Chapter 51 [XLIV.]—State of the Question Between the Pelagians and the Catholics. Holy Men of Old Saved by the Self-Same Faith in Christ Which We Exercise.
But why need we tarry longer on general statements? Let us go into the core of the question, which we have to discuss with our opponents solely, or almost entirely, on one particular point. For inasmuch as he says that “as far as the present question is concerned, it is not pertinent to inquire whether there have been or now are any men in this life without sin, but whether they had or have the ability to be such persons;” so, were I even to allow that there have been or are any such, I should not by any means therefore affirm that they had or have the ability, unless justified by the grace of God through our Lord “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”135 1 Cor. ii. 2. For the same faith which healed the saints of old now heals us,—that is to say, faith “in the one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,”136 1 Tim. ii. 5.—faith in His blood, faith in His cross, faith in His death and resurrection. As we therefore have the same spirit of faith, we also believe, and on that account also speak.
51. Status quaestionis inter Pelagianos et Catholicos. Antiqui justi eadem qua nos Christi fide salvati. Quid ergo jam opus est in pluribus immorari? Veniamus interius ad causam, quam in hac duntaxat quaestione vel solam, vel pene solam cum istis habemus. Sicut enim ipse dicit, «ad quod nunc agit non pertinere ut quaeratur, utrum fuerint, vel sint aliqui homines in hac vita sine peccato, sed utrum esse potuerint, sive possint:» ita ego etiamsi fuisse vel esse consentiam, nullo modo tamen potuisse vel posse confirmo, nisi justificatos gratia Dei per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum et hunc crucifixum. Ea quippe fides justos sanavit antiquos, quae sanat et nos, id est, mediatoris Dei et hominum hominis Jesu Christi; fides sanguinis ejus, fides crucis ejus, fides mortis et resurrectionis ejus. Habentes ergo eumdem spiritum fidei, et nos credimus, propter quod et loquimur (II Cor. IV, 13).