11. Righteous men have ever possessed this endurance. The apostles maintained this discipline from the law of the Lord, not to murmur in adversity, but to accept bravely and patiently whatever things happen in the world; since the people of the Jews in this matter always offended, that they constantly murmured against God, as the Lord God bears witness in the book of Numbers, saying, “Let their murmuring cease from me, and they shall not die.”25 Num. xvii. 10. We must not murmur in adversity, beloved brethren, but we must bear with patience and courage whatever happens, since it is written, “The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; a contrite and humbled heart God does not despise;”26 Ps. li. 17. since also in Deuteronomy the Holy Spirit warns by Moses, and says, “The Lord thy God will vex thee, and will bring hunger upon thee; and it shall be known in thine heart if thou hast well kept His commandments or no.”27 Deut. viii. 2. And again: “The Lord your God proveth you, that He may know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul.”28 Deut. xiii. 3.
XI. Hanc tolerantiam justi semper habuerunt, hanc Apostoli disciplinam de Domini lege tenuerunt, non mussitare in adversis, sed quaecumque in saeculo accidunt fortiter et patienter accipere, cum Judaeorum populus hinc semper offenderit quod adversus Deum frequentius murmuraret, sicut testatur in Numeris Dominus Deus dicens: Desinat murmuratio eorum a me, et non morientur (Num. XVIII, 25). Murmurandum 0589B non est in adversis, fratres dilectissimi, sed patienter et fortiter quidquid acciderit sustinendum, cum scriptum sit: Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus, cor contritum et humiliatum Deus non despicit (Psal. L, 19); in Deuteronomio quoque moneat per Moysen Spiritus sanctus et dicat : Dominus Deus tuus vexabit te, et famem injiciet tibi, et cognoscetur in corde 0590A tuo si bene custodieris praecepta ejus, sive non (Deut. VIII, 2). Et iterum: Tentat vos Dominus Deus vester, ut sciat si diligitis Dominum Deum vestrum ex toto corde vestro et ex tota anima vestra (Deut. XIII, 4).