Chapter 47.—Predestination is Sometimes Signified Under the Name of Foreknowledge.
These gifts, therefore, of God, which are given to the elect who are called according to God’s purpose, among which gifts is both the beginning of belief and perseverance in the faith to the termination of this life, as I have proved by such a concurrent testimony of reasons and authorities,—these gifts of God, I say, if there is no such predestination as I am maintaining, are not foreknown by God. But they are foreknown. This, therefore, is the predestination which I maintain.
47. Haec itaque dona Dei, quae dantur electis secundum Dei propositum vocatis, in quibus donis est et incipere credere, et in fide usque ad vitae hujus terminum perseverare, sicut tanta rationum atque auctoritatum contestatione probavimus; haec, inquam, Dei dona, si nulla est praedestinatio quam defendimus, non praesciuntur a Deo: praesciuntur autem; haec est igitur praedestinatio quam defendimus.