The Life of Lucius Apuleius Briefly Described
The Preface of the Author To His Sonne, Faustinus And unto the Readers of this Book
The First Booke
The Second Chapter How Apuleius told to the strangers, what he saw a jugler do in Athens.
The Fourth Chapter How Meroe the Witch turned divers persons into miserable beasts.
The Seventh Chapter How Apuleius going to buy fish, met with his companion Pythias.
The Second Booke
The Eighth Chapter How Apuleius fortuned to meet with his Cousin Byrrhena.
The Ninth Chapter How Apuleius fell in love with Fotis.
The Third Booke
The Twelfth Chapter How Apuleius was taken and put in prison for murther.
The Thirteenth Chapter How Apuleius was accused by an old man, and how he answered for himselfe.
The Fifteenth Chapter How Fotis told to Apuleius, what witchcraft her mistresse did use.
The Sixteenth Chapter How Fotis brought Apuleius to see her Mistresse enchant.
The Fourth Booke
The Twentieth Chapter How Thrasileon was disguised in a Beares skin, and how he was handled.
The Twenty-First Chapter How the Theeves stole away a Gentlewoman, and brought her to their den.
The Marriage of Cupid and Psyches
The Sixth Booke
The Seventh Booke
The Twenty-Fifth Chapter How the death of the Asse, and the Gentlewoman was stayed.
The Twenty-Sixth Chapter How all the Theeves were brought asleepe by their new companion.
The Twenty-Ninth Chapter How Apuleius was accused of Lechery by the boy.
The Thirtieth Chapter How the boy that lead Apuleius to the field, was slaine in the wood.
The Thirty-First Chapter How Apuleius was cruelly beaten by the Mother of the boy that was slaine.
The Eighth Booke
The Thirty-Third Chapter How Apuleius was lead away by the Horsekeeper: and what danger he was in.
The Ninth Booke
The Thirty-Eighth Chapter Of the deceipt of a Woman which made her husband Cuckold.
The Fortieth Chapter How Apuleius was handled by the Bakers wife, which was a harlot.
The Forty-Third Chapter How Apuleius was found by his shadow.
The Tenth Booke
The Eleventh Booke
The Forty-Seventh Chapter How Apuleius by Roses and prayer returned to his humane shape.
How a woman killed her selfe and her child, because her husband haunted harlots.
After that we had passed a great part of our journey, we came to a village where we lay all night, but harken, and I will tell you what mischiefe happened there: you shall understand there was a servant to whom his Master had committed the whole government of his house, and was Master of the lodging where we lay: this servant had married a Maiden of the same house, howbeit he was greatly in love with a harlot of the towne, and accustomed to resort unto her, wherewith his wife was so highly displeased and became so jealous, that she gathered together all her husbands substance, with his tales and books of account, and threw them into a light fire: she was not contented with this, but she tooke a cord and bound her child which she had by her husband, about her middle and cast her selfe headlong into a deepe pit. The Master taking in evill part the death of these twaine, tooke his servant which was the cause of this murther by his luxurie, and first after that he had put off all his apparell, he annointed his body with honey, and then bound him sure to a fig-tree, where in a rotten stocke a great number of Pismares had builded their neasts, the Pismares after they had felt the sweetnesse of the honey came upon his body, and by little and little (in continuance of time) devoured all his flesh, in such sort, that there remained on the tree but his bare bones: this was declared unto us by the inhabitants of the village there, who greatly sorrowed for the death of this servant: then we avoiding likewise from this dreadfull lodging incontinently departed away.