or ever shall be able to be, righteous? If then, being already just, the Apostles were elected by Christ, they would have first chosen Him, that just men might be chosen, because without Him they could not be just. But it was not so: as Himself saith to them, “Not ye have chosen Me, but I have chosen you.” Of which the Apostle John speaks, “Not that we loved God, but that He loved us.”56    1 John iv. 10


18. Gratiae et fidei dono etiam antiqui ante incarnationem justificati sunt. Sine fide nullus unquam justus fuit. Unde et antiqui justi ante incarnationem Verbi, in hac fide Christi, et in hac vera justitia, quod est nobis Christus, justificati sunt; hoc credentes futurum quod nos credimus factum: et ipsi gratia salvi facti per fidem, non ex se ipsis, sed Dei dono; non ex operibus, ne forte extollerentur (Ephes. II, 8, 9). Bona quippe opera eorum non praevenerunt misericordiam Dei, sed subsecuta sunt. Ipsi quippe audierunt, ipsi scripserunt longe antequam Christus venisset in carne: Miserebor cui misertus ero, et misericordiam praestabo cui misericors fuero. E quibus Dei verbis, tanto post apostolus Paulus diceret, Igitur non volentis neque currentis, sed miserentis est Dei (Exod. XXXIII, 19, et Rom. IX, 15, 16). Ipsorum etiam vox est longe antequam Christus venisset in carne: Deus meus, misericordia ejus praeveniet me (Psal. LVIII, 11). Quomodo autem possent alieni esse a fide Christi, quorum charitate etiam nobis praenuntiatus est Christus; sine cujus fide quisquam mortalium nec fuit, nec est, nec esse aliquando poterit justus? Si ergo jam justi a Christo eligerentur Apostoli, prius illum ipsi elegissent, ut justi eligi possent; quia sine illo justi esse non possent. Sed non ita factum est: ipse quippe illis ait, Non vos me elegistis, sed ego vos elegi. Unde dicit apostolus Joannes, Non quod dilexerimus Deum, sed quia ipse prior dilexit nos (I Joan. IV, 10).