Chapter 45.—Exhortation to Other Gifts of God in Like Manner.
Nor do those on whose account I am saying these things, who cry out that exhortation is checked by the preaching of predestination and grace, exhort to those gifts alone which they contend are not given by God, but are from ourselves, such as are the beginning of faith, and perseverance in it even to the end. This certainly they ought to do, in such a way as only to exhort unbelievers to believe, and believers to continue to believe. But those things which with us they do not deny to be God’s gifts, so as that with us they demolish the error of the Pelagians, such as modesty, continence, patience, and other virtues that pertain to a holy life, and are obtained by faith from the Lord, they ought to show as needing to be prayed for, and to pray for only, either for themselves or others; but they ought not to exhort any one to strive after them and retain them. But when they exhort to these things, according to their ability, and confess that men ought to be exhorted,—certainly they show plainly enough that exhortations are not hindered by that preaching, whether they are exhortations to faith or to perseverance to the end, because we also preach that such things are God’s gifts, and are not given by any man to himself, but are given by God.
45. Neque isti, propter quos haec dicimus, qui praedicatione praedestinationis et gratiae exhortationem clamitant impediri, ad sola illa exhortantur dona, quae non a Deo dari, sed a nobis esse contendunt, sicut sunt initium fidei, et in ea usque in finem perseverantia: quod utique facere deberent, ut tantummodo infideles hortarentur ut crederent, et fideles ut credere permanerent. Ea vero quae nobiscum Dei dona esse non negant, ut nobiscum Pelagianum demoliantur errorem, sicut est pudicitia, continentia, patientia, et caetera quibus recte vivitur, et ex fide impetrantur a Domino, oranda monstrare et orare solum vel sibi vel aliis debuerunt; non autem quemquam, ut ea capesseret et retineret, hortari. Cum vero et ad haec exhortantur, ut possunt, atque exhortandos esse homines confitentur; satis utique ostendunt, nec ea praedicatione impediri exhortationes, sive ad fidem, sive ad perseverantiam usque in finem, quia et ista Dei dona esse, nec a se ipso cuiquam, sed ab illo tribui praedicamus.