Chapter 7 [VII.]—He Proceeds to Confute the Work of Pelagius; He Refrains as Yet from Mentioning Pelagius’ Name.
However ardent, then, is the zeal which the author of the book you have forwarded to me entertains against those who find a defence for their sins in the infirmity of human nature; not less, nay even much greater, should be our eagerness in preventing all attempts to render the cross of Christ of none effect. Of none effect, however, it is rendered, if it be contended that by any other means than by Christ’s own sacrament it is possible to attain to righteousness and everlasting life. This is actually done in the book to which I refer—I will not say by its author wittingly, lest I should express the judgment that he ought not to be accounted even a Christian, but, as I rather believe, unconsciously. He has done it, no doubt, with much power; I only wish that the ability he has displayed were sound and less like that which insane persons are accustomed to exhibit.
7. Aggreditur libri Pelagii refutationem. Inter esse et posse distinctio Pelagii. Quanto igitur zelo accensus est libri hujus, quem misistis, conditor, adversus eos qui peccatis suis patrocinium de naturae humanae infirmitate perquirunt; tanto et multo ardentiore zelo nos oportet accendi, ne evacuetur crux Christi. Evacuatur autem, si aliquo modo praeter illius Sacramentum ad justitiam vitamque aeternam perveniri posse dicatur: quod in libro isto agitur, nolo dicere ab sciente, ne illum qui eum scripsit, ne christianum quidem habendum judicem; sed quod magis credo, a nesciente: magnis sane viribus; sed eas sanas volo, non quales phrenetici habere consuerunt.