De Baptismate [in ancient mss.]

 [English Introduction]


 1183C I. Animadverto quaesitum apud fratres quid potius observari oportet in personam eorum qui in haeresi quidem, sed in nomine Dei nostri Jesu Chris

 II. Igitur aggredientibus tractatum salutaris et novi, hoc est spiritalis et evangelici Baptismatis, in primis occurrit notissima omnibus praedicatio

 III. Ad quae forte tu, qui novum quid inducis, continuo impatienter respondeas, ut soles, dixisse in Evangelio Dominum: Nisi quis denuo natus fuerit e

 IV. Cum ita invenitur, quid tibi, frater, videtur? Si quis non ab episcopo baptizatus, ita ut si in continenti etiam manus ei imponatur, priusquam tam

 1189A V. Quod si ita est, et potest aliquid horum eveniens salutem homini credenti non praeripere, tu quoque ipse annuis quoniam modo dimidiatum et no

 VI. Quod etiam e contrario latere tractatus hujus sunt consecuti ipsi illi discipuli Domini nostri, super quos jampridem baptizatos postremo die Pente

 VII. Nec aestimes huic tractatui contrarium esse quod dixit Dominus: Ite, docete Gentes, tinguite eos in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti. (M

 VIII. Sed ad haec, ut soles, contradices, opponendo nobis tunc cum baptizarentur integre ac recte discipulos ac non ut hos haereticos esse baptizatos:

 IX. Quibus rebus et hujusmodi compluribus factis ad claritatem ejus pertinentibus consequens esse videbatur ut quemadmodum Judaei de Christo 1193A sen

 X. Praeterea quid dicturus es de his qui plerumque 1194C ab episcopis pessimae conversationis baptizantur: qui tamen tandem, cum Deus voluerit, in sce

 XI. Quid autem statues in personam ejus verbum audientis qui forte apprehensus in nomine Christi statim confessus, ac priusquam baptizari aqua permitt

 XII. Quapropter totus discernendus est tractatus hic, ut possit manifestior fieri. Namque invocatio nominis Jesu ideo tantum patrocinari potest, si ri

 XIII. Quodcumque enim in homine ultimum in hac specie deprehensum fuerit, in illo quis nostrum judicari necesse habebit, abolitis et obliteratis 1197D

 XIV. Et usque adeo omne illud haereticorum baptisma intercedente aliquo intervallo temporis corrigi potest, si quis supervixerit et fidem correxerit,

 XV. Et quoniam videmur omne Baptisma spiritale trifariam divisisse, veniamus etiam ad probationem 1199D narrationis propositae, ne videamur proprio 12

 XVI. Quoniam autem prima pars disputationis hujus videtur explicata, etiam sequentem ejus propter haereticos debemus attingere: quia perquam necessari

 XVII. Item si hujusmodi homo rursus ad te redeat, utique haesitabis utrum habeat Baptisma necne 1202B et tamen oportebit te huic quoque poenitentiam

 XVIII. Et hominibus quidem Spiritus perseverat hodie invisibilis, sicut Dominus dicit: Spiritus ubi vult spirat, et nescis unde veniat vel quo vadat (

 XIX. Puto nos plene exsecutos praedicationem Baptistae Joannis, unde sermonem sumus exorsi, qui dixit ad Judaeos: Ego quidem vos baptizo aqua in poeni

10. Besides, what wilt thou say of those who are in many cases baptized by bishops of very bad character, who yet at length, when God so wills it, convicted of their crimes, are even deprived of their office itself, or absolutely of communion? Or what wilt thou decide of those who may have been baptized by bishops, whose opinions are unsound, or who are very ignorant—when they may not have spoken clearly and honestly, or even have spoken otherwise than is fit in the tradition of the sacrament, or at least may have asked anything, or asking, have heard from those who answered what ought by no means to be so asked or answered? And still this does not greatly injure that true faith of ours, although, moreover, these more simple men may deliver the mystery of the faith without the elegance and order that thou wouldst use. And thou wilt assuredly say, with that marvellous carefulness of thine, that these too should be baptized again, since this is especially the thing which is wanting to them, or hinders their being able to receive, uncorrupted, that divine and inviolable mystery of the faith. And yet, O excellent man, let us attribute and allow to the heavenly agencies their power, and let us concede to the condescension of the divine majesty its appropriate operations; and understanding how great is the advantage therein, let us gladly acquiesce in it. And thus, as our salvation is founded in the baptism of the Spirit, which for the most part is associated with the baptism of water, if indeed baptism shall be given by us, let it be conferred in its integrity and with solemnity, and with all those means which are written; and let it be administered without any disconnection of anything. Or if, by the necessity of the case, it should be administered by an inferior cleric, let us wait for the result, that it may either be supplied by us,31    Scil. the bishop. [The plural of “solidarity.” See p. 128, note 5, supra, and Elucidation XI. p. 159.] or reserved to be supplied by the Lord. If, however, it should have been administered by strangers, let this matter be amended as it can and as it allows. Because outside the Church there is no Holy Spirit, sound faith moreover cannot exist, not alone among heretics, but even among those who are established in schism. And for that reason, they who repent and are amended by the doctrine of the truth, and by their own faith, which subsequently has been improved by the purification of their heart, ought to be aided only by spiritual baptism, that is, by the imposition of the bishop’s hands, and by the ministration of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, the perfect seal of faith has been rightly accustomed to be given in this manner and on this principle in the Church. So that the invocation of the name of Jesus, which cannot be done away, may not seem to be held in disesteem by us; which assuredly is not fitting; although such an invocation, if none of those things of which we have spoken should follow it, may fail and be deprived of the effect of salvation. For when the apostle said that there was “one baptism,”32    Eph. iv. 5. it must needs have been by the continued effect of the invocation of the name of Jesus, because, once invoked, it cannot be taken away by any man, even although we might venture, against the decision of the apostles, to repeat it by giving too much, yea, by the desire of superadding baptism. If he who returns to the Church be unwilling again to be baptized, the result will be that we may defraud him of the baptism of the Spirit, whom we think we must not defraud of the baptism of water.

X. Praeterea quid dicturus es de his qui plerumque 1194C ab episcopis pessimae conversationis baptizantur: qui tamen tandem, cum Deus voluerit, in sceleribus suis convicti, etiam ipso aut prorsus etiam communicatione privantur? Aut quid statues de eis qui ab episcopis prave sentientibus aut imperitioribus fuerint baptizati? quando non ad liquidum et integre vel etiam aliter quam oportet in traditione sacramenti fuerint locuti; certe aut interrogaverint quid, aut interrogantes a respondentibus audierint quod minime ita interrogari aut responderi debet: quod tamen non valde illam nostram rectam fidem laedat, sed non tam ornate ut tu et composite, isti quoque simpliciores homines mysterium fidei tradant. Dicturus es enim utique pro tua singulari diligentia, hos quoque denuo baptizandos esse, cum maxime eis res desit aut obstet quominus 1194D inviolabile illud divinum mysterium fidei intemeratum possint accipere. Sed enim virorum optime reddamus 1195A et permittamus virtutibus coelestibus vires suas, et dignationi divinae majestatis concedamus operationes proprias, et intelligentes quantum in ea sit emolumentum, libenter ei acquiescamus. Et ideo cum salus nostra in Baptismate spiritus, quod plerumque cum Baptismate aquae conjunctum est, sit constituta, siquidem per nos Baptisma tradetur, integre et solemniter et per omnia quae scripta sunt assignetur, atque sine ulla ullius rei separatione tradatur; aut si a minore clero per necessitatem traditum fuerit, eventum expectemus ut aut suppleatur a nobis aut a Domino supplendum reservetur; si vero ab alienis traditum fuerit, ut potest hoc negotium et ut admittit, corrigatur: quia Spiritus sanctus extra Ecclesiam non sit, fides quoque non solum apud 1195B haereticos, verum etiam apud eos qui in schismate constituti sunt sana esse non possit. Idcircoque poenitentiam agentibus correctisque per doctrinam veritatis et per fidem ipsorum, quae postea emendata est purificato corde eorum, tantummodo Baptismate spiritali, id est manus impositione episcopi et Spiritus sancti subministratione, subveniri debeat; signum quoque fidei integrum hoc modo et hac ratione tradi in Ecclesia merito consuevit; ne invocatio nominis Jesu quae aboleri non potest, contemptui a nobis videatur habita: quod utique non oportet; quamquam talis invocatio, si nihil eorum quae memoravimus secutum fuerit, ab operatione salutis cesset ac vacet. Dicente enim Apostolo unum esse Baptisma (Ephes. IV, 5), necesse est 1195C invocatione nominis Jesu perseverante; quia non potest a quoquam hominum quae semel invocata est auferri, si eam contra decretum Apostolorum geminare ausi fuerimus nimietate praestandi immo superaddendi Baptismatis studio: si ille qui ad Ecclesiam revertitur nolit denuo baptizari, futurum est ut defraudemus Baptismate spiritali eum quem putamus defraudandum non esse baptismate aquae.